Rocky Mountain Region Notes
If you did not receive the November e-Callboard, send a note to Nate, or contact
Chris Fallis or click on this link to the November
Great Train Expo
Sunrise Division once again manned the NMRA booth at the Great Train Expo with several volunteers, Nov 8-9th. We were
unprepared with virtually no pamphlets for the convention, as the Northern Colorado Club had planned to attend with their
own booth teamed with the Greeley Freight House Museum. Unfortunately, the Northern Colorado group did not attend nor
provide convention flyers, because of work sessions scheduled at the Museum. Fortunately, some of the vendors in attendance did have 2009 convention flyers and gave us
some to distribute.
At this show, we had a small static display and a test track to run an engine back and forth, as well as
Tom's N-Scale locomotive running continuously on an oval. We definitely attracted more interest than we did at
last February's GTE, by having moving trains and train displays at the booth. We also seemed to have a fair increase of
visitors, and interacting with the public by talking to them individually seemed to make some impressions. Some people
were NMRA members that really didn't know anything about the Divisions, some had questions about the convention, some
people just asked questions on how to get started in the hobby. Some parents walked up with a kid who got to run
an engine back & forth on the test track for probably the first time. Those interactions made the whole experience
worth doing, and should payback with new interest and new members in the hobby and maybe even the NMRA.
It was also quite apparent that having continuous running is a necessity while engaged in conversation, having done so
with other folks amongst the modular clubs, while having dedicated operators who are unable to really stop and talk.
Sunrise Division Notes
Layout Tour
Last month instead of a meeting, we toured Don Francis's & Stewart Jones' layouts. We had a great turn out of folks,
more than we get at Division Meetings, so we will have to do more events like that in the future. If you missed the tour
or want to see the layouts again, check out our Member's
Layouts webpage.
2009 Election
Nominations for Superintendent, Asst. Superintendent, and Treasurer were unopposed for Nate Bryant, Don Francis, and
Bill Johnson. With closure of the nominations, our 2008 officers officially continue for another term through 2009. I,
(Gary Myers), volunteered for another year as Secretary (but I tried to nominate somebody!).
Sunrise Module Group
Gary and Dick from the design committee presented intial section concepts & proposal to the Division.
The layout will consist of 14 sections, that can only be set up in the same pattern, with some removable.
The layout will be designed for two person setup in about 2 hours.
The layout is designed to be transported and stored in the Division's trailer, without structures mounted on it.
Initial construction costs for the modules were estimated, including miscellaneous
costs for modifications required for the Division trailer.
The committee proposed start-up costs from the Division to begin construction, which was approved.
Alternate funding considerations were discussed briefly.
Other features of the layout were that structures/scenes were to be Divison and /or member supplied, changing from
show to show by laying out track with generic footprints for structures to sit on or replace. Tracks are to weave
and flow through the scenery, not necessarily fixed at the same location - thus, regulating the setup to a specific
A very preliminary track arrangement was shown, that was designed for maximum trackage/cost to start backing off from.
No layout design meeting for November 27th (Turkey Day). The next layout design meeting is tentatively scheduled to meet Dec
Upcoming Events
For details and more events, check our home page calendar and on-line at:
I am working on the 2009 Calendar of Events, which should be available soon. BTW, if I miss an event, send me a
note at:
6 November 2008 Meeting Activities
Show & Tell: Open Loads / Anything off your Layout!
(Photos by Gary)
From Don's layout: |
Gary & Alex's D&RGW hoppers for their Tunnel Motors: |
Some of Rich's open loads: |
Jim's Kemtron challenge: |
& from Stewart's Boreas & Saguache: |
Slide Show:
Dick presented an in person view of Omaha's 2008 Annual Rail Fest
Tom, Don, Bill, DaveS, JohnK, Stu, Gary, Jim, Byron, Dick, Rich, Louis, Al, Devon, & Thomas
NEXT MEETING: December 4th: Holiday treats, Tecatta Trains, and show & tell theme TBA