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Memorable Moments from the Horseshoe Curve Chapter, NRHS' Past


These pages were last updated on: September 21, 2018! 


"The Coal Bucket" Newsletter


"The Coal Bucket" Newsletter

Spring Edition

"The Coal Bucket" Newsletter

August Edition

"The Coal Bucket" Newsletter

Winter Edition


Meeting Minutes

January, March, April, June, August, September, October, November

 April 24, 2012 Meeting Minutes 
The meeting was called to order at 7:32. The minutes from the February meeting were read with one correction the Santa trip made $40,090.00 before expenses. A motion to accept was made by Dick and seconded by Joe Harella. There were no minutes for March as it was a social meeting.
There was not a Treasurer’s report due to the absence of the Treasurer at this meeting. Al Novotny will be bringing the 104 to Duncansville so Floyd can start on the vestibules and other work can also proceed. There has been no requests for information or sale of the Duquesene. Dick reported the waiting list is up to 23 for the Western Maryland trip. He can get a mini bus for the extra people and sees no problem getting the extra tickets. Dick also wanted to make a motion that the profit from this trip go toward some type of jacket for Chapter members, so that when we have an event we all look uniform and are noticeable. This motion was seconded by Joey and the motion carried. Jeff showed those present a jacket he purchased from New Look in the price range of $60.00 with logo. He also suggested that if necessary members could do a 50/50 split on the cost. Frank asked Joey and Joe Harella if they possibly knew what happened to the April 2011 minutes. He does not have a copy and was not present at this meeting. Dick and Tom have looked over the Union League and will be putting a committee together to decide what work needs done. Nick reported on his Railroad Club they will be touring the museum on May 10th and Joey will be their tour guide. Motion to adjourn was made by Joey and seconded by Dick.  Meeting adjourned.

Karin Givler

ATTENDANCE: Karin Givler, Frank Givler, Joey DeFrancisco, Barry Kauffman, Jeff Holland, Tom Murtagh, Joe Harella, Larry Lear, Nick/ Dana, Tyler/ Bob, Dave R., Bob Speck Dick Charlesworth, Bill Burket May 2, 2012 Meeting Minutes

May 2, 2012 Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the April meeting were read with no corrections and a motion to approve was made by Larry McKee and seconded by Dick Charlesworth. The Treasurer's report was read. Motion to accept by Dick Charlesworth and seconded by Joe Harella

Frank reported that the 104 has not been moved as of yet. Frank spoke with Alan concerning the vestibule work. Painting and other work can still continue when the car is moved.

Dick reported on the Western Maryland trip, 74 people are signed up. Those present that are going were told the bus will leave at 9:00 am from the Station Medical Center parking lot. Joey D has found the missing minutes.

The volunteer accident insurance has been renewed for this year and the 990 has been finished and sent.

The work crew needs to get together after Memorial Day and fix the window on the Loretto. The Christmas decorations need taken down from the cars. The diner and R50B roofs need coated later toward fall and the Walter needs washed and a coat of wax.

The Teeters are graciously hosting the Chapter picnic again this year, the date is Sunday August 12th at 5:00pm. A covered dish is welcomed and please let Frank know if you plan to attend. Dave Seidel and frank will send out reminders. Everyone is welcome.

Nick reported 10 members of his train club visited the Museum and Joey D was their tour guide. Everyone had a great time.

After some open discussion a motion was made to adjourn by Don Goebal and seconded by Bob.

Meeting adjourned

Secretary Karin Givler

ATTENDANCE:   Frank Givler Karin Givler Jeff Holland Nick/ Dana Dave Seidel Tyler/Bob Len Alwine Wil Teeter Mike Walls Denny Walls Larry McKee Dan Joe Harella George Don Goebal Barry Kauffman Dave Bob Mark Yingling. 

June 26, 2012 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Joseph HareIla in the absence of President Francis Givier.  

