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Sunrise Division Meeting Minutes

January 2008 Sunrise Division Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 1/3/08
Attendance: Nate, Rich, Don, Dick, Bill, Stu, Gary, & DaveS
Rocky Mountain Region Notes

Deadline for Callboard updates: 1/12/08 Contact: Dick Hunter

  • Any special activity for anyone, anyone�s club as well as Division (not including regular meetings)
  • The idea is for re-instating the calendar
  • 2008 Region Election
    Bill Johnson, acting Director Appointee, is Election Chairman for the 2008 Region Elections.
    Goal: Every Division put forth a candidate as Director this year.

    New Director would take office with the conclusion of the spring board meeting and hold the position for 2 years. Director is responsible to attend 2 meetings/year, usually at the Regional Convention and another designated by the Region�s SuperIntendent. If unable to attend, a proxy can be sent in place for voting. Current issues are the Region�s Modular Standards which are still in review and site for the 2009 Regional Convention.

    Contest Chairman position open, Mark Evans still filling in as Acting Chairman until someone would like to take this job.

    Great Train Expo � National Western Stock Complex, Denver, 23-24 February 2008
    Nick Soren of the Great Train Expo will allow the NMRA to set a free table for promotional purposes. Looking for participation and/or promotional materials from all interested Divisions and the Region. Need to check with Don Strait and Jack Sousa for promotional props and materials. Need flyers to advertise Division meetings and events. Contact: Rich/Nate

    Rails Along the Rio Grande, 2008 Convention
    Reminder to those interested in presenting clinics to contact the Convention Committee. Need for Vendors for Train Show as well.

    Sunrise Division Notes

    Gary volunteered to take minutes and was appointed Secretary by SuperIntendent Bryant.

    Sunrise Module Group
    First planning meeting for those interested in designing, building, and developing a Division portable layout of modules (to be set up locally, and taken to shows and conventions) is scheduled at Dick�s house, 7:00 PM, Thursday, 10 January 2008. Contact: Dick.

    Future Conventions
    Core group of people that used to help pull together conventions have long been dispersed. Need to develop, and maintain a new group actively to plan for future conventions.

    Miscellaneous Notes

    Jim Haggard Estate
    Approximately 100 items (or less) worth approximately $5K remain and will be placed on e-bay Sunday. Contact: Dick

    Caboose Hobbies Clinic
    Fred Carlson, Region SuperIntendent, will giving a clinic 2:00 PM, Sunday, 9 March 2008, on �Build a Chipboard Trackside Structure�.

    Meeting Activities

    Show & Tell
    Don described construction and weathering of a flat car and pair of wood caboose kits. Gary displayed some weathered Blackstone Hon3 cars and sound decoder installation for the Athearn HO Tunnel Motor and MMI�s Hon3 K-27.

    Future Activities

  • Tree Making
  • Airbrushing � use of coloring
  • Weathering Cars
  • Bridge Construction � use of different materials
  • Detailing � Steam Engines, Diesels
  • Converting DC to DCC
  • Estate Planning � How to prepare �future� sale

    VIDEO � Bringing Layouts to Life
    The evening was concluded with presentation of a video which showed techniques using blue foam for rock scenery, adding hydrocal, hydrocal rock molds, painting scenery and ballasting.

  • Return to Sunrise Division Home

    Last modified 10 March 2008