Yours truly standing next to the new buffalo on display outside Buffalo-Depew Station. It's kinda crazy but this animal is somewhat of a
tourist attraction at the station as I've many times seen passengers get their photo taken with it so I figured I'd do the same for myself!
These cars are may favorite on Amtrak and are nearing the end of their long, distinguished careers, the Heritage Diners! Though the car was not
operating overnight (none of them do), I knew I wanted to get some interior photos of them. On tonight's train, we had Heritage Diner #8550. This
is a Griddle Diner which was built originally for the Northern Pacific Railway by The Budd Company in 1957. Budd built some of the absolute
finest passenger cars and its a testament to their incredible built quality that cars like this are still in service after 57 years!
Another view of our Heritage Diner from the other end of the dining area. |
Sometimes I see little things during the trip that for some reason cause me to want to take a photo, thinking it might make for a good photo!
One thing I've always liked is something as simple as the menu in the dining car and you'll see more pix like this with place settings on other
trains throughout the trip. Here we have a few of the Lake Shore Limited's Dining Car menus.
The Amtrak Station at Erie, PA, the Lake Shore's only stop in the Keystone State. |
Taking a break at Cleveland, OH. We had a very brief stop here, thus only time for a high-ISO noisy photo like this! |
The Cleveland Amtrak Station is located next to First Energy Stadium, home of the NFL's Cleveland Browns. |