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Frankfort and South Eastern Railroad Newspaper Articles

South Frankfort Alert Aug. 18, 1886

The Frankfort & Southern railroad is now assured success. The arrangements have all been perfected for the early building of road and S. S. Thompson will be here in a few days to personally superintend its construction.


Work is being done on the Frankfort and Southeastern railroad. Three miles have already been graded and made ready for the ties.

Benzie Banner Sept. 13, 1888

The location for the depot for the new railroad has been decided upon, and the structure will soon be erected. It will be located near the shore of Crystal lake, about ten minutes walk from the center of the town.

Benzie Banner Sept. 20, 1888

The railroad bridge at the outlet of the lake, which was in an unfinished condition all summer, has recently been completed, and is now ready for the rails.

The Frankfort & Southeastern R. R. company has completed five or six box cars and eight or ten open cars at their shop here. They are now constructing a water tank, placing ties in position, etc., and it now looks as if the iron horse would soon be here. Hurrah!

Benzie Banner Oct. 25, 1888

Any person who thinks the railroad talk our people are indulging in is simply time wasted, as we fail to get that long-wished-for convenience, should walk down Michigan avenue and Spring Valley street to the lake beach and gaze for a moment on the new depot in process of construction there. The Messrs. Hearn have the contract of building, and a very neat job they are making of it, too. The structure is now receiving it first coat of paint, and when it is wholly completed will be as neat and attractive passenger station as any small town affords.

Benzie Banner Jan. 2, 1890 key points 1889

Benzie Banner Jan. 17, 1889

The first passenger train passed over the Manistee & Northeastern R. R. on Sunday last week. The company gave a free excursion over the road and the train was loaded with people who were eager to see what was at the other end of the string of iron.

Benzie Banner Feb. 14, 1889

George Davis, chief engineer of the “T. & A.” railroad, is putting in full time and evenings at present, preparing for an unprecedented campaign of railroad building next spring. Next week George will start out on a sixty-mile tramp through the woods locating extensions and informing himself as to grade, right-of-way and other matter incidental to railroad building. He promises that railroad connections will be made with Manistee, Frankfort and Glen Arbor, before the snow of another winter shall cover the land, but we don't believe he would cross heart as to the latter connection. Mr. Davis estimates that there is not less than eight hundred million feet of pine timber tributary to the “T. & A.” road, and at least three thousand million feet of hard wood. - (Cadillac News and Express)

Benzie Banner March 7, 1889

The F. & S. E. company is taking time by the forelock in erecting coal sheds

Jim Ashley, of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern railroad, was in town this week, trying to complete arrangements for coming to Manistee over the M. & N. E. R. R. His success with M. & N. E. R. R. officials was not as satisfactory as he would like and probably the T. A. & N. R. R. will be obliged to build an independent line here.

The road is built from Cadillac to within a few miles of the Manistee river, and it must be completed to some point as soon as possible. It is probable some of the railroad people will be here again in a few days, and will be asked to assist in securing the right-of-way and depot grounds in the city. Should satisfactory arrangements be made, we are informed a branch of the road will be built the coming season from the Manistee line to Glean Arbor, Leelanau Co., which will run through the best hardwood belt in Michigan; and in connection with this, a fast line of steamers, having a speed of not less than eighteen miles an hours, will be built to run from Manistee and points to Chicago.

Benzie Banner March 21, 1889

Boon has a new depot, they say its a boom to the place.

Benzie Banner March 28, 1889

We have got cars if don't get the railroad. There are about thirty or forty ready for the trucks, and more are being made.

There is well founded rumor afloat the the F. & S. E. Co. and the Ashley system will build their respective roads independently until they meet, between here and Cadillac. Then they will join and give us our outside connection. Each company will run its own road, and manage it as one line. This information was divulged at the caucus last night and it from authentic sources.

Benzie Banner May 9, 1889

Mr. Thompson, president of the Frankfort & South Eastern railroad, arrived in town at the time he said he would, and will remain and superintend the work of building the road. It begins to look the business at this end of the line now, and everybody is happy – or ought to be. The turntable is in position, I Hear, and track is being laid this week. Engines are expected soon, and the work of construction will be pushed into the country as soon as they arrive. These are the facts as near as I can arrive at them, and they can be relied upon, I think.