OLD Business: Minutes from the May Meeting were read by Joseph DeFrancesco. No corrections were made. A motion to accept the May minutes as read was made by Dick Charlesworth and seconded by Don Gobel. All voted in favor Treasurer Denny Walls gave the treasure's report: No corrections were made. A motion to accept the report was made by Larry McKee and seconded by Bill Temple. All voted in favor.

New Business: Special Guests Jack Hatch and Pat McKinney were introduced by Dick Charlesworth. Mr. Hatch gave the members present an update on Alto Tower. Mr. Hatch mentioned Bennett Levin is working with Norfolk Southern Management on proposals on how best to preserve Alto at its current location. NS is being very cooperative in the process and all parties involved are on board with keeping Alto intact and restoring the tower to a period appearance. NO PLANS are in stone, however it is a sure thing that Alto will remain a focal point of PRR heritage in Altoona. Many thanks to Jack Hatch and Pat McKinney for their report on Alto.  Richard Charlesworth reported on the Chapter's Western Maryland Trip. He reported 72 guests were in attendance and the trip was a total success. The trip's finances will be provided on next month's treasures report.  Joe HareIla reported that the Loretto needs paint touch up on the roof. Joe DeFrancesco will letter the car on the day the repairs are made to the car.  An offer has been made to purchase the Duquesne by an individual through Ozark Mountain Railcar. Dick Charlesworth made a motion to accept the offer seconded by Bill Temple. All voted in favor.  Barry Kauffman donated CD's with pictures of the signal and interlocking change in Altoona.  Joe DeFrancesco proposed the creation of a committee to oversee the restoration of the Union League. Joe will available to dedicate a portion of his senior year at Penn State toward project development and execution. Joe's proposal to the chapter suggested that the committee evaluate the Union League to determine project objectives and stressed the goals be kept within reach. Dick Charlesworth made the motion for the chapter to approve the committee's creation, seconded by Dan Moringeillo. All voted in favor. The committee will be formed before the next meeting and will start the evaluation process. The committee will provide reports at all future business meetings to provide updates and proposals for considerations. All interested chapter members are welcomed to join the committee.  At 8:57pm Bill Burket made a motion to adjourn the meeting as there was no further discussion, seconded by Don Gabel. All voted in favor.

Attendance: Denny Walls, Joe HareIla, Joe DeFrancesco, Gon Gobel, Leon Wagner, Wil Teeter, Bill Temple, Barry Kauffman, Jack Hatch, Larry McKee, Bill Burket, Bob Speck, Jeff Holland, Pat McKinney, Dave Behe, Dave Seidel, Dan and Cynthia Moringiello, Mike Walls, Lenard and Diane Aline, Nick and Dana. Dick Charlesworth, Harley Burket, and Larry Lear.

July 24, 2012 Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the June meeting were read with one correction Denny Walls abstained from the vote on the Duquesne. A motion to accept was made by Denny Walls and seconded by Dick Charlesworth.  Treasurer's report is the same as last month with no changes but the purchase of brake parts for 104. A motion was made to approve by Larry McKee and seconded by Dan Moringello.  Frank reported that Bill will be forthcoming from Brumbaugh for brackets that are being made. A trip to Pittsburgh will be soon for the major brake parts. Neil will be helping put the brakes together and the Everett will do the brake test.  Frank in touch with John from Ozark, the buyer not prepared to move forward and he will get back to Frank this week or next.  The Antique truck and Machinery show is at Lakemont Park this weekend and the Railway Express truck will be featured on the dash plaque this year.  The annual Chapter Picnic will be Sunday August 12th,at the Teeter Camp. A covered dish is welcome. If directions are needed you can call Frank. Dave will send out a reminder email.  Joey spoke on putting together a committee for assessing the work to be done on the Union League. Joey and Dick had a few discussions on talking with Dave Knox to see if it can be moved into the yard. Joey also would like to have some discussions with Jim Lilly of the Washington Chapter on how their procedure of the Dover Harbor. If you are interested in being on this committee see Joey.  Dick reported that work on the 104 should finish within a month, painting is still in progress.  Also, reported on the Titusville trip October 6 & 7. It will be an overnight trip, price includes 3 meals. Staying at Caboose Motel. Members $180.00 double, Non-members $190.00 double. Prceeds will go to the Alto Model Train Museum.  Denny also announced that anyone having a railroad calendar with a defect, please see him for a replacement.
After some general discussion a motion to adjourn was made by Wayne Burket and seconded by Joe Harella.

