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Two visits to the National Capital Trolley Museum

Two visits to the National Capital Trolley Museum


            My July 2007 trip to Washington allowed me to visit the National Capital Trolley Museum for the first time since the 2003 fire. The following shots compare NCTM in 1999 when I first visited to when I visited in the summer of 2007.


            First we see the car barn that burned in 2003. The three cars visible in the photo: DCTS Pre-PCC #1053, Washington, Alexandria, and Mt. Vernon Railway #51, and Grazer Tramway Gesellschaft #120 were all destroyed in the fire. I took the below view back in 1999.



This is a similar view taken in 2007:



Next is the car barn that survived the fire. Car #955 from Düsseldorf, Germany and DCTS PCC #1101 survived the fire without a scratch. However the car on the right, Johnstown Traction #352 was lost in the fire.



Here is a view of the surviving car barn taken in 2007:



In both 1999 and 2007, ex Toronto PCC #4603 was the only streetcar running the day I visited. This picture was taken in 1999.



This concludes the comparison.