Benzie Banner May 16, 1889

The Banner understands that the F. & S. E. railroad company has guaranteed transportation from Benzonia to Frankfort by June 20th. Possibly sections east will be opened up by that time, also but we have direct, authentic information on that point.

The following item properly belongs in the south side. A Crandall, the hustling merchant, and W. E. Betts, also somewhat of a hustler, have formed a co-partnership under the name of Crandall & Betts and will put a stock of general merchandise in the township of Colfax, in the old Tripp store. This is near the junction of the F. & S. E., the T. A. A. & L. M., and the M. & N. E. It looks from this suspacious and early start that a good sized town will one day stand there. Let'er stand.

Benzie Banner May 23, 1889

The Manistee Democrat is authority for the statement that passenger coaches for the F. & S. E. will arrive in that city sometime this week, en route for Frankfort.

Mr. Bellows, of Frankfort, did not propose that the railroad should cross his property, and Tuesday he turned the hose on the company's employes. A little skirmish ensued, but end without bloodshed, and the rails were laid, according to Mr. Thompson's program.

The new engines for the railroad were expected here from Manistee last week, and the weather is to blame for their non-arrival. They are loaded on barges, all set up and ready for running, and will be here just as soon as the lake is calm for a whole day. They are so ponderous and weighty that it wold be unsafe to attempt sailing with them in a windy day. Oh, for a dead calm!

The railroad officials are making up their slate for train men. The engineer and fireman for one of the engines week imported last week; a south side young man is promised a brakemanship, and further than this deponent sayeth not.

The stockholders of the railroad will hold their election of officers June 5th.

At this writing about a mile and a half of track is laid ready for the reception of the iron horse. About forty men are engaged in building and by July 5 trains will be running between this place and Benzonia.

The steam barge George Dunbar Bro't in the second cargo of rails for the F. & S. E. Sunday. She departed Monday for Edgewater to load lumber for Chicago.

Benzie Banner May 20, 1889

Every whistle in town expect Bellows' Bros. Greeted the locomotive as it came out to work last Friday morning. The mill men who fought the company don't think it necessary, probably, to waste steam in this manner when they may need it worse for other purposes some day, unless a treaty is signed.

Both engines for the railroad will be here by the time this letter gets into type, probably. Then speed the work!

Benzie Banner June 6, 1889

The good steamer Dunbar brought us another load of steel rails Sunday.

Fifty years experience in railroad building seems to have admirably fitted Mr. Thompson for that work, as nothing but the best material is being used in constructing the F. & S. E. At this end of the road where their fifty-two ton engines passed over the tracks scores of time not the least sign of wear can be detected, not even at the joints, where breaks first occur, usually.

Benzie Banner June 13, 1889

The railroad has reached the “Big cut” and will be to the shore of Crystal lake in a few days.

Benzie Banner June 20, 1889


Engine Number 1 and a Gang of 50 Men Reach the village.

The thing “for which we long have sought, and mourned because we found it not” – the completion of a railroad to Benzonia – is no longer to-be-wished-for modern improvement.

Yesterday (Wednesday) a number of people in Benzonia township saw a train of cars for the first time in their lives, and the construction of the road around the south-east end of the lake to the depot called out many of our citizens. About fifty men engaged in the work of laying iron, and they are putting it down rapidly.

The plan of the builders, as currently reported, is build the road a few rods past the depot, to the proposed side track site and the suspend operations for a few days while they go back and ballast up the track now laid, and get it in shape for passenger travel. This will please our people, but probably will not be so satisfactory to the residents to the east, who wish to possess the novelty of a railroad, too, and just as soon as possible.

Possibly regular travel between here and the west end will be established soon, and there are none who wish it otherwise.

The railroad men and the cows along the line of the road cannot come to any kind of an agreement, and as the result of continued misunderstanding there has been trouble, resulting in one bovine being laid under the daisies. It was customary during the earlier days of the road to stop thee train when a cow ahead held the right of way to the track but this became tedious, as the animals would persist in using the road for a public highway. Last Saturday morning as the first run was being made out of Frankfort continued tooting of the whistle denoted an obstruction ahead but the engineer did not slacken speed neither did the obstruction emigrate. The result was as above stated. But slight injury was done to the track, although Will Carrick, who was “on deck” on the head car, received a slight shaking up.