Frank Givier, Karin Givler, Denny Walls, Mike Walls, Joey DeFrancisco, Dick Charlesworth, Jeff Holland, George Merritts, Dan/Cynthia Moringello, Bob Dave, Nick/ Dana, Larry McKee, Dave Seidel, Wayne Burket, Joe Harella, Bill Burket, Barry Kauffman, Don Goebal, Larry Lear, Ralph Simpson, and Guest: Gary Price and Justin Faust.

August 28, 2012 Meeting Minutes
7:31 pm
The minutes from the July meeting were read and a motion to approve with no additions or corrections was made by Larry McKee and seconded by Joe HareIla. There was no Treasurer's report for July as there was no change in the checking or savings balances as stated by the Treasurer. He also reported all bills are paid. Dick reported that both trips Titusville and Western Maryland are sold out. Car 104 painting inside is done and they are just dressing up the vestibules. Frank reported that he and Neil finished the brake pipe work, and now we are waiting for the Everett R.R. to do the brake test. Alan visited on Saturday and was very pleased with the look of the work they did. The cost was approximately $2,500.00 in parts and material.
Frank gave a thank you to Wil and Diana Teeter for hosting the Chapter Picnic as usual it was a success. There is no word at this point on the Duquesne. Joey reported the Union League committee had a brief meeting, it was agreed they would start to work from the top down on the car, sealing for leaks and cleaning out. The committee is to meet at 6:30 next month before the regular Chapter meeting. Frank will talk with Andy at the Museum board meeting about having the Duquesne moved inside the gate. October 13th will be the Rotary train excursion; Frank will only need 4 people to help with that trip. The Santa trips are coming upon us once again, the first meeting will be held at the Givler's at 7:00 pm. After some open discussion a motion to adjourn was made by Wayne and seconded by Ralph. Meeting adjourned.

Frank Givler Karin Givler
Dick Charlesworth Neil Myers Denny Walls Mike Walls
Nick & Dana Martino Bill Burket
Tyler & Bob Martinuska Joey DeFrancisco
Barry Kauffman
Dave Seidel
Larry Lear
Larry McKee
Joe Karelia
Len Alwine

