NMRA Notes
In the January 2009 issue of Scale Rails, Bill Kaufman wrote a very interesting letter in the Mail Car,
pages 7-10. Our Region President, has made this required reading for all Board members to discuss at our
next Board of Directors meeting, which will take place the Sunday morning (following the Hobo Breakfast) at
the Convention in Greeley. All NMRA members are invited to the meeting and need not be on the board to attend and/or
voice his/her opinions.
Rocky Mountain Region Notes
The February e-Callboard is soon due to be released. Updated e-mail lists have been forwarded to Chris Fallis.
If you do not receive an e-mail from the Region in the next month, send a note to
Nate (bryant_nate@msn.com), or contact Chris Fallis (chrisfallis@yahoo.com).
You can always access the latest Callboard on-line from the Region or our Division website:
Trains, Planes, Cars, & Boats 2009 RMR Convention
Convention dates: May 21 - 24, 2009
Convention Hotel: Greeley Clarion Hotel and Convention Center, (970) 353-8444. Mention Rocky Mountain Region National
Model Railroad Association to get convention rate of $79.00/night.
Early Registration ends 4/30/09. Registrant & Family charged an extra $10 each after 4/30/09.
Several details on the convention are available at the Convention website
Great Train Expo NMRA Booth
Once again, RMR Promotions Chair Rich Flammini is coordinating the NMRA booth at the Great Train Expo, Feb 21-22, at the
National Western Stock Complex in Denver.
Dick Hunter is providing a portable layout for continuous running. Gary Myers and Stewart Jones will be doing
clinics on car weathering and layout signalling, respectively.
So far, the Sunrise Division has been
exclusivley manning the NMRA booth for the Region for about a year. We seem to be making more contacts and have found that
operating displays are a great draw. Several beginner and entry level hobbyists have sought some advice, so
that may be an area where we want to concentrate our efforts by encouragement and help, hoping we may eventually be
able to bring in more members.
Gary Myers provided Rich with some sign ideas based on the comments Bill Kaufman
raised in his letter (above). The emphasis was primarily helping novices.
Jim Laird suggested a slideshow that shows "How-To", typical of Kalmbach's "Introduction to Scale Model
Railroading". Also, what the Division does and in what ways we can help.
Barry Allison commented on the success of using modules by the Platte Valley Western Club, which showed various
stages of construction that many show attendees found very helpful and instructive. Their slogans were "Dream It!",
"Plan It!", and "Do It!"
Sunrise Division Notes
January Meeting
No meeting was held as we took a Holiday break, since our regularly scheduled meeting was for January 1st.
2008 Attendance Report
Gary Myers reported on meeting attendance for the last year. Average attendance was only 10 people per meeting, for
10 monthly meetings. There was a Holiday break during July because of the 4th. Instead of an October meeting, we had
a mini-layout tour which had a high attendance rate, but was unfortunately not recorded. It was noted that attendance
picked up significantly during the fourth quarter, after e-mail distribution was substantially increased from the RMR
roster data. Overall, we had a 12.25% of the membership attend monthly.
In order to improve communications, snail mail will be sent out to members who have not been contacted by e-mail.
It was noted that the Sunrise Division, has the highest representation of any Division on the RMR Board. Currently,
on the board besides our SuperIntendent Nate, is Bill Johnson as RMR Vice-President, Don Francis as RMR Treasurer, Dick
Hunter & Gary Myers serving as Directors, and Rich Flammini as RMR Promotions Chair. Our Division hosted the most recent
RMR Convention in the Denver area, Timeless Rails in 2007. We certainly need to hear from our own members and wish to
represent you as much as possible.
2009 Members: 88 (up 8 from 2008); current e-mail distribution: 65; snail-mail: 23
Sunrise Modular Layout Group
The layout committee submitted a request for funds from the Region which was not approved.
A second request for funding is being evaluated.
Construction on modules is being delayed until sufficient funds can cover construction costs, costs to modify the
Division trailer for storage & transport, and track costs to have an operating layout. The layout is to be designed for
quick set-up for shows and conventions attended by Division members.
Jim Laird suggested Private Car Auctions, which can be held during conventions, as a possible fundraising source.
Funds donated from train show clinics and layouts are being earmarked for the layout fund.
The next committee meeting is February 26th.
Upcoming Events
A copy of the webpage February and March 2009 events were handed out. For details and more events, check our home page
calendar and on-line at: 2009 Calendar (http://trainweb.org/drgwscenicline/events09.html)
5 February 2009 Meeting Activities
February Show & Tell: Passenger Cars
(Click on Image for Enlargements* Photos by Gary) |
Bill Johnson's HO Scale Union Pacific Business Car #104, UP "Horse Car" #1371, UP Budd RPO #35903,
and OO Scale Great Western "British" Restaurant Car. |
Rich Flammini's HO Scale Rapido Grand Trunk Western
Light Weight Coach, part of the GTW International
operating between Chicago & Toronto via Port Huron, MI. |
Appearing through the haze is Tom Frerich's N Scale
Con Cor Standard Gauge DCC RGS Goose #5, with
working lights and headlights. |
From Stewart Jones' HO Scale Boreas & Saguache RR, we have a consist of light and heavy weight
coaches, dining car, and observation car. |
Don Francis' HO Scale kits with brass car sides, in various stages of assembly. |
Jim Laird shared
another of his brass
kit projects with
this Republic Works
Goose (above & below). |
Ezekiel applies power to Devin's Delton G Gauge Colorado & Southern Coach #56. |
Video Show:
We enjoyed a video of the "Golden Spike", a historical retelling of the trancontinental railroad and how the
nation was affected.
Attendees: 21
Tom, Jerry, Don, Bill, Al, Stu, Gary, Dick, Nate, Devin & Ezekiel, Jim, Barry, Albert, Rich, John K, Dave,
Byron, Wayne, John G, & Glenn
Clinic: Modeling with Water and Static Grass, with Don Francis & Tom Frerichs.
Show & Tell Theme: Diesels & Electrics.