The railroad is bring in quite a quantity of logs lately.

The propeller Dunbar brought another cargo of rails Sunday.

The railroad is ding as roads are in other places – killing stock – having killed two head of cattle lat week.

The railroad cars ran over and killed W. W. Case's cow last Friday.

Benzie Banner July 4, 1889

The railroad is now completed about three miles and half past the village. Eastwar the course of the steam horse taken its way.

The coaches for the railroad received last Friday are very similar, in color and appointments, to the Manistee and North Eastern passenger cars.

Work on depot number two, near Case's mill, was begun Tuesday morning, Mr. Frank Helm is “boss carpenter.”

It may not be generally known that every rail used in the construction of our railroad passes though the hands of a competent inspector before being spiked down. If found in the least defective, they are laid aside. “None but the best” in the motto; and this plan is much cheaper than a railroad accident every few months.

W. P Hibbard, had engaged with the railroad as conductor. It had been reported that he would go into business again elsewhere, but it has been made public that he will be a ticket puncher for the F. & S. E. It is a wise selection and one that will give satisfaction.

Truman & Cooper's dredge was one day last week digging away the mud at the railroad company's dock in the harbor.

The new coaches for the railroad are finished up in finest style, and have made especially according to the orders and specification of vice president Lincoln. They are beauties.

Benzie Banner July 11, 1889

Fifty one persons, great and small, took the train at the east end of the bridge for the Benzonia social on Tuesday evening last.

Benzie Banner July 18, 1889

A. B. Wand, of Vermont, is a new arrival. He has charge of Engine No. 2, the Benzonia, of the F. & S. E.

Benzie Banner Aug. 1, 1889

To those from Frankfort who desire to attend the teachers' institute week after next, the F. & S. E. will extend the courtesy of one fare for the round trip. This should secure a large attendance from western Benzie every day.

Benzie Banner Sept. 5, 1889

Mr. Ashley, of Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad fame, has been in Frankfort again within the past two weeks. This time his errand was two-fold, and he talked railroad and furnace matters to our neighbors. He said if Crystal Lake and Gilmore would each give $10,000, Benzonia $5,000 and the balance of the county $5,000 (making in all $30,000) he would bring the T. & A. trains into the village of Frankfort andd resurrect the old furnace on the south side. Personally he would attend to this latter, but a party of Detroit capitals had agreed with him to interest themselves in the matter, and it would be a “go” if the money asked by our people is forthcoming. We get this information from a merchant of Frankfort, who seemed to think it by far the best opportunity ever offered the people of Benzie county. It is true that when Mr. Cherrie demand $50,000the general opinion was that if he had placed the sum $20,000 lower but a few voices would be raised in opposition. Now Mr. Ashley puts the amount at $30,000. What are we to do about it?

Benzie Banner Sept. 12, 1889

The steam barge Dunbar called here Sunday, bring a cargo of railroad iron for the Frankfort & Southern. The Dunbar is owned by the McDonald lumber company, of Edgewater, and is one of the most successful steam barges afloat. She was built at Allegan, in '66, by Mr. McMillan, father of our hardware dealer, and he still has the original model after which the steamer was built.

Benzie Banner Sept. 19, 1889

Advertisement for county fair in Benzonia shows train service from Weldon Bridge to Benzonia.

Benzie Banner Sept.26, 1889

Too late for insertion last week interesting notes on railroad matters were received at this office for publication. Just how affairs will terminate is not definitely known as yet, but it is confidently expected that before winter is here Benzie county will have railway connection direct with Toledo, over the F. & S. E. and T. A. A. & N.M. The Ashley road, extending some distance beyond Sherman, in this direction,will be pushed through to the center of the southeast section (number 36) of Weldon township, and there connect with F. & S. E., now building to that point, and the two roads will combine in transportation. This is the same rumor that so pleased us some months ago and proved groundless, but the prospects are that this time there will be no backward move in the arrangements. This information is not official, but be relied upon, we think. The Ashleys have been in Frankfort again,during the past two weeks, negotiating with the officers of our road, with this object in view.

(Frankfort) The T. & A.A. Engineer is here, surveying a track on Chandler's land to south side harbor pier.

