NMRA Notes
No news reported.
Rocky Mountain Region Notes
Great Train Expo � National Western Stock Complex, Denver, 23-24 February 2008
The Rocky Mountain Region table (booth) was setupand manned by several Sunrise Division volunteers for promotional
purposes. It was commented that attendance was very high on Saturday, and we drew enough interest to give away piles of
handouts. Sunday attendance was lighter, but several people stopped at the booth to inquire about the NMRA, the Regional
convention, shows, and just chat. It was noted that many of the materials supplied as handouts were replaced by Nate
since the membership rates were out of date or Scale Rails magazines had members' names & addresses on them. On Sunday,
a few copies of Scale Rails were marked as "DISPLAY" for people to browse. All the copies of Scale Rails supplied by
National were given away immediately on Saturday. It was suggested that if additional tables are provided for future
shows, an exhibitor would be able to work on some items as a "walk-up clinic" for visitors.
All of the volunteers were presented with a certificate of Appreciation for participating.
It was suggested to ask Rich to organize an NMRA booth at the November Great Train Expo.
Region Promotions Chairman
It was noted that there is still no Promotions Chairman for the Region, which could have led to the accumulation
of obsolete promotional materials on hand.
Rails Along the Rio Grande, 2008 Convention
Early registration ended February 28th. Registration is now + $10.
Taking reservations for train rides now. If insufficent numbers, train ride could be cancelled.
Upcoming Railroad Events
We reviewed local train shows and events listed in the Colorado Time Table.
First Annual Arapahoe County Fairgrounds Model Train
Show & Swap Meet will be held April 26-27. This is a brand new show.
Also, the North Platte Show will be held September 19-21.
All this and 10x more are available on our home page calendar and on-line at:
Sunrise Division Notes
Sunrise Module Group
Third planning meeting for those interested in designing, building, and developing a Division portable layout of modules
(to be set up locally, and taken to shows and conventions) is scheduled at Dick�s house, 7:00 PM, Thursday, 13
March 2008. Contact: Dick.
Miscellaneous Notes
Denver O-Scale Club Denver Post Article
The article advertised the Denver O-Scale club and resulted in record crowds touring the layout
February 25th.
Apparently, the O-Scale and Platte Valley & Western clubs will continue at Union Station.
Aurora History Museum Denver Tramway 610 Restoration Project
The car had been part of a home on E. Colfax until July 2006.
Currently work sessions are held on Mondays.
Sunrise Division is currently being represented by Jerry, the more the merrier.
Efforts are underway to try and start a Saturday group.
Contact: Bob Eide at (303) 337-5131.
Meeting Activities
Show & Tell: Maintenance of Way (MOW) Equipment ( Photos by Gary)
Gary's HOn3 D&RGW Rail & Tie car:

Bill's HO MOW AT&SF and UP cranes:

Dick's HO D&RGW MOW cars (built by Lenny Lasso):

Clinic: Estate Planning
Dick presented his updated clinic on Estate Planning, which was very insightful and enlightening. Dick is
planning on adding to it and presenting it again at the Regional Convention. The clinic provided a very good
prospective of our earthly RR inheritance, how best to prepare our family's for this one day, and not just
for those of us reaching the end of the line.
April 3 Division Meeting Activities:
Clinic: Making Turnouts by Bill (rescheduled from February).
Show & Tell Theme: Flat cars & flat car loads.