Memorable Moments from the Chapter's Past
This page was last updated on: March 06, 2017
The February, April, June, August, October, and December meetings in 2000 will be social meetings. The programs will be determined at a later date. In February, the meeting will be held at the Dick Charlesworth residence. The April meeting will be held at the Frank and Karin Givler residence. The June meeting will be held at the George and Joyce Thompson residence. Other dates will be determined. Switch parts for the Ward siding will be obtained from A&K Railroad materials for $825 (Keystone Restoration and Preservation will pay 50%). The Everett Railroad will pick up the parts in Belle Vernon, PA and install them. We still have not received an official notification from the West Virginia Northern Railroad concerning the status of operations and our coaches. David Seidel reviewed the 1999 Annual Report (below) and will forward it to the National. Dick Charlesworth received information on the 2000 convention. The meeting was adjourned to the R-Waffle King restaurant. As a result of elections, all officers have been retained for the year 2000. One position was created...that being "Surgeon General". Dr. Andy Mulhollen, MD was named to this position due to his graduation from Residency at the Altoona Hospital and his beginning Practice with Blair Medical Associates. |
March News Update - March 3, 2000 Bill Mangiacarne reported the following: Ward Siding: Ballast has been delivered to the site by New Enterprise Stone and Lime. The remainder of the switch parts will be delivered during the week of March 5, 2000. Jan Finkbiner and Associates will install the switch during the week of March 11 and permitting. Repairs to the storage siding will also be made. 100 cross ties and new ballast will be installed. Chapter Book: Sales of the Chapter book are holding steady at the Museum Gifts hop and at the Visitor and Convention Bureau. The Visitor and Convention Bureau is also selling the Chapter's video on the Altoona and Logan Valley Electric Railway. Johnstown trip: Response to the Chapter's March 26 planned trip to Johnstown was extraordinary. Originally, only one 45 passenger bus was planned (to correspond with the train seating). A second trip (scheduled for April 9) was added. A second bus was also added to each trip. Both trips and all buses are SOLD OUT! There is currently a large waiting list and a third trip is a possibility. Chapter MU cars: Frank Givler spoke with representatives from the West Virginia Northern earlier this week. We have requested that the cars be shipped back to Altoona as there is the interest in using the cars for excursion use locally. CHAPTER JACKETS FOR SALE: Richard Vinglas is still taking orders for Chapter Jackets. To refresh your memory: It is a Nylon shell with fabric lining, waist length, zipper collar with hood inside, and color maroon with chapter logo and personal name embroidered (Silver Horseshoe, black engine insert, and gold lettering). The price is approximately in the $35.00 range via Len Snowberger at the Antique Depot. Place your order with Richard Vinglas. (814) 943-5750. March News Update - March 27, 2000 On Sunday, March 26, 2000, the Chapter hosted a rail/bus trip to Johnstown, PA. Approximately 80 people (members and non-members) were in attendance. We met at the Altoona, PA Transportation Center and boarded Amtrak train #43 (the westbound "Three Rivers") at about 11:40 am. The train departed Altoona at about 11:56, traveled over the Horseshoe Curve, and arrived at the former PRR Johnstown Station at approximately 12:45 pm. We were then met by Fullington Bus Lines buses for transportation to the top of the Johnstown Inclined Plane (711 Edgehill Drive Johnstown, PA 15905; 814- 536-1816).
After taking a ride on the Incline Plane (as well as a few photographs), we all assembled in the Incline Plane Restaurant for a Sunday dinner. (For those of you who would like to know, I had a citrus chicken dish....with "all the fix'ins".....very good.) After dinner, we boarded the buses again for the return trip to Altoona.
