����������� I got up
����������� I walked a couple blocks towards the terminal when I saw Orion 5 T754 in service! I then saw Classic T758 in service. I photographed it before I got on.
����������� I rode T758 to the terminal and got off. I saw T754 was still there as well as our other charter bus T760. I photographed them as well as T758 again.
����������� After a few
minutes, I boarded a D40LF to
����������� Since I had said if I saw T754 in service today, I would buy a lottery ticket, I bought a �Cash for Life� lottery ticket, but didn�t win anything. I then did a little shopping at Wal-Mart before I had lunch in the food court. I then walked to the train station and bought a ticket for the Northlander. I was able to access the internet in the station just fine through their Wi-Fi network. I don�t know why it didn�t work in my hotel. While I was waiting I also went out and photographed an Ontario Northland highway coach in a newer looking livery.
����������� The
southbound Northlander was due to arrive at
����������� I heard a train whistle, but it was coming from south of the station. It was the northbound Northlander. I filmed the train pulling in. I noticed it had one more coach then usual. I took some photos of the train.
����������� I could see the southbound Northlander in the distance. I filmed the northbound train pulling out. The train pulled out of the station early, but it stopped past a switch. It then backed onto a siding to allow the southbound train to enter the station. I filmed the northbound train backing into the siding and then filmed the southbound train arriving.
����������� Once the last car of the southbound train had cleared the switch, the northbound train moved back out onto the main line and then prepared to reverse into the station once the southbound train departed.
����������� I was seated in ex GO Transit single level coach #615. The train was quite full and I had a seatmate for the duration of the trip. The train left 28 minutes late.
����������� Shortly after my ticket was taken, I went to the lounge car and plugged in my laptop and worked on this report some more.
����������� Meanwhile,
they played Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 in the lounge car.
Throughout the trip, I went between the lounge car and my coach seat. The train
stopped in
����������� I went back
to my coach seat as we stopped at
����������� The train stopped in Bracebridge and Gravenhurst. I decided to go to the caf� car again. They were showing the movie Megamind now. The train stopped at Washago.
����������� After we departed Washago, I bought a hot dog and an apple for dinner. I ate most of my dinner in the lounge car and worked on my report.
����������� Later, the train passed the Richmond Hill GO station. A few minutes later, we passed a GO train and the Langstaff GO station. We stopped two signals past Langstaff so a CN intermodal could cross the diamond ahead of us. I returned to my coach seat.
����������� Once the CN
intermodal was clear, we were allowed to proceed. The train winded its way down
����������� The Northlander had made up time and had arrived into Union 12 minutes early! This almost never happens. I got off and took some photos.
����������� I then went downstairs. I had to use the washroom, so I went. However, I got sick. It must have been from the hot dog on the Northlander. After, I headed out and phoned home. I rode the subway to Finch and got a ride home from my mom.
����������� Taking the midnight bus was an annoyance and it made me consider not going on any charter weekends if the transit systems aren�t within reach of each other. Feeling nauseous from my dinner on the Northlander wasn�t good as well. I think I�ll have something else the next time I ride the Northlander.
����������� Sleeping in a lower berth on the Canadian was different. There was seemingly less room then in a cabin for one, but it�s more comfortable than in coach; even if I don�t have a seatmate. Next time, I�ll opt for a cabin for one.
����������� Both
charters were good despite the late starts. At least we got the buses we
intended. I also liked getting to see the RDCs on the
����������� My next trip won�t be until August when I head off to see Amtrak�s 40th anniversary train. Until next time�
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