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Sunrise Division Meeting Sep 08 Minutes
Rocky Mountain Region             Sunrise Division                 Volume 1       Issue 4         September 2008

NMRA Notes

No news from National.

Rocky Mountain Region Notes


  • If you did not receive the August e-Callboard, send a note to Nate, or contact Chris Fallis or click on this link to the August Callboard.

    Chama Charter Trip
    The Pueblo Model Railroad Club charters a C&TS parlor car every year from Chama to Antonito. This year due to cancellations we have two tickets available at $127.30 each for the September 13th trip. This includes a very good lunch at Osier and a bus ride back to Chama. The train leaves Chama at 10:00am and returns to Chama about 5:00pm. If you want to ride with us, contact John Denny. We always have a good time!

  • Sunrise Division Notes

    Layout Tour
    No meeting next month October 2, instead we will meet at Don Francis's residence, to tour his layout. We will then travel to Stewart Jones' residence to see his layout.

    Sunrise Module Group

  • The design committee has come up with a design that maximizes the module size and layout shape that will all fit into the Sunrise Division's trailer.
  • Currently, preliminary track designs are in work.
  • No meeting on September 11th. The next module group meeting is tentatively scheduled to meet Sept 25th. Contact Dick for details.

    Last Run
    Long time NMRA member Gerald Long passed away recently. Our prayers and best wishes to Gerald's family and friends.

    Upcoming Events
    For details and more events, check our home page calendar and on-line at:

  • 9/4/08 Meeting Activities

    Show & Tell: Diesels: Favorites / Projects / Anecodotes / ETC
    (Photos by Gary)

    Everyone told tales of why these favorite models held to each their fascination and appreciation.
    Bill's Rocket, CB&Q Silver Queen Zephyr, and City of Denver:
    Dave's sentimental home town favorite Utah Railway:
    Stu's antique F3 treasure:
    Gary's current & ongoing SD40T-2 project:

    Clinic: Make Your Freight Cars Awesome & Look Prototypical, Part I: Numbering & Weathering, presented by Gary

    Gary presented a clinic on the steps he uses to getting great looking freight cars on his layout, through research, selection, upgrading and basic weathering.

    Tom, Don, Bill, Nate, DaveS, JohnK, Stu, & Gary

    NEXT MEETING: October 2nd Layout Tour: (See above)

    Return to Sunrise Division Home

    Last modified 9 August 2008