Volume II Issue 7
RMR Division 2
Aurora, Colorado
Rock-tober 2009 |
NMRA Notes
On-line Printable Membership Renewal Form -
After due diligence by your Secretary, the NMRA's online printable Renewal form has been revised to include space for
your name, address, and membership number. Just minor items. They left off e-mail address but I guess that would be
hoping for too much. The missing data was noted by yours truly when downloading the form to provide for members at
meetings. The form had previously been revised in June 2009. After originally being snubbed for recommending these
modifications, Harold Huber, your Region President, came to all members' rescue and brought down the "sledge hammer"
on National to wake 'em up. Since then, yours truly received a nice 'thank you' for bringing this to their attention and
the form was promptly fixed!
Rocky Mountain Region Notes
2009 Fall Board of Directors Meeting Highlights Summary -
Meeting was held in Colorado Springs, September 20th.
AP Program - 2 new recent MMRs in the Region; Richard Sons and Irving Johnson.
2009 Greeley Convention Report - The convention was very profitable and made money for the region. Rick Inglis
commented that the Region convention forms should be reviewed for lack of versatility, e.g., spouses and miscellaneous
expenses are not covered.
2008 Albuquerque Convention Report - Resolution over previous report.
2010 Convention Bid - Since Fred Carlson is recuperating from cancer treatments and is still physically weak, the 2010
convention planning has been turned over to a committee to be formed from the Sunrise and South Suburban Divisions.
Everyone certainly appreciates Fred's efforts but his recovery is everyone's greatest priority, and it is past time to
let someone else handle these responsibilities while Fred gains back his health.
2011 Convention Bid - A group of 12 NMRA members in the Salt Lake area, but not the Wasatch Division, put forth a
bid to hold the 2011 convention at the Salt Lake Fairgrounds, which was accepted. There will be no official hotel, or
banquet. The convention is scheduled for 26-30 May 2011. Registration would include a UTA Mass Transit ticket to enable
transportation around the area.
2012 Convention Bid - Mid-Continent Region would like to hold a joint convention with the RMR Region during Railroad
Days at North Platte (late September). One concern was possible conflict with the National Narrow Gauge convention in
North Carolina. The bid is under review.
Nametags - The board approved making official nametags for the BOD officers. It was suggested that the nametags
could be made for Division members and provided at cost.
Bob Haggart has assumed the duties of USPS Mailing Chair from Rick Inglis.
Contest Chairman's Report - Bill Tulley reported that contest entries were up. The program that paid a dollar to
entrants per entry has been ended, after mixed results. Bill provided a handout about the Model Contest to solicit
comments from the membership. Read about the Model Contest discussion here.
E-mail your comments to Bill Tulley.
By-Laws & Constitution - should be reviewed regarding convention rules and how funds are divided.
Great Train Expo - Denver - November 7-8, 2009
The RMR NMRA Booth is planned for the Great Train Expo. RMR Promotions Chair Rich
Flammini is taking sign-ups for people interested in helping man the booth and/or volunteer clinics. We experience very high
interest level in clinics with new as well as long time modelers. It is a great way to share the hobby with others,
visit the train show, and have a great time. We are looking for other Denver area Divisions' members to participate as
well. e-mail: Rich Flammini to sign up.
Great Train Expo - Colorado Springs - January 16-17, 2010
The winter Great Train Expo goes to Colorado Springs this year, and will be at the
Phil Long Expo Center. Rich Flammini is again coordinating to have the NMRA booth at that show as well.
e-mail: Rich Flammini to sign up.
2009 RMR AP Certificate Awards (as listed in Scale Rails Jan - Dec 2009) |
Master Model Railroader Irving Johnson Richard Sons |
Golden Spike Robert Charles James Harper E. Sherman Storm John Ruhr |
Master Builder - Cars Don Bailey |
Association Volunteer Jerald Hanz* Fred Morton* Gary Myers* |
Model Railroad Engineer - Civil Richard Sons |
Master Builder - Structures Irving Johnson |
Chief Dispatcher Bill Sedivec |
Model Railroad Engineer - Electrical Irving Johnson Bill Sedivec Jerald Hanz |
Master Builder - Scenery Bill Sedivec* |
* first certificate |
Sunrise Division Notes
General Business
Attendees (16):Nate, Larry, Dave, Rich, Don, Tom, JohnG, Dick, Albert, JohnK, Gary, Byron, Ernie, Bob,
Glenn, and Louis
We will hold a convention committee meeting at Dick's house, Thursday, October 8th at 7 PM, to begin discussing
preliminaries. Anyone interested is welcome.
Upcoming Events
Slim Rails Model RR Swap Meet, Oct 17, Colorado Springs (see Calendar).
For details and more events, check our home page
2009 Calendar
2009 Division Election: Send nominations and/or volunteer to run for an office to
Monthly Meeting Show & Tell Themes |
Jan | *HOLIDAY BREAK* | Jul | Buildings |
Feb | Passenger Cars | Aug | Steam Locomotives |
Mar | Diesels & Electrics | Sep | Vehicles |
Apr | Track Structures | Oct | MOW Cars |
May | Cabooses | Nov | Freight Cars (Closed Loads) |
Jun | Freight Cars (Open Loads) | Dec | Photos/Slides/Videos |
1 Rock-tober 2009 Meeting Activities
October Show & Tell: MOW Cars
Caboose Hobbies Gift Certificate Random Draw Participant Winner: Tom Frerichs
Work Train (N Scale) Tom Frerichs |
Shop Foreman's Car (HO Scale) Bob Slattery |
Street Sweeper (HO Scale) Rich Flammini |
Work Train (HO Scale) Don Francis |
 Making Deciduous Trees
Clinic: Don Francis showed how to make simple decidous trees from preformed armatures, metal castings, and
sage branches.
Video: Following the clinic, we watched a 1960s Morris-Knudsen video "Railroading with the Rio Grande".
Dessert: The meeting adjourned about 9 PM, at which time most of us "reconvened" at the Village Inn at
Mississippi and Abilene for coffee & pie.
NEXT MEETING: November 5th
Clinic: TBD
Show & Tell Theme: Freight Cars - Closed Loads.
(Photo Credits: Gary Myers)
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