(South Frankfort) The T. & A. A. surveyors are here. The route from William Gray's runs north of the road, though mush of the way it follows it closely. Then it turns to the north to miss the cemetery, then follows the edge of the swamp until it reaches the west end of the bridge when it passes down Main street to Banks' old store building, and stops somewhere near that place.

The statement of Frankfort correspondent last week, that the depot and round house would be at the east end of the bridge must have been a typographical error.

Benzie Banner Oct. 10, 1889

Whiskey Returns After Many Days

The dredge Manitowoc arrived a few days ago in tow of tugs Cyclone and John Canfield from Onekama harbor, and is now busily engaged in deepening the water alongside the F. & S. E. railroad docks, at the upper end of the harbor. They will cut a channel thirty feet wide and thirteen feet deep in a southwesterly direction to the deep water in Betsey lake. The bottom is composed of a black, soft mud, and the dredge digs up about eight hundred yards per day, which is deposited in dump scows and towed out into Lake Michigan by the tug Cyclone and dumped. Last Friday the dredge dipper brought to the surface a barrel of “Old Monongahela whiskey.”

The find was placed on the scow, but while handling it the rusty hoop broke, and as “there is many a slip 'twist the the cup and the lip” those mouths were watering for drink of thirty-year-old whiskey were disappointed and had to find solace and refreshment in mineral water. It seems that about thirty years ago Captain Wright, of the smuggling vessel Emma, was chased by a revenue cutter. Night settling in Wright sailed his craft into Frankfort harbor, weighted his whiskey barrels and threw them overboard. Some barrels he buried in the bank near where the furnace now stands. The revenue officers searched his craft the next day and found nothing. On looking for his barrels at the bottom, he found to his dismay that they had all disappeared. The barrel found Saturday was one of them that had rested beneath the waters before the rebellion.

Benzie Banner Oct. 17, 1889

The freight bills for goods delivered at Benzonia depot for the month of September amounted to almost $100. Isn't this a pretty good showing for a railroad in running order only a few weeks, with no connections except by boat on Lake Michigan?

Benzie Banner Oct. 24, 1889

(Frankfort) The shipment of hardwood bolts, now being along the line of thee F. & S. E. R. R. by Mr. A. C. Cutter, for the Automatic Turning Company, were shipped on the scow Dan Maybee and schooner Annie O'Hanson last Friday and Saturday. The cargo were shipped to Michigan City, Ind., where the stuff will be worked up into veneering and tool handles. About fifty men are employed in the new industry.

The general manager of the F. & S. E. R. R. is Mr. Henderson, of St. Johnsbury, Vt., and is now here. Mr. Newcomb, a new engineer, is also here.

S. S. Thompson, president of the F. & S. E. R. R., is seriously ill with diabetes. He is an old man, and is losing strength very fast. It is reported that he is very low and not expected to recover.

(South Frankfort) After building the railroad grade about one-third of the way across the bay it has been abandoned and one is now nearly completed of the same material (edging) at the opposite end of the wagon bridge, where a switch will be placed, with plenty dock room for dumping logs.

Just as we go to press the news of the death of S. S. Thompson, president of the F. & S. E. railroad, is telegraphed from Frankfort. He had been sick for some time, as announced in our Frankfort, and his death was not unexpected.

Benzie Banner (junior) Oct.31, 1889

A word to citizens in the region east of us, where the railroad is newer than it is at Benzonia: The engines on the the F, & S. E. road weight fifty-two tons each. When you see one of them coming towards you faster than you can run please get off the track. It musses up on of those heavy locomotives terribly to strike a man.

Thirteen car-loads of logs came in over the F. & S. E. R. R. Thursday evening.

Benzie Banner Nov. 7, 1889

At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the F. & S. E. R. R. Co., Mr. Albert C. Hall, of New York, was elected Director, to fill vacancy caused by the death of S. S. Thompson, and Mr. B. F. Lincoln was made acting president and business manager.

That railroad helps Frankfort already, in that it brings hundreds of logs to it mills every week.

Benzie Banner Nov. 14, 1889

Toledo and Frankfort were connected by rail during the early part of this week, but not until next Monday will regular trains commence running. Through trains will not not be run, it having been so arranged that each company will use its own track and transfer passengers and local freight at Copemish.