All in all, this was a very nice trip as well as being a fund-raising opportunity. Hopefully, we may have gained a few new members as well. As I stated in the March 3, update, additional repeat trips were planned due to the volume of interest. Additionally, Bill Mangiacarne reported that with the anticipated addition of the Amtrak train, the "Manhattan Limited", he hopes to be able to plan day-trips to Pittsburgh as well as weekend trips to New York City. March Chapter (business) Meeting - March 28, 2000 Jan Finkbiner and Associates worked and completed the siding March 11, 12, 13, and 14. His estimate was a little higher than the Everett Railroad. The switch was installed and the siding was repaired. Keystone Restoration contributed tmoney toward the work. Frank Givler will be contacting Ed Strong (Union Tank Car Company) regarding having a sample of the insulation from the Duquesne tested. Frank also contacted Larry Jackle and Bob Robison. They reported that CSX RR has inspected the cars and needs to know the final destination. Frank told Bob to ship them directly to the Everett Railroad if the cost was going to be the same as being shipped to Altoona. Frank is going to Kingwood to inspect the cars before they are shipped back. The cost of any damages to the cars will be taken care of by Kingwood. Cheryl Smith (ARMM) sent a letter to the Chapter concerning contributing to the Heritage Scholarship Program. Frank initially declined due to the expense associated with the 4th Street siding project. After much discussion, a motion was made to contribute $150 again. It was voted to approve. As of 2-28-00, there have been 373 books (A Postcard History of Altoona) sold. They are for sale at the Blair County Visitor and Convention Welcome Center (Logan Valley Mall) and at the Gift Shop at the Museum. Gene Kurtz from the Roaring Spring Historical Society has contacted us and the Everett Railroad to do some tentative plans for Excursions this summer. The Historical Society does a fishing day for the kids at the dam in Roaring Spring and would like to include a train ride. Contacts have been made regarding insurance and with Alan Maples regarding the cost of the train and crew. If all goes well, we will be running trips with Roaring Spring and on our own. We hope to run from Roaring Spring to Martinsburg and from Roaring Spring to Hollidaysburg. Alan suggested storing the coaches at Claysburg or at the siding at Blank Book. Plans are still developing and nothing is yet finalized. The jackets that Richard Vinglass worked to put together are on hold due to the higher than anticipated cost of initial screening. Ward Siding Update - March 31, 2000 As mentioned previously, The Horseshoe Curve Chapter, NRHS, and the Keystone Restoration and Preservation Society, in an agreement with the Ward Company, Inc, installed a new switch at the Ward Company siding at 4th Street, Altoona. There have always been two sidings next to the Ward Company's building, however, the switch was removed years ago. Taken on 3-12-00, these photographs show the completion of the installation of the new switch as well as ballast and tie replacement. Some drainage improvements still need to be made. The Chapter's MU coaches, other rolling stock, as well as the KRPS's rolling stock will be stored on the siding next to the mainline. The siding next to the building is reserved for use by the Ward Company. As you can see, the property is fenced in. For those unfamiliar with the area, the Fourth Street Pedestrian Bridge (now closed) is shown here in the background. The photographs are by David Seidel.
May Chapter Meeting - May 30, 2000 Duquesne: Frank has not had an opportunity to contact Ed Strong regarding the Duquesne however it is now back inside the Union Tank Car facility as opposed to being stored in their yard. Joe Harella is going to go to Blair Glass and pick up the window glass. He completed the manufacture of new window frames (handmade) and they are currently stored at his home. MU Coaches: The Erie Lackawanna Coaches were initially supposed to be shipped from Kingwood, WV on 5-17-00 but shipment was delayed by CSX. They are either have been/going to be shipped today or tomorrow (5-31). During Frank Givler's inspection, he found that the brakes will need servicing prior to excursion use (to update them). He will send out the brake valves to Pittsburgh Airbrake and will pull the cylinders off for repairs when the cars return. It was learned that the shipment cost was the same to go to Everett as it was to Altoona ($1900 per car) so the cars will go directly to the Everett RR and will be stored at their station. Minor maintenance work (sweeping, cleaning) will need done prior to use. Frank did indicate that the cars are all painted Tuscan Red but are not lettered (with the exception of "Do not hump" and Reporting marks). The generator is in working condition, there is a new battery, and some MU cables need repaired / replaced (one is missing, one is torn in half). Frank also put on new air hoses at the time of his inspection. Chapter jackets are still on hold. Summer / Fall Excursions Planned: As mentioned in the March Business Meeting report, excursions on the Everett Railroad are being planned. They are contingent upon the coaches being returned in a timely manner. In conjunction with the overwhelming support by Alan Maples (Owner of the Everett Railroad) and of Alan Nevotney (General Manager, Everett Railroad), excursions will be conducted on the Everett Railroad system (not to include the Claysburg, PA branch). All trips will originate at the Roaring Spring, PA Station. (There will not be a Chapter Excursion trip during Railfest 2000 as our members are needed for duties associated with Railfest.) The Roaring Spring Historical Society will be handling all the marketing for these events and their only request was that the trips depart from the Roaring Spring Station. This was request was agreed upon. Additionally, the Cove-Bedford Mirror (as well as the Martinsburg Herold ) will be doing a cover story on the events. Watch for additional details as they become available. Here is the schedule as is currently planned:
Railfest 2000: Bill Mangiacarne and Dick Charlesworth are on the train excursion committee for Railfest 2000. MARC will again be providing the passenger equipment. For those of you who attended Railfest 99 and were unlucky enough to be in a car which had no air conditioning, you will be happy to know that MARC is sending BRAND NEW commuter cars!
