Rocky Mountain Region Notes
Model Train Show & Swap Meet
� Arapahoe County Fairgrounds, Aurora, 26-27 April 2008
A few of us from the Division manned a booth for the Region. The attendance for this first annual show was
extremely low. Even so, Dick managed an estate sale he acquired Friday and sold off completely Sunday afternoon.
Rich volunteered to continue working with the Great Train Expo and shows to have a Rocky Mountain Region
NMRA booth.
Rails Along the Rio Grande, 2008 Convention
The special $99/night rate on hotel reservations has been extended an additional week.
The Thursday Train ride has been moved to Sunday.
The e-Callboard has been sent out over a week ago. If you have not received yours, or would like to receive it
electronically (and save on Region mailing expenses), contact
Chris Fallis.
Region Election
Nate passed out election ballots and collected from those present. Don't forget to mail in your ballots. Since the
Vice President position was open, write in candidates will be accepted, and there was a suggestion by Dick to write in Bill
as a candidate. Bill served aas Election Chairman and acting Director, but did not offically run.
Sunrise Division Notes
Sunrise Module Group
The module group has been holding meetings more frequently, with our next meeting scheduled next week at Dick's
house, Thursday night. Progress has been made determining overall size and basic dimensions. Lightweight construction
techniques are still being evaluated.
Contact: Dick.
Upcoming Railroad Events
Oct 4-5 Western Colorado Railroad Extravaganza - Montrose
Information about this show as well as their vendor form is now available on-line on our webpage.
Check our home page calendar and on-line at:
5/1/08 Meeting Activities
While we were waiting for the monthly meeting to start, Dick entertained us with a photo show presentation on his
trips to the Durango & Silverton. Dick will be showing his presentation again as a clinic at
Rails Along the Rio Grande.
Show & Tell: Transformers (Rolling stock changed to a different purpose) ( Photos by Gary)
A converted Combine A Candy Cane Special Rich's Collection |
An odd looking caboose, no end platforms, is actually an old caboose shell on a Centerline
Products Track Cleaner DaveC's Collection |
Here is an AHM Krauss-Maffei shell combined with an E7 chassis DaveC's Collection |
Show & Tell II: FASTRACKS ( Photos by Gary)
While Tom was setting up his clinic, Gary did a very brief presentation on building turnouts with FASTTRACKS
assembly jigs. The following portrays the tools used/required for building FASTTRACK turnouts.
FASTRACKS JigNMRA Gauges10" Single Cut FilePC TiesCleaning Brush
Completed DG turnout |
First: FrogsSecond: Guard RailsShort Guard rail lower rightBends for
guard rails above & below short jig |
Rail NippersSharp XactoFiberglass Weathering Brush (removes solder on rail)
Jeweler's saw for rail cutsFASTTRACKS Point & Frog Filing Jig & wrench
Pliobond & Walthers tips for gluing ties to switchQuickStix Precut Ties |
Belt Sander for grinding flange off stock rails for point nesting |
FASTRACKS Template showing tie & rail cuts, assembly orderOhmmeter for isolation checks
Razor saw for tie isolation cutsFelt Fine Point for marking everything: isolation cuts,
rail bends, grind spots, tie & rail cuts
Very Fine Point, high heat, high watt soldering iron & stand
Very fine solder, Acid Flux and old brush for flux
Clinic: XTrkCAD - Freeware Symposium, presented by Tom ( Photos by Gary)
I was going to mail out the install file for XTrkCAD, but I realized that it is an �.exe� file and many mail
clients will block it. Therefore, I did a quickie page on one of my web servers and dropped the file there. You
can download by going to and clicking
on the link. The size is 1.89 MB.
If folks don�t want to download it from me, they can go to the wiki (link below) and find directions to download it
directly from SourceForge. They can also get a Linux version if they are so inclined.
I�ve also included two links that may be of interest. The first is the wiki for the program, and the second is the
Yahoo group that does offer some support. The files section for the Yahoo group, in particular, has a number of
additional parameter files that may not be included in the �official� release. However, keep in mind that some of
the parameter files (buildings, etc) that were first posted on the Yahoo group have been incorporated into the
release. A quick comparison of filenames and dates will ensure that you have the latest version. I�ll be honest�
I�ve looked at the N-scale stuff and have not paid any attention to the HO-scale files.
Perhaps the most useful postings on the Yahoo site are the directions on creating buildings, etc, from scratch.
Additional XTrk CAD comments from DaveS:
Since my initial download a couple years ago, the program was improved by a few interested individuals and a new
version has been made available. I downloaded it too and it works fine. There are still a few guys around that
are continuing to make the program even more user friendly.
If you wish to use the program, (it includes some turnout data... but not all of the ones I wanted) there is a
specific procedure for loading the parameters needed for many of the turnouts those of us in the US need and use.
The parameters are in the Yahoo Group files and virtually all of them you might want and need can all be added all
at once in a minute or so. Procedure to do so is buried somewhere in all the Yahoo Group messages, but it's not
hard to find. Also many Walthers structures are in the groups files and can be downloaded in a near identical
Rich, Jerry, Tom, Dick, Bill, Nate, DaveC, & Gary
NEXT MONTH: June 5 Division Meeting Activities:
Convention Highlights
Clinic: TBD
Show & Tell Theme: TBD