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Sunrise Division Meeting Minutes

February 2008 Sunrise Division Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 2/7/08
Attendance: Jerry, Nate, DaveC, Rich, Don, Tom, Dick, John, Jim, Gary, Byron, Kathy, & Gerald
NMRA Notes

National Board of Directors Meeting
Nate Bryant can forward a copy of the National BOD Minutes to anyone interested.

Rocky Mountain Region Notes

The RMR Callboard was released last week and contained updates to the convention.

Great Train Expo � National Western Stock Complex, Denver, 23-24 February 2008
The Rocky Mountain Region has a table (booth) for promotional purposes. Looking for participation and/or promotional materials from all interested Divisions and the Region. Accepting volunteers to attend booth. A flyer was reviewed that lists contacts for each Division, copies to run ~5 cents/copy. Gary made a Sunrise Division flyer that will be resubmitted.
Contact: Nate to volunteer.

Rails Along the Rio Grande, 2008 Convention

  • Early registration ends February 28th.
  • Taking reservations for train rides now. If insufficent numbers, train ride could be cancelled.
  • No recent updates to the clinics had been made, but are not usually finalized until closer to the convention.

    Rail in the Rockies XI � Holiday Inn Conference Center, Estes Park, 16-17 February 2008

    Other Railroad Events
    We reviewed local train shows and events listed in the Colorado Time Table. This calendar of events and more are available on-line at:

    Region Mailing Address
    Don set up a Denver mailing address for the Region:

    Rocky Mountain Region, NMRA
    Mail Box 283
    8020 S. Monaco Pkwy
    Denver, CO 80224
    To aid in the general confusion in the Region, "Jack" Sousa of the Company Store, also opened a Region Mail Box in Colorado Springs!

    Sunrise Division Notes

    Sunrise Module Group
    Second planning meeting for those interested in designing, building, and developing a Division portable layout of modules (to be set up locally, and taken to shows and conventions) is scheduled at Dick�s house, 7:00 PM, Thursday, 21 February 2008. Contact: Dick.

    A general dsiscussion of what are we doing to promote the hobby? World's Greatest Hobby show is generally limited to only a few cities each year. Lack of mall shows for free admission are fewer and far between. Suggestion: check into use of vacant commercial space for use to host a show in the future. Since CompUSA stores are closing across the country, stores like that are prime candidates, especially the one in the Aurora City Center north of Aurora Mall off Alameda.

    Miscellaneous Notes

    Caboose Hobbies Clinic - Cancelled
    Fred Carlson, Region SuperIntendent, will NOT be giving his clinic, as previously scheduled 2:00 PM, Sunday, 9 March 2008, on �Build a Chipboard Trackside Structure� at Caboose Hobbies due to TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES.

    Meeting Activities

    Show & Tell: Cars, Trucks & Vehicles
    Gary displayed a white metal Woodlands Scenics 1912 Federal "S" dump truck, painted with acrylics & floquil, weathered with RUST-ALL 1-2-3-4.
    Photos by G.Myers

    Don had several tractor trailers and TOFC. Included: Modified short Athearn trailers with double axle removed to model prototypical single axle trailers, a resin ladder fire truck, a Burlington trailer built from a block of plaster, painted with floquil paints and Microscale decals, and Santa Fe & Burlington resin tractors, and another Athearn trailer.

    Rich brought in his vintage collection in the history of vehicles, dating from early Tootsie Toys, Varney dump truck, later Tootsie Toy dump truck, van, wrecker, school bus, early Lindenberg delivery trucks and dump truck, Ulrich metal semi-tractor trailers relabeled to local stores and former employers. Also some early Revell cars, a pair of early Hot Wheels construction trucks, Australian collectible matchbox semi, Lee Town delivery and flat trucks, an Athearn semi with details like mirrors, wipers, and mudflaps added and a cast metal street cleaner.

    Future Activities

  • Clinic for Making Turnouts by Bill has been rescheduled for April. Bill was unable to attend because his son Chris was having Gall Bladder surgery. Chris is a Bridge Engineer for the Union Pacific Railroad. We all wish Chris the best and a speedy recovery.
  • March Show & Tell Theme is MOW.
  • March Clinic is Estate Planning
  • March Video will include the conclusion of this month's video; "Dream Plan Build" by Model Railroader.

    VIDEO � "Dream Plan Build" by Model Railroader
    The evening was concluded with presentation of a video which showed operating techniques presented by the Model Railroader editorial staff. We didn't have time to watch the entire video, and will view the rest of the DVD next month. This month covered:

  • Train Orders
  • Switch Lists
  • Clearance Forms
  • Sequence Lists
  • Dispatcher & YardMaster duties
  • Some basic operations

  • Return to Sunrise Division Home

    Last modified 10 March 2008