The attire for working either the Everett Excursions or the Railfest 2000 train is as follows: If you have an NRHS or Chapter hat, a Chapter name tag, a Chapter jacket, or a conductor's uniform please wear it. We all plan to wear a white shirt and either black or navy blue slacks. For those of you who have dress shorts, they may be worn as well (make sure they are black or navy blue in color). We are planning on having ball caps which say "Horseshoe Curve Chapter, NRHS Excursion Staff" made and distributed to those working the trains. Please wear shoes which have good footing. Do not wear shoes with smooth soles which could cause you to slip! The Walters Truck will be on display at the July 29/30 Antique Truck and Machine Show at Lakemont Park as well as at the August 6th State Bus Rodeo, Sponsored by Amtran, at the Logan Valley Mall. The Budget: Extensive deliberation was held regarding Chapter expenses. Frank and Bill gave a detailed report on current income verses expenses such as the "Coal Bucket", postage, insurance, etc. (It is the policy of the Chapter not to discuss financial details in print. If you would like to review the treasury information, please contact Bill Mangiacarne or Frank Givler. They will be more than happy to answer any questions or to "show you the books.") In addition to proposing several ideas regarding generating income / reducing expenses, they suggested that it may be necessary to raise the price of Chapter membership but would like to keep the dues as low as possible. (Membership in the Chapter is currently $10 plus $17 for National membership). Denny Walls; second by George Thompson made a motion to raise the Chapter dues by $5. After considering the alternatives, it was unanimously approved by all 22 members in attendance to raise the dues by $5 beginning with the year 2001. Note: Anyone with fund raising ideas should contact Bill Mangiacarne. Note: The membership does like the "color copy" of the newsletter and indicated that we should continue this practice although it does add an additional expense. FYI, "Trainweb" hosts this site free of charge and the Chapter does not generate any income from the site (other than sales of items in the "Gift Shop." GG-1: Dick Charlesworth indicated that Andrea Vibbert has been in Altoona twice this year, the last time being Wednesday 5-24 and Thursday 5-25. Some cosmetic work has been done to the GG-1. I will look into this further. June Social Meeting: George Thompson provided a map to the location of the June Chapter Social meeting (Tuesday, 6-27-00). It will be held at the Spring Lake Sportsman Club, located in Bellwood, PA. George will arrive there at 3pm. You are welcome anytime after that. Food and Drinks will be provided. Bring a desert if you wish. There is a small lake to fish in if you want. A swimming pool and a picnic pavilion will also be on site. Dinner will be at 6:30 pm. The theme this month will again be "Show and Tell" due to the popularity of it in April. George will have a TV-VCR available for those bringing videos. Call George at 814-742-7834 for details or directions. The meeting broke up around 9:30 pm. |
David Seidel reported the three Horseshoe Curve Chapter, NRHS coaches arrived in Altoona June 3, 2000 via a special train "...just the coaches and one locomotive....from Pittsburgh. All looked to be in excellent condition with the new paint jobs.....maroon. While car numbers were applied, we need to restore the logo & lettering later. Photos were obtained" and will be posted ASAP. On June, 8, 2000, Joe Nale added "Those 3 passenger cars owned by the Horseshoe Curve Chapter of the NRHS which have been on loan to the endangered WVN have arrived in Hollidaysburg PA and have been interchanged with the Everett RR and are presently being stored at the Wye switches next the EVRR offices in Duncansville (just spotted them today). They will be used for excursions over the Everett RR between Hollidaysburg and Martinsburg in July and later in the fall. The excursions are being sponsored by the Chapter." On 6-14-00, David and I went to the Everett Railroad Offices and photographed the cars. Photos will be posted as soon as possible. (posted 6/19/00) |
Miscellaneous Photos - 2000
In the process of working on the Under the Wire section of this website, a request for photos was printed in the 5-15-00, Altoona Mirror. | Morrisons
Cove Herald July 20, 2000.