Benzie Banner Nov. 21, 1889

Hon. B. F. Lincoln will soon leave for his Vermont home and take a much needed rest. Mr. Lincoln has had the management of the Hall estate, timber lands, the railroad, etc., and is worn out, and a winter's rest will enable him to regain his accustomed health. So wish his many friends.

Benzie Banner Nov. 28, 1889

The time tables of the railroad, as announced last week, have been changed. The first passenger train leaves Frankfort at 7:35 a. m. arriving at Crystal City at 8:00 o'clock, Benzonia at 8:05, Homestead at 8:22, Copemish at 9:50; returning leaves Copemish at 9:30, Homestead at 10:06, Benzonia 10:25, Crystal City 10:30, arriving at Frankfort at 11:00. The second train leaves Frankfort at 2:30, arrives at Crystal City 3:00, Benzonia 3:05, Homestead 3:24, arriving at Copemish at 4:00; returning leaves Copemish at 4:40, Homestead 5:10, Benzonia 5:25, Crystal City 5:30, arriving at Frankfort at 6:00. Time table will appear in tabulated form next week.

A sidetrack from the main line to Case Bros. New mill has been cut in by the railroad. Folks. Soon Crystal City will have a sidetrack and freight house.

"El Dorado" Chicago, Ill. Dec. 1889
Operates between Frankfort and Copemish, a distane of 24 miles, the last mile and three-quarters being over the track of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan, the F. & S. E. owning only to the county line.  The equipment of the railroad consists of two Rhode Island engines, one first-class passenger coach, one combination passenger and baggage coach, also strictly first-class, both from  the Jackson & Sharp Co., three box and thirty-seven flat cars.  Their water tank, wood shed and machine shop are located at Frankfort, as are also a round house with stalls for two engines, and side tracks and shed room for coaches.  The rails are all steel, the switches of the Clark-Jeffery split safety pattern, and every item about the  road seems to have been on the best plan.  Station houses are small, but neatly finished, with every convenience found in larger ones.  The list of employees number about 3 dozen men and having meet a majority of them we can certify that they "go."
Among the immediate additions to be made is a bridge and branch across to South Frankfort and a siding at Crystal City, to join with a narrow gauge logging road to be put in by the Crane Lumbering Co., of South Frankfort; also a telegraph line.  As the road has only been running trains since the 25th day of November, the bed is not settled and time is slow as a measure of wise precaution, but as all the work of construction has been well done good time will be made as soon as spring allows of final ballasting.  The road was started in 1887 by eastern capitalists who have large tracts of land reached by it.  The first president of the road, S. S. Thompson, died here in November, having been widely respected in life and generally regretted in death, his last care being for the road which he had closely watched from its beginning.  The re-election of officers made necessary by Mr. Thompson's death made B. F. Lincoln, of Lyndon, Vermont, president, general-manager and treasurer, D.. B. Butler, vice-president, and secretary and D. M. Wegner auditor.  The 2 last named are old residents of Frankfort though young men.  Arthur Ward, a Vermont man who had charge of the constructionis is now general superintendent.  The road is small and new, but is bound to a great success.

Benzie Banner Dec. 5, 1889

A trio of traveling railway agents, representing the C. B. & Q., New York Central and other roads, came over the F. & S. E. on Tuesday, to arrange with our officials for the transportation of through freight..

Benzie Banner Dec. 12, 1889

Sir – Railway mail service is authorized by the Postmaster General on route No. 24,086 from Frankfort, Mich., by Benzonia and Homestead to Copemish (n. o.), Mich., from January 1, 1890, by the Frankfort & South Eastern Railroad Company. Every railroad company is required to take the mails from and deliver them into all terminal offices whatever, except in cities where other provision is made by the Department, and also into all terminal post offices which are located not more than eighty rods from the nearest station or railroad office at which such company has agent, the distance to be measured by the shortest road. The length of the route will computed and paid for from terminal office to terminal office, as at present, except in those cities where the Department causes the mail to be carried between the railroad and post, as in such it will be computed from the place where the mail is taken from and delivered to the company. The Department will provide for the carriage of mails to and from other intermediate post offices only. At all points where mail trains do not make regular stops, the speed of the trains carrying the mails must be slackened to admit the exchange of mail with safety. The Department will provide for the receipt and delivery of mails at your office.

S. A. Whitfield,

Second Asst. Postmaster General.

