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July 10, 2012:

July 10, 2012:


            I slept off and on. The train stopped at Toledo. I stepped off and took some photos.




            I got back on and the train left. I tried to rest again until we stopped at Cleveland. I got out and photographed the train.






            I saw a taxi operated by the company that five years and one day previously had made me miss the Lakeshore Limited. I quietly booed at it as I didn’t have enough energy to loudly boo. I got back on the train and tried to rest.


            I eventually got up and went to the dining car for breakfast. I wasn’t feeling well and I didn’t feel like talking much with the people I was sitting with. I paid for my breakfast and went back to my coach seat. The train stopped at Erie. Shortly after we left Erie, I filmed the GE plant as we passed.


            A little while later, we were approaching Buffalo. I readied my stuff in preparation to get off. Amazingly the Lakeshore Limited arrived into Buffalo ON TIME! This almost never happens! Back in 2005, I was told the odds of train 48 arriving into Depew on time were as good as winning the lottery.


            I got off and walked to the end of the platform and photographed the train.




            I filmed the train departing and took one more photo of the train after it cleared the station.



            I then walked to Depew and changed my clothes. I had a few hours before the Maple Leaf was to arrive. I waited for a bus. While I was waiting, I chatted with a couple other passengers who were also connecting to train 63. After 20 or so minutes, the bus finally arrived I got on and rode to Union Road where I got off and went to the Niagara Central hobby store. I went inside but didn’t buy anything. I then went outside and photographed the caboose that’s on display in the parking lot both inside and out.









            Since I last visited the hobby shop in 2010, I saw the caboose had regained its Erie lettering. I then walked over to a Mighty Taco and had lunch. After lunch I caught a bus back to the station. I saw the people who had boarded the bus on the way from the station were on the bus as well.


            The bus took a circulator route, but we got back to Buffalo Depew station in plenty of time. I photographed several CSX freight trains as they passed.











            Train 64 soon arrived. I filmed it pulling in. I walked past the open door to photograph the locomotive. The conductor seemed to think I was getting on. I told him I wasn’t. I photographed the front of train 64.




            I then filmed train 64 departing. I took one more photo of train 64.



            I phoned Julie and found the Maple Leaf was running a few minutes late. While I was waiting, I photographed a Sperry Rail truck.




            Train 63 kept loosing time. When it arrived, it was 27 minutes late. I filmed the train pulling in.



            I was seated in Amfleet 1 coach #82702. The train soon departed. I was given a form for Customs to fill out. I used the novelty pen I got on my trip to Halifax earlier this year. The train stopped at Buffalo Exchange Street station and soon departed. The Maple Leaf now has Wi-Fi like many of VIA’s Quebec City-Windsor corridor trains. I logged in to the Wi-Fi for awhile.


            We soon stopped at Niagara Falls, New York. I was able to step off and photograph the train.




            I got back on and the train soon departed. I was told by a member of the crew that a new station was being built just over the river from the Niagara Falls, Ontario station. I saw it when we passed.


            We crossed into Canada and stopped at Niagara Falls Ontario. I was unsure if we get off or the Customs agents would come on. We were made to get off. I had no trouble clearing Customs. I then went to the waiting room to wait for boarding.


Once we were allowed to board, I was seated in Amfleet 2 coach #25113. The train departed on time. I noticed the Wi-Fi didn’t work in Canada. After my ticket was taken, I went to the café car for dinner. The bridge over the Welland Canal was down so it was likely that we would arrive on time. The train stopped at St. Catherines. VIA train 95 passed, but I was only able to film the last two coaches. The train stopped. We stopped at Grimsby and then Aldershot. I worked on this report some more.


            The train stopped at Oakville and soon departed. VIA train 79 passed, but I was unable to film it.


            As we passed VIA’s Toronto Maintenance Center, I filmed the equipment in the yard. I saw the Canadian being prepared for its 10:00 pm departure. We were soon approaching Toronto. I readied my stuff in preparation to get off.


            The Maple Leaf arrived two minutes late. I got off and photographed the train.



            I then went downstairs and phoned home. I then went to the subway. I rode a train of T-1 subway cars to Finch. When we arrived at Finch, I saw a Toronto Rocket subway train on the other platform track. Standing near the train was a driver who resembled Bob Marley who had given one of my friends and I trouble for photography. However my friend had obtained a photo permit even though we technically didn’t need one. I gave the employee a dirty look as I got on the escalator. I then left the station and met my mom and headed home.




            Even though I caught a cold, this was my best trip to Chicago. It was nice riding PCCs 4616 and 4617 in Kenosha since I hadn’t previous ridden either car. PCC 4609 is now the only ex Toronto car in Kenosha I have yet to ride. I also haven’t ridden ex SEPTA PCC #2185 as well. I have heard that PCC 4617 may be painted into San Francisco colours in the future. If or when that happens, I may have to go back.


            The Fox River Trolley Museum is decent. However the Illinois Railway Museum is amazing. I would definitely visit IRM again, especially if I could ride a PCC or BBC #181. The highlight of the trip was obviously meeting Richard Schauer and finally getting into the barn where the trolleybuses are kept. An interesting side note is that three weeks after this trip, I crossed paths with Richard again by chance at the Halton County Radial Railway Museum!


            The Chicago History Museum was okay. The Museum of Science and Industry was great and I’ll visit there again if I can find the time. As a result of visiting those two places, my friend Greg is finally pleased. However, he still said I should fly.


            I’m glad I got a few more rides on the 2200 and 2400 series El cars in service in Chicago. However, IRM is going to get a set of each in the future.


            Riding the Lakeshore Limited, it was kinda annoying that I had a seatmate during the overnight portion, though it is good for Amtrak. Oh I wish I was rich enough to get a sleeper.


            I’m also glad I was able to ride VIA train 95 for what may be the last time as a result of budget cuts. My next trip will be on two more trains that are also affected by the VIA budget cuts. Until next time…


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