6-10-00 Following arrival of the Horseshoe Curve Chapter coaches in Altoona from Pittsburgh and West Virginia & Northern RR. Left to right: Jody Kinsel, Andy Mulhollen, Bill Mangiacarne and Frank Givler, who monitored movements from Cresson to Altoona. Photo by David Seidel |
Excursions 2000
Background The Chapter owns 3 Erie Lackawanna MU Cars . After having their traction motors and pantographs stripped, these cars were initially placed into K-4s services and in excursions in the following communities: Claysburg, East Freedom, Roaring Spring, and Martinsburg, PA. They are once again being operated in Excursion Service in the Altoona, PA Area. In conjunction with the overwhelming support by Alan Maples (Owner of the Everett Railroad) and of Alan Nevotney (General Manager, Everett Railroad), excursions will be conducted on the Everett Railroad system (not to include the Claysburg, PA branch). All trips will originate at the Roaring Spring, PA Station. (There will not be a Chapter Excursion trip during Railfest 2000 as our members are needed for duties associated with Railfest.) Watch for additional details as they become available. Schedule
Excursion Photos
Excursion News September 23rd, 2000 Excursion Program
Sat, 12 Aug 2000 Update "All the trains on the August weekend sold out totally. We had to turn some people away. No problems were reported. The September 23 railfan trip is selling well and there is a photo run-by planned. Mr. Maples placed his private car and the Everett RR caboose in the consist. He allowed Chapter members on board during the noon run. They even provided food and drinks for us. We must thank him as he has been a wonderful host for these excursions. He had employees of his on the car at 9am and his friends at 3 pm. All in all, a wonderful weekend which we hope to repeat in September and October. Thats all for now. Photos to follow." Andy Mulhollen (posted 8/24/00) July 29, 2000 Update "The Chapter's first train excursion , I understand, was a complete success. The morning was a charter, and the 1:00 PM train had 192 passengers. I understand Channel 10 (WTAJ; CBS affiliate) had some film footage but I didn't see it. The cars are on a siding at Roaring Spring." David Seidel (posted 8/24/00) |
June 27, 2000 Social Meeting George Thompson hosted the June Chapter Social meeting at the Spring Lake Sportsman Club, located in Bellwood, PA. Food and Drinks were provided. The theme this month was "Show and Tell" due to the popularity of it in April.
Roaring Spring Excursions July 15, 2000 Update "The Following is photo of the NRHS coaches at Roaring 'Spring for the excursions of July 15, 29, 30th." David Seidel (posted 8/24/00)
"The Chapter's first train excursion , I understand, was a complete success. The morning was a charter, and the 1:00 PM train had 192 passengers. I understand Channel 10 (WTAJ; CBS affiliate) had some film footage but I didn't see it. The cars are on a siding at Roaring Spring." David Seidel (posted 8/24/00)
July 29, 2000 Update
More Photos are Available Here
July 2000 Meeting The meeting was called to order and the minutes from the previous meeting were read a motion to approve was made by Denny Walls and seconded by Joe Harella. The Treasurer's report was reviewed. A motion was made to approve was made by Dick Charlesworth and seconded by Denny Walls.Bill Mangiacarne gave a report on the Father's Day trip to Bellfonte. The trip made a small profit. As a result of the the July 15th trip with the Roaring Spring Historical Society the Chapter gave a $200 donation to the Historical Society. We had 196 passengers on that trip A report of expenses will be given at the conclusion of all the trips. The Ridership for the trips on July 30th and 31st look very good. Alan is sending his private car and caboose on the trips that weekend. Members and their families are invited to ride in the private car on the noon trip Saturday. The summer picnic cards were handed out to those who were not e- mailed. The picnic will be at the Seidel cottage on Sunday August 20th. Please call Dave and let him know if you are attending and your covered dish. There will be no meeting in August. Frank will be taking the Walters to the Antique Truck Show at Lakemont Park this weekend. Joe also asked Frank to bring the truck to the Bus Rodeo at the Logan Valley Mall on August 6th. Frank sent a letter to Kingwood Northern on the estimation cost for the electrical parts, which will cost $1528.58 and half of the cost of the brake valve work ($712.50). He explained to them that the brakes actually should have been done at least three times while in their use. We received a check from them for $2241.08 which was the total of all that we had asked for. Joe picked up the glass that was given to us for the Walters, he will store this at his home. We want to Thank George and Joyce Thompson for a great evening and fun time at their hosting of the June social meeting. Bill asked the members present if they would agree to move the checking and savings account from Keystone Financial to Altoona First in light of Keystone being bought out by another bank and the Secretary losing her job. Andy made the motion in agreement to move the accounts. Dave Seidel seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