September 25, 2012 Meeting Minutes

7:30 pm
The minutes from the August meeting were read and a correction that the Union League is brought inside the gate not the Duquesne. A motion to accept was made by Dick Charlesworth and seconded by Joe Harella. The Treasurer's report was given from June until present. All bills are paid. A copy of the Financial report is attached to the minutes for review. A motion to accept the Treasurer's report was made by Dick and seconded by Larry McKee. The sale on the Duquesne fell through. The buyer could not come up with the funding. The time on the advertising has been extended 2 more months as the car cannot be moved from the lead track. Dick was contacted by a gentleman interested in buying the railing; Frank will contact him to discuss the issue. Things will be on hold for the winter. No air test on the new brake system as of yet, still waiting for Dan Pluta to come from Maryland. The Roaring Spring Rotary train trips are scheduled for 0ct.13th times are 10-12-2. Frank will need a few people to car host. Joe, Denny, Mike and Joey will help Frank. Goody bag supplies have been ordered and arrived, we will put these together the end of October. Alan notified Frank that there is a very good possibility the cabin car will not be available for the Santa train, unless the FRA sends him the waiver before the trips. The cabin car is out of compliance. Advertising for the trips started the 2nd week of October in 17 newspapers. The dates are November 17th, 10 — 12 — 2 and 4pm will be the Roaring Spring Historical Society. November 18th, 12 — 2 — 4. November 24th, 10 — 12 — 2 — 4 and November 25th, 12 — 2 4. Joey is taking care of the car hosting. Sign-up sheet will circulate. A discussion was made about attire for the trips; Jeff will look into ordering 20 jackets from New Look, in various sizes. The profit from the Western Maryland trip last June was set aside to purchase jackets. It was suggested to wear a white shirt/sweater with our name tags, new jackets and dark pants. Joey will gather names and follow up with name tags. Jeff will take quote to Frank on the jackets and Dave will send out email asking for sizes. Joey gave a short Committee report on the Union League, some committee members looked the car over and made some observations on things needing done, Kevin Moore and Dave Seidel are in contact for possible finding parts. It was mentioned to possibly do a fund raiser by having an 0 scale version made of the Union League, those with connections to various venders will bring information back to the next meeting. Joey has also made contact with a member of the Union League Club Society and is working on a letter to solicit for donations on this project. The next committee meeting will be held the same Tuesday as Chapter meeting. Dave Seidel sent an email to Mr. Detrick the father of Andrew, whom we sponsored to attend Rail Camp, asking to hear from him on his experience, A report and photos will be forwarded to Dave. Denny was asked to look into dates for the Christmas Party this year. Denny ask about calendars for 2013, Dave will send out email for those that want and Denny will order accordingly. A motion to adjourn was made by Don Goebal and seconded by Joey. Meeting Adjourned.

Karin Givler

Karin Givler Frank Givler Joe HareIla Tyler Martinuska/Bob, Jeff Holland Joey DeFrancieco Larry Lear Dave Seidel,Bill Temple Bob/Dave Wil Teeter Leon Wilson, Dave Behe Larry McKee Wayne Burket Denny Walls,Mike Walls Ralph S. Joe Oriko Gary Clare,Gary Price Mark Yingling

October 23, 2012 Meeting Minutes

 7:39 p.m.
The meeting was called to order and the minutes from the September meeting were read, a motion to approve was made by Larry McKee and seconded by Joey DeFrancisco. The Treasurer report was given. All bills are paid and deposits for the Santa trips are starting to come in. A report is attached for review. Dick reported on the Western Maryland trip, the trip went well the revenue has not been finalized as of this meeting but Dick estimates it should be about $100.00. Santa trips could be sold out by the end of the month. Rich Neely doing Santa one day this year and Jim will be doing three days. Dick also discussed the possibility of doing a 10:00am trip on Sunday the 17th• Shannon at the Everett Railroad will discuss with Alan as his concern would be the crew. Shannon will get back to Dick. Frank reported the Rotary trips went well with no issues and the bill for the car rental needs sent. Also, the air brake test was done on the 104 and passed. Car worked well on Rotary trip, these brakes are good for 6 years.
Joey reported he is passing out the car host list with car assignment, days and times. Each car will have a car captain. All car host need to meet at 9:15 on Saturday November 17th• All present were asked to sign up as you want to work. Jacket list with sizes was also being circulated. It is estimated a week to week and a half turnaround time from order. Joey will have jackets and meet for pick up. Order shows 33 jackets at a cost of $2,150.00. Dick made a motion to move forward with the purchase. Motion was seconded by Ralph. All voted in favor. Denny brought up for discussion the dates for Christmas dinner, the date will have to be Saturday December 15th @ 6:00pm at the Geesytown Fire hall. Contact Frank for reservations. Reservations must be made by December. Frank spoke with Dave Knox about moving the Union League inside the fence. Dave does not see a problem and indicted that it may happen by the end of the year. Frank also reported that the generator needs repairs, Neil suggested EMS for repair or modernize the panel. Cost could be $2,000 to $3,000.00 compared to $17,000 -$18,000.00 to buy new generator. Frank will talk with Alan after Santa trips and see if the car can be moved to Duncansville, to remove the generator for transport to EMS. Email went out on calendars. Anyone wanting to purchase them is to see Denny before the end of the meeting, if you did not already send him an email. Joey spoke with Jim Lilly on info about the Union League, he is willing to work with us on direction to move forward. An interest in the railroad community seems to be growing on this project.
The windows on the Union League were measured and are very close to the same size as the windows made for the Duquesne. Some discussion was done on a model replica being done with various manufactures, nothing was finalized. Dick and Dave Seidel spoke with Kevin Moore about possible May or June ride in his private car to New York and back. An overnight stay at the Hotel Pennsylvania, could board in Pittsburgh or Altoona. Possible cost per person would be $200.00. There will be more information to follow. We would like to welcome a guest that joined us tonight, Wayne Hoover.
Motion to adjourn was made by Joey DeFrancisco and seconded by Don Goebal. Meeting adjourned.