Benzie Banner Dec. 19, 1889

The First – Thirty ton of old iron were shipped to Detroit Saturday, on the railroad, the first large shipment over the road.

Benzie Banner Jan. 16, 1890

That much mooted question of railroad fare from Benzonia and Crystal City to Frankfort is settled at last. When the road first opened to passenger traffic the fare from Crystal City to Frankfort was 25 cents; from Benzonia, 30 cents. Within a week both fares were made 30 cents, although it appeared contrary to the statutes. A revision of the passenger rates was promised, and it has been made, to take effect February 1st. By it the passenger from Benzonia depot to Frankfort will pay 35 cents for his ride,while from Crystal City to Frankfort the rate has been placed at 30 cents.

Benzie Banner Jan. 23, 1890 (The Marine Record 1889)

Benzie Banner Feb. 13, 1890

The F. & S. R'y Co. have petitioned the Frankfort council for the privilege of extending their track along Front street to the lake, we are informed.

Benzie Banner Feb. 27, 1890

The F. & S. E. is running two passenger couches on each train now.

Benzie Banner Jan. 1, 1891

(South Frankfort) The first train of logs for the Crane Lumber company has arrived and the steam decker is nearly ready for business. I am informed that the company will deck three million feet of logs during the winter which will entitle our town to the name of the “log city” in place of Crystal City, which bore that title last year.

Benzie Banner May 8, 1890

On Monday, of this week, a jolly crowd of men and boys went to the outlet of Crystal lake to gather stone for the foundation of the college, expecting that the F. & S. E. would leave a car there for them to fill, but for some reason the car was not left. We are informed, however, that cars were left and that a crowd went down from here and loaded five cars Wednesday morning in time to have them bought up by the morning train.

W. O. Waters has received the appointment of station agent at the Benzonia station, J. W. Case having retired to attend to his farm work. Miss Nellie Judson filled the position in the station last week.

Benzie Banner May 15, 1890

A car loaded with logs ran off the track near Crystal City last Saturday evening and delayed the evening train several minutes.

The state fish car, Altikumig, was brought into Frankfort, Monday evening over the F. & S. E. laden with thirty four cans of trout, containing in all, some two thousand, which were planted in the clear waters of Crystal Lake. Also one thousand of the little fellows were left at Crystal City and let loose at the east end of the lake. (Frankfort Express)

Benzie Banner May 29, 1890

Charles Perry now has a situation as agent of the F. & S. E. at Homestead.

Burt Perry is being initiated in the mysteries of telegraphy, n the North Side under the tutorship of Al Vorce. Burt is quick to learn and will make an expert.

We now have mail over the train, the first pouch arrived Monday evening last. A number of bids were made for carrying the mail to and from the depot ranging from $144 to $300. The contact was awarded to W. Bunting.

Benzie Banner June 5, 1890

A fire broke out in the F. & S. E. R. R. yards yesterday and threatened considerable danger but the flames were extinguished before a great deal of damage was done. (Benzie Democrat)

The new town of Lyndonville that was platted a few weeks ago is now known as Thompsonville. It already has a sawmill on the ground and another coming and has good prospects for the future.

Benzie Banner June 19, 1890

Time card No. 2 went into effect on the F. & S. E. last Sunday.

Benzie Banner June 26, 1890

(South Frankfort) Application has been made to the highway commissioner for the right of way for the Frankfort & South Eastern through town.

Benzie Banner July 10, 1890

Another change of time on the F. & S. E. this week. The morning mail goes down at 7:15 instead of 8:85 and the freight comes up at 12:80 instead of 11:02. The change is made in order to connect with the C. & W. M.

Benzie Banner Aug. 14, 1890

A new platform has been erected on the east and north sides of the Crystal City depot.

Benzie Banner Aug. 21, 1890

Peter Brower returned last week and is now employed in the office of the F. & S. E. R. R.

The M. & N. E. and F. & E. E R. R. - are largely patronized by tourists this |year. A gentleman of extensive experience in railroad traveling, said the other day. he never met a more courteous and obliging lot of Officials from general manager to brakeman, than the two roads have. He seemed to think Crystal Lake, on the F. & S. E., t he prettiest spot in America and Arthur Ward, the Superintendent, one of the most obliging and good natured "Down Easters' that ever drifted west from Vermont, a state famous for its good natured people.- [Manistee Advocate]

Benzie Banner Sept. 25, 1890

L. Mc All. treasurer of the F. & S. E. and executor of the Thompson estate arrived in the City Saturday eve.

Benzie Banner Oct. 9, 1890

Note the change of time of train No. 1, on the Southeastern. It now leaves here at 0:55 a. m., instead of 7:10.