MU Coaches Prepared for Excursions "The following photo is of Karin Givler, Horseshoe Curve Chapter Secretary, cleaning coach windows on July 9, 2000 in preparation for a series of excursions scheduled for July 15, 29, 30; Sept 23; October 14 & 15, 2000." Photo by David Seidel (posted 8/24/00)
This photo shows Frank Givler, Chapter President, checking installation or rebuilt air brakes on the Chapter coaches on 7-9-00 at the Everett Railroad headquarters, Wye Switches, Duncansville, PA. Photo by David Seidel (posted 8/24/00)
Sat, 12 Aug 2000 Update "All the trains on the August weekend sold out totally. We had to turn some people away. No problems were reported. The September 23 railfan trip is selling well and there is a photo run-by planned. Mr. Maples placed his private car and the Everett RR caboose in the consist. He allowed Chapter members on board during the noon run. They even provided food and drinks for us. We must thank him as he has been a wonderful host for these excursions. He had employees of his on the car at 9am and his friends at 3 pm. All in all, a wonderful weekend which we hope to repeat in September and October. That's all for now. Photos to follow." Andy Mulhollen (posted 8/24/00) See the Excursions 2000 Page for Photographs
August 2000 Chapter Picnic About 40 attended the August 19, 2000 event. Dave Seidel said that they "Couldn't have parked one more car in. Weather was great...sunny, low humidity, just enough coolness to make it superb. Food was plentiful. The host seemed to park cars while the webmasters parents flipped burgers. We had a few special guests...Charlie Horan from PRR T&HS "down east" and Don Cassler and his grandson from Pittsburgh, special guests of the Seidel's. Don, like H. Wayne Burket and others, has a sophisticated model train layout in his basement, a testament to his engineering background. Don Cassler's layout make the cover of Railroad Model Craftsman about 10 years ago.
The special guest of the afternoon, remembered fondly by some of us "old timers" was Elizabeth Garvin and her son Spence, who drove down from State College. As a refresher course in Chapter history, Ray and Elizabeth Garvin joined Horseshoe Curve Chapter just prior to our charter award and, were instrumental in the early development of Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum via the Horseshoe Curve Chapter. Ray died in 1982, two years after Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum opened its doors. Elizabeth resides at Outlook Pointe in State College. Unfortunately Bob and Ida Millard, also long time members, were lost in the back roads of Cambria county while we picnicked hidden away back of a corn field. Our apologies to Bob and Ida. Members of the Altoona-Blair County Photo Society were represented and everyone seemed to have a good time, especially with the water-balloon catching (or is that "throwing"?) contest spear-headed by Virginia Seidel. At any rate, it's an improvement over the egg toss of prior years....we think. The annual picnic hosted by the Seidel's pre-empted the regular monthly meeting. A good time was had by all. Alas, the corn in the field was not ready due to a late planting and no corn boil was had, but the "groaning board" filled our tummies. And "Dawg" (the neighbor's farm dog) made her regular appearance for the leftover hamburger or two, putting on her best manners. A highlight is always the "show and tell". Someone always has some memorabilia stashed in the trunk or the van and Charlie didn't disappoint us....or Andy. Great weather, great company, excellent conversation...tales and reminiscences, all a hallmark of a nice afternoon." Walters Truck Wins Award at Show On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, Denny Walls advised of the following. "Just a note about this past weekend at Lakemont. The Walters truck we own took 1st place in the slow race. A trophy was awarded to the lucky driver, our President... Frank. On a side note we learned what goes around comes around. Our Secretary (Karin Givler) was coerced into doing a TV interview on the woman's point of view on the truck hobby. Those present were laughing because just 2 weeks previous she made a big "todoo" about Frank doing the TV interview at Roaring Spring at the 1st excursion. She isn't laughing now. We still are though. The event was the Antique truck & Machinery Show sponsored by the local chapter and the Antique Truck Club of America (ATCA). We had about 30 trucks on display along with several tractors and other misc old stuff. The crowd estimates are hard to guess as the flow would have been based on park attendance. Anyhow, a good time had by all. The slow race is an event just opposite of a normal race. The race is ran 2 units at a time, the slowest one winning until all contestants are eliminated except for the slowest to cross the finish line. That is what happened to the Walter. It eliminated all the competition and won by being the slowest." (posted 8/24/00)