Karin Givler

Don Goebal Bill Burket Dave Ray Bob Larry Lear Gary Price Bill Temple
Denny Wall Mike Wall Leon Wagner Wil Teeter Frank Givler Karin Givler
Larry McKee Mark Yingling Len Alwine George Merrit Ralph S. Joe Oricko
Nick/Dana Martino Barry Kauffman Dave Seidel Dave Behe Joe Harella Dan/Cynthia
Joey DeFrancisco Gary Clare Bob Matinuska Dick Charlesworth
November 2012 Meeting Minutes

7:39 p.m.
The meeting was called to order and the minutes from the October meeting were read and with no corrections or additions a motion was made to accept was made by Dick Charlesworth and seconded by Bill Temple. The Treasurer’s report was summarized. A count of 1689 goodie bags were made for the Santa Trains and 1358 were used. The left over bags were donated to Lights on the Lake to be handed at to the children. There were 627 Santa letters received and answered this year. Thank you to Lisa and Mark Yingling for their help with these letters. Dick received a thank you note from Sharon Campbell, for helping to accommodate her on another trip as she missed the trip she was scheduled for. She complimented the staff and was very pleased with the kindness and help she received. The Christmas dinner list will be passed around and everyone attending is ask to sign the sheet. Denny has calendars and those that wish to have one, please do so before the end of tonight's meeting. Frank received a letter from the Museum, asking if the Chapter is interested in putting an ad in the 2013 booklet. We will pay for an 1/8 page ad at the cost of 125.00 but get a page as our ad was not put in last year. Joey made a motion to move forward with this ad. Seconded by Don Goebel. All voted in favor. Dick made a motion to donate to Toys for Tots and Blair County Children and Youth as we have done in passed years. Motioned seconded by Ralph. All voted in favor. Dick reported that he will contact Kevin Moore the first of the year concerning the trip to New York on his private car. Dick will work out the details of the trip and the cost and hopefully have more information at the January meeting. Joey thanked all those that helped with the Santa trips. Dick also especially thanked Virginia Seidel for all her help with the ticket sales. Nominations were open for 2013 officers, with there being no new nominations the Secretary nominated and instated the officers of 2012 to the same office for 2013. Frank Givler - President; Joe Harella - Vice president; Karin Givler - Secretary; Denny Walls - Treasurer. A motion to adjourn was made by Don Goebal and seconded by Joey DeFrancisco Meeting adjourned.


Barry Kaufman Dave Ray Bob Speck Gary Price Dave Seidel Dave Behe Ralph Simson Tyler Martinuska Don Goebal Joey DeFrancisco Wil Teeter Frank Givler Karin Givler Dick Charlesworth Larry Lear Larry McKee Bill Temple Len Alwine Joe Harella Dan & Cynthia Moringello Dana & Nick Martino Jeff Holland Denny Wall Mike Wall 


"The Coal Bucket" Newsletter

Summer 2012

"The Coal Bucket" Newsletter

Autumn 2012
Part 1

"The Coal Bucket" Newsletter

Autumn 2012
Part 2

NRHS and its logo are trademarks of the National Railway Historical Society
(All photos are by David Seidel unless otherwise indicated.)