The first train today at Amsterdam is westbound CSX Train Q-003 lead by ES44DC #5311. |
A zoomed out view of the new (ugly) signals just east of the station. The old New York Central signal bridge that was here for
years was destroyed by flooding after Hurricane Irene came through here in late August 2011. |
The first Amtrak train of the day is Empire Service Train #286 from Niagara Falls on its way to New York Penn Station.
Today's train had its usual P32AC-DM for power, with unit #716 doing the honors. |
This is the Amsterdam station as of December 2011. The 2 bus shelters in the right half of the photo are basically the "station"
as the station building is locked and the interior is gutted. My hope is that the building can be fixed and used again! |
Next up is this CSX eastbound van train with SD70MAC #4501 on the head end on Track #1. |
Next after that is CSX westbound Train Q-377 on Track #2 with ES44AC #747 on the lead. |
And now flying through Amsterdam is Train #48 - The Lake Shore Limited with P42DC #195 on point.
This train doesn't stop at the Amsterdam Station. |
The final train I would see at Amsterdam today is Empire Service Train #281 with a rather banged up P32AC-DM #712 leading!
Strangely, this unit hasn't received the "bolt-on nose" treatment yet like several others, note the photo of P42DC #195! |
Finally, here's a close-up photo of the Amsterdam Station building. The water was nearly 6 feet high at this location after
Hurricane Irene blew through here! I find it interesting that in 2011, they still have a pay phone at this station! My guess
is that it doesn't get much use with the proliferation of cell phones as we have today! |