September 19, 2000 Business Meeting Most comments focused on preparations for the excursion this Saturday, September 23...which is sold out, mostly to railfans. Anyone working should report one hour ahead at 9 AM (some of us are meeting for breakfast at 8 AM at the Spring House restaurant n Roaring Spring). Discussed were precautions, staffing, and particular detail to safety issues and, photo runby locations (Monastery Road - quasi/public; private lawn/pond). Monastery will be on Northbound run, pond on southbound run. Blair Twp was notified in case they want to monitor the crossing. Railpace magazine will be covering trip in the AM. with a PM. stop at the East Broad Top RR. It was suggested that staff persons have cotton gloves and small prybars for opening windows. Snacks will be distributed to passengers aboard at no extra cost. The first run from Roaring Spring will be to Martinsburg and return; a magician (for on-board amusement) will be picked up at Roaring Spring, and then the train will proceed to Hollidaysburg and return. Uniform of the day: Black or Blue trousers, white shirt. All else optional. Name tags being prepared. The window procedure was reviewed . David Seidel will modify the handout flyer for the trip. The next Chapter sponsored train excursions are Oct 14 & 15 from Roaring Spring. Ads were placed in the Morrison's Cove Herald and Shopper's Guide. David Seidel announced the "Westsylvania" magazine photo essay (which he contributed to), which will be supplemented by a slide presentation on Tuesday evening, Oct 3, 7 PM at the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Altoona. The event is open to the public. The September/November issue of "Westsylvania" magazine, a bi-monthly publication dealing with the history and beauty of western Pennsylvania, contains a 7 page photo-essay utilizing photographs of Horseshoe Curve Chapter Historian, Dave Seidel. Entitled "Autumn On The Mainline", the photographs were taken during September/October 1999 along the railroad mainline between Horseshoe Curve and Conemaugh, Pa. highlighting the annual autumn foliage. Text by Dave Hurst of the "Westsylvania" staff. (Dave Seidel, 9/3/00) Discussion was held on assists by Chapter members at Railfest for Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum for Oct 7 & 8th; to include the Chapter tent (offered by Robert Hunt at no charge) to sell the "Greetings from Altoona" postcard book and the video tape on the Altoona & Logan Valley Electric Railway history. Discussion also debated on whether or not to have a dinner/social meeting for October. It was suggested a regular meeting should take place since nomination of officers is due. Plan for a dinner meeting around the first Friday in December for the Christmas event replacing the meeting for that month. David Seidel also announced Logan House dinner. See separate report on that. (David Seidel; 9-20-00)
Death Notification WOLF, M. MABEL (WIFE OF ARLINGTON I.) DOB 5-23-09 DOD 9-5-2000 AGE 91 Not many of the present day membership of the Horseshoe Curve Chapter, NRHS will remember Mr. and Mrs. Arlington Wolf. However, for many years they attended most of our meetings, dinners and functions promoting the friendship within the organization, and the railroad heritage theme for the area. Mr. Wolf was an avid model railroader and had also recorded some important events along the PRR with his camera with particularly good black and white images. Mrs. M. Mabel Wolf, age 91, resided at the Lutheran Home in Hollidaysburg for the past several years. Our sympathy is extended to their family. Chapter members may see Mr. and Mrs. Wolf in several photographic images on the Chapter web-pages under the "Memorable Moments of the Past" section under "About the Horseshoe Curve Chapter" department. Thanks to Harley Burket for alerting us to Mrs. Wolf's obituary in the September 6. 2000 Altoona Mirror. by David Seidel.
Railfest 2000, October 6-8, 2000 Chapter Members assisted the Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum with Railfest again this year. The Walters truck was present and a booth was staffed on the Museum grounds. Members also worked as car hosts on the Horseshoe Curve Excursion train.
Special Program Presented at the October 24, 2000 Meeting
The Horseshoe Curve Chapter, National Railway Historical Society, arranged for a special speaker and program for the October monthly meeting.