Benzie Banner Oct. 16, 1890

The pile driver which did the work for the new dock at Herring Creek is now here ready to put down piling for the railroad bridge which is to connect Crane's new dock with the north side when trains will pass over and dump in the boom at the mill, instead of placing them where they will have to come through the assorting gap as now.

Benzie Banner Oct. 23, 1890

The Southeastern had its first wreck Tuesday night. It occurred just this side of Crystal Lake on the river bank. The afternoon logging train was coming in when a freight car jumped the track. No serious damage was done; one freight car being pretty well demolished and one or two others slightly so. The wreck was not cleared away until two a. m.; the regular passenger being delayed until that time and the excursion to Benzonia prevented.—[Frankfort Express]

Benzie Banner Oct. 30, 1890

A. L. White has been busily engaged for some time building the railroad bridge at the new dock and has it nearly completed.

Benzie Banner Jan. 15, 1891

Note: Thompsonville appears on Schedule first time, Chicago & West Michigan RR not listed.

Benzie Banner Feb 4, 1891

Note: Chicago & West Michigan Railway connection at Thompsonville added. No. 2 train has 25 minute layover in Thompsonville.

Benzie Banner Mar. 19, 1891

(Benzonia) The snow storm of Tuesday blocked the roads so badly that the T. & A. A. train did not arrive in town to make connections with the Frankfort road and so we had but very little mail.

Benzie Banner Mar. 26, 1891

Thompsonville and Beecher will incorporate under the former name.

Benzie Banner April 2, 1891

Benzie Banner May 7, 1891

The new freight depot at Crystal City is fast nearing completion, and will soon be ready for occupancy.

Benzie Banner May 21, 1891

(Homestead) Charlie Perry expects to go onto the F. & S. E. R. R. as baggage master soon and Coulton Lee will take his place at the depot.

Benzie Banner May 28, 1891

The F. & S. E. is erecting a telegraph line on its road. This is a much needed addition to its facilities.

Benzie Banner June 11, 1891

The excursion last Sunday on the F. & S. E. was a decided success – at least financially for the railroad company. Three coaches were completely filled with Sabbath breakers, the most of whom went through to Frankfort, where they wore out lots of shoe leather trying to find something worth looking at.

Benzie Banner June 18, 1891

The F. & S. E. have made a change in their time table, the evening train coming in from Copemish at 5:05 instead of 6:05 as before. When you want to go anywhere don't forget this, for if you do – you will get left.

Benzie Banner July 9, 1891

The freight receipts at our depot (Crystal City) in the end of six months the last time footed up. amounted to over $7,000 paid to the R. R company-may be we don't do any business.

The morning excursion train, consisting of two coaches and four freight cars, was crowded with excursionists on their way to the celebration a Frankfort. Soon after the train arrived at that place the crowd was swelled by a barge load of Manistee people and later in the day one of the F. & P. M. boats came up from Manistee loaded down with people. The principal features of the day was the big crowd, the Cadillac band, which discoursed some excellent music, a bowery dance and a company of patent medicine fakirs under the name of the Umatilla Indians. Nearly all races came off as advertised, but the immense crowd prevented many from seeing them. The Frankfort business men did all in their power to make the day enjoyable for the visitors and if the people did not enjoy themselves it was not the entertainers' fault.

Benzie Banner July 16, 1891

The old telegraph poles have been cut down, and the line taken away. Here after all messages will have to be sent from Benzonia depot.

Benzie Banner Sept. 10, 1891

Our readers will do well to note the change in the time table of the F. & S. E. R. R- The morning train is five minutes earlier (Benzonia 7:14) and the evening train one-half an hour later (Benzonia 5:35).

Benzie Banner Oct. 8, 1891


On Oct. 1st the F. &. S. E. R. R. Co. will place on sale at their Stations and General Offices, a complete line of coupon tickets and exchange orders, and tickets will be issued to all principal points in the U. S. and Canada, and baggage checked through. Parties at Benzonia desiring further information, call on or

address W. 0. Waters, Agt., or D. M. Wagner. G. P A.

