NMRA Notes
Member Information
It was noted at the Convention that e-mail addresses that are obsolete can only be corrected by the NMRA member. NMRA
officials have no authority (or ability) to update member's e-mail addresses for them. As such, obsolete e-mails are
continously fed through national distribution lists to your local officials.
Please carefully review and update your NMRA renewal forms, and please remember to check that your e-mail address is
current on the Renewal form.
Rocky Mountain Region Notes
Company Store
Don Francis reported that Jack Sousa is doing a fantastic job generating a lot of money for the Region, making
quite a bit at the Greeley Convention.
The Company Store is making appearances at Train Shows up and down the state, and it is a great way to sell
some consignments, with 20% going to the Region. This gives Jack more and new items to sell, saves time and expense
for the individual seller that doesn't have a lot to sell, and helps out the Region as well.
Kudos to Jack for all the great work!
2010 Convention
Arkansas Valley Division is putting together a basic train ride convention (similar to Dick's Chama Convention
in 2006).
Fred Carlson was heading this up, but he is looking for someone to take charge as he recuperates from his
cancer surgeries and treatments.
The train ride is the Rio Grande Scenic RR from Alamosa over La Veta pass.
2 July 2009 Meeting Activities
Following the Show & Tell, we watched a video on a spectacular narrow gauge layout from the Portland Oregon area.
July Show & Tell: Buildings
(Click on Image for Enlargements* Photos by Alex Myers) |
Dick Hunter's Jim Bowie Jct from the 1977 National Convention. TT
would work if electrified (& rails fixed). Was used in diorama.
Campbells Tobacco Shop, Speeder Shed and Plumbing Supply. The guy
in the red shirt is winning at checkers and has one king.
Gary Myers' Woodland Scenics
white metal "Guns & Tackle"
and Wild West Scale Models
"Earl Lee Store". A gray
cat is about to pounce the
unsuspecting calico. |
Alex Myers' Wild West Scale
Models "Zeke's Cabin" and "2
Story Outhouse". Bragdon's
Wood Wizard and powders. |
Glen Sponholtz's N-Scale Louisville Mill, built from Historical Society
photo & personal photos, & friend's 1903 plans (originally for wagons and not
built for trucks - so a little cramped!) |
Rob Slattery's C&S Jefferson
Depot, as originally built. It
had the platform on the freight
side but not trackside. Made
own plans & built from scratch,
wood, plastic, paper shingles. |
Tom Frerich's "1 evening special"
Walthers N-Scale Two Stall Engine
House". |
Steve Schweighofer's N-Scale Crested
Butte Early West store. Paper & wood
from Structures if the Early West plans. |
May Show & Tell: Cabooses
(Click on Image for Enlargements* Photos by Bill Johnson) |
On3 D&RGW #0574 Mike O Neill |
Sn3 C&S #1006 Glenn Sponholtz |
HO UP #3721 & #9023225 Bill Johnson |
HO Boreas & Saguache Stewart Jones |
HO GN X242 Don Francis |
HO UP #2656 Don Francis |
HO Drover Dick Hunter |
Attendees: 17
Nate, Don, Tom F, Dick, Albert, Stewart, Mike, Glenn, Larry, Jerry, Bill, Gary, Alex, John K, Byron, Steve, & Rob.
NEXT MEETING: August 6th
Clinic: Weathering Locomotives with Don Meeker.
Show & Tell Theme: Steam Locomotives.