Mr. Bennett Levin of Philadelphia presented a slide program on the restoration of very unique Pennsylvania Railroad equipment acquired by the Levin family of Philadelphia through their Juniata Terminal Company.
Center: Bennett Levin presenting. David Behe in foreground. | |||
Center: Center: Bennett Levin presenting.
front row, L-R: Duane Miller, _, Dick Mitchell, Harley Burkett; second row, L-R: David Behe, Paul Luther, Mike Walls Third Row, L-R: _ |
Center: Center: Bennett Levin presenting.
front row, L-R: Duane Miller, _, Dick Mitchell, Harley Burkett; second row, L-R: David Behe, Paul Luther, Mike Walls Third Row, L-R: _ |
Center: Center: Bennett Levin presenting.
front row, L-R: Duane Miller, _, Dick Mitchell, Harley Burkett; second row, L-R: David Behe, Paul Luther, Mike Walls |
The former Pennsylvania Railroad President's Office Car No. 120, which carries the former and current name "Pennsylvania", is the crown jewel of the preservation efforts by the Levin's and Juniata Terminal Company. The "120" is a platform observation car, luxuriously appointed to Pennsylvania Railroad standards, with appropriate re-fitting to meet all standards for today's acceptance in Amtrak service. Prominently appointed with genuine PRR china, silver, and linens, this car is the epitome of the successful image the PRR conveyed at the peak of the railroad's prominence. In addition, the "120" carried the body of Robert Kennedy, following his assassination, in 1968.
During an auction held by Norfolk Southern Corporation in Altoona on June 20, 2000, Mr. Levin and Juniata Terminal Company purchased a locomotive used on the Conrail Executive Train, Conrail No. 4020. One of three such units in the executive train service, No. 4020 was the only unit originating with the predecessor Pennsylvania Railroad as PRR No. 5809A as class EP-22 (better known as a class E-8 by other railroads), and of the type formerly used in daily passenger service. This locomotive was shipped immediately to Juniata Terminal Company in Philadelphia, stripped of Conrail's olive green paint, and restoration initiated to return this locomotive to it's original PRR livery. No. 5809A was built by Electro Motive Division (EMD) of General Motors at LaGrange, Illinois, in 1951, and is the last of former PRR locomotives to be retired by the railroad's successor owners.
Mr. Bennett Levin, active with the Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society, illustrated, with a narrated slide program, the restoration efforts on these very special Pennsylvania Railroad artifacts, which, of course, we hope to see visiting Altoona at some future time. Approximately 43 members and guests attended the evening events. Thanks go out to Mr. Levin for the informative evening. Photos of the E-8 restoration can be viewed on the PRR Technical & Historical Society website
SANTA CLAUS SPECIAL Excursion, Saturday, November 25, 2000
The Horseshoe Curve Chapter, NRHS conducted a special excursion on the Everett RR, Saturday, November 25, 2000. The "SANTA CLAUS SPECIAL" was sponsored by the Allegheny Mountains Convention & Visitors Bureau. The train traveled from the Roaring Spring Station to Martinsburg and back. Trip times were10:00 AM and 2:00 P.M.
Photo of Santa and Mrs. Claus visiting the SANTA SPECIAL train at Roaring Spring on November 25, 2000. Saturday, November 25, 2000, Horseshoe Curve Chapter Surgeon General Andy Mulhollen visits the caboose of the Everett Railroad prior to departure of the Santa Claus Special from Roaring Spring, PA. Photo by David Seidel
November 28, 2000 Business Meeting
The total passenger count for the Chapter Excursions this season, including the Santa Claus trip was 2119. Bill Mangiacarne reported that Alan Maples was very pleased with the operation and our safety record. It was agreed that the schedule would follow the same plan as this year.
Denny, Andy, and Dave staffed the tent for Railfest. We sold 7 books and 2 videotapes. The Museum did better at sales than our booth. Bill suggested that we forgo the tent next year and use our people for the excursion train. Dick suggested doing a newspaper ad for the tapes and books for Christmas.
Bill had an idea for a social meeting. The Chapter has a chance to tour the Mishler Theatre. The members were asked if all were in agreement to to the social meetings every other month next year. All were in agreement.
Frank, Denny, and John put the Walters truck under repair. The right rear wheel was removed to replace the drive axle U joint.