Benzie Banner Nov. 5, 1891

(South Frankfort) The R. R. track near the mill dock is being taken up and will be placed near the street to give room for docking logs between it and the slide.

Benzie Banner Dec. 10, 1891

(Amira)The turn table is in working order now at the Lake, and the awkwardness of running the trains backward is no longer a necessity.

Benzie Banner Dec. 31, 1891

The R. R. Co. is having the wood cut on the right of way between Crystal city and Benzonia stations.

It was revealed this morning that a railroad deal of great benefit to Frankfort is being completed. The eastern business of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railway comes by of Keweenaw, Wisconsin, to Frankfort and is hauled by the Frankfort and Southeastern, the Toledo, Ann Arbor &North Michigan and Wabash roads to the Lackawanna which controls the Winona and Green Bay Railway into Keweenaw. This gives a direct line on boat and railroad to the east. Supt. Ward and auditor Wagner of the Frankfort and Southeastern are east perfecting arrangements. (Detroit Tribune)

Benzie Banner Jan. 7, 1892

The F. & S. E. had to transfer passengers to a freight train, Saturday, on account of a washout at Crystal Beach.

Frankfort booms—because a through lake line from Kewaunee will pass through her connecting with the F. & S. E., forming through connection with the T. & A. at Copemish and the Grand Trunk at Durand east.

Benzie Banner Jan. 14, 1892

Geo. A. Garriven, general freight agent for the T. & A., arrived Wednesday evening and is making his arrangements for handling the through freight. Local freight and passenger traffic will be handled by the F. & 8. E.

(Frankfort) Work on track extension and warehouse building progresses slowly on account of lack of materials.

Benzie Banner Jan. 21, 1892

Among the new thing to become accustomed to is the headlight of the locomotive on Front St. The extension of the track to the new warehouse being on the line of the south side of the street.

Ashley's special car arrived Tuesday night with H. W. Ashley, Gen'l Manager, J . B. Conners. Supt., and W. H. Bennett, Gen'l P. A., of the T. and A. A. R. R.. also a numbers of the head employees. The object being the completion of provisions for the landing of the large amount of freight to be received at this port. Over 300 car lords are waiting shipment at Kewaunee. and the amount to be handled seems to be limited only by the capacity of the line to receive it.

An engine to do yard work has arrived.

Benzie Banner Jan. 28, 1892


For many years, the question of a line of steamers from Kewaunee across the lake has been a much talked of desideratum, and on Tuesday evening the event was chronicled by the hoarse whistle of the steamer Osceola as she steamed majestically into our harbor and up to her dock with the first consignment of 2,800 barrels of salt for Cargill Bros., of La-Crosse. After a careful examination of the merits of the east shore ports by the officers of the Delaware & Lackawanna system, we learn that Frankfort has finally been selected as the eastern terminus of the line.

The distance from Kewaunee Is about sixty miles and the Osceola will make the run in about five hours. She will make about three trips e week and if the occasion demands, another boat will be put upon the line. (Kewaunee Enterprise.)

The T. & A. A. railroad is now running many freights over the F. & S. E.

Benzie Banner Feb. 11, 1892

We call the attention of our patrons to the change of timetable on the F. & S. E. R. R. This important change is in the afternoon train going south, which is 45 minutes later all the line. Benzonia 3:45.

Benzie Banner Feb. 18, 1892

Trains have been late in arrival from one to four hours and a quarter the great part of the week on account of snow drifts, belated freight trains and waiting for late trains on the T & A.

Benzie Banner April 21, 1892

We notice a car load of pine shingle bolts on the side track, they are for the Crystal City Lumber Co and came from near Copemish.

The freight from Kewaunee bringing stopped, all the trucks & etc, of the T. & A. A. R. R. were removed from the warehouse; still, the freight from the East, bound West accumulates, showing that there is some grounds for hope that the boat line will be continued and it is a common rumor that another boat is expected in a few days.

D. B. Butler, Secretary,of the F. & S. E. R. R.. has been in New York, in attendance at a meeting of the stock holders of that road.

Rumors are rife the T. & A. purchased the F. & S. E.

(May 15, 1892 - Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan purchased the Frankfort & South Eastern)