Karin brought the election of officers to the groups attention. Len Alwine made the motion that the secretary certify that all current members to hold their office for another year. The motion was seconded by Wayne Burket.
The Christmas party will be held December 1st at the Methodist Church in Bellwood, PA.
Dave Seidel contacted the Bloody Run Historical Society and the Vice President and Curator will be attending as guest speakers.
Bill is in discussion with the Bellefonte Historical Society about a trip for Valentines Day.
Len Alwine brought up the dilemma of the "Leap the Dips" at Lakemont Park. After some discussion, Bill made a motion to donate money to the "Leap the Dips." The amount will be decided when the "Leap the Dips" hold their fund raiser.
Chapter Christmas Dinner, December 1, 2000
The Holiday Dinner Meeting was held on Friday, December 1st at 7pm at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Bellwood. An excellent dinner (which consisted of roasted turkey, roast beef, gravy, stuffing, homemade noodles, mashed potatoes, green been casserole, homemade rolls, pumpkin pie.
Present as Guest Speakers were Bob Ridenour (Vice President of the Bloody Run Historical Society) and Ed Albiker (curator of the Society's museum). They gave a presentation on the history of the town formerly known as Bloody Run (later renamed Waynesboro and then Everett) and the Huntingdon Broad Top (later renamed the Everett) Railroad. Ridenour said that they purchased Everett's RR Station and Freight Building for $9000 several years ago (It had been slated to be burned for local firefighter training) and had it moved to its present location by Earl Miller House Movers. The station took 10 years to restore. It is the only remaining station out of about 32 railroad stations used by the HBT in Bedford County. The Society also acquired former HBT locomotive #11. An amusement park (Williams Grove?) had purchased the Baldwin 2-6-2 from the HBT/Everett RR, had planned to operate it, transported it to the park under its own power, and dismantled it while performing repairs. Interest dwindled due to the repairs necessary and parts were either lost or stolen over the years (the Society is looking for a headlamp and back up lamp for the locomotive). The locomotive was transported back to Everett by Earl Miller (who also moved the Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum cars the "Jack Narrows" and the "Harbor View" from Phillipsburg, PA). Plans are in the works for a cosmetic restoration of the locomotive as well as an Everett RR caboose. Several photographs of the caboose and locomotive were presented as well as an HO scale model of the #11 and three passenger cars (to be raffled off at the Society's open house on 12-10-00).
Albiker spoke about the museum and the 27'x62.5' model railroad of the HBT/Everett Railroad system. The layout is set in the HBT/ERR transition year of 1954 and consists of most of the towns on the system. He explained the amount of research that went into building an accurate representation of the system and area....this included aerial photography of the landscape. Albiker presented further information regarding the Everett RR caboose they are restoring. It was 1 of 66 of the class (built in either 1914,1918, or 1923), has a steel frame, wooden sheath, and is 26' long. It was purchased by the B&O RR in 1932. Local companies have donated materials and time to do work on the car. Albiker also explained that #11 is a Prairie class locomotive built by Baldwin as #33333 and it has 48" drivers. It operated on a Kentucky Coal and Lumber railroad, for the McKeal Coal and Coke Co as #200, and on the KGJ&E RR. It was purchased in 1964 by the Everett RR and used until 1982. Some of the missing parts include backhead gauges, side rods, and steam valves.
I took notes quickly so I hope I got all of the above facts straight. If you want further information, visit the Bloody Run Historical Society at 5th Street in Everett, PA. You can also contact Ed Albiker at .They are also looking for additional members and help at the museum.
Table in Foreground, L-R: Mary and Jay
Fornwalt. David Seidel, Virginia Seidel Row Closest to Camera: Dick Charlesworth, Toni Charlesworth, Ed Albiker, Bob Ridenour |
Ed Albiker presenting. | L-R: Christine Behe, unknown, unknown, David Seidel. | ||
Foreground L: Gary Clare
Foreground R: Duane Miller |
L-R: Christine Behe, David Behe, Larry McKee | ||
Let Side of Table: Jay Fornwalt
Right Side of Table: Bob Ridenour, Ed Albiker, Dick Charlesworth |
L-R: Jay Fornwalt, David Seidel, Bob Ridenour, Dick Charlesworth | Bob Ridenour presenting. |
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(All photos are by David Seidel unless otherwise indicated. All newspaper articles are from the Altoona Mirror.)