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Sunrise Division Meeting April Minutes

April 2008 Sunrise Division Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 4/3/08
Attendance: Rich, Don, Tom, Dick, Al, Stu, John, Gary, & Byron
NMRA Notes

April 2008 Scale Rails
Rich noted in the Division Business Car, page 56, the article on downloadable building backdrops you could make:
Rich downloaded a couple examples to share which were pretty neat! Thanks, Rich!

Rocky Mountain Region Notes

Model Train Show & Swap Meet � Arapahoe County Fairgrounds, Aurora, 26-27 April 2008
The Rocky Mountain Region will be sponsoring a booth, like we manned for the Great Train Expo by several Sunrise Division volunteers for promoting the NMRA Rocky Mountain Region. Several members signed up to man the booth on Saturday and Sunday. If interested, please contact Dick.

Rails Along the Rio Grande, 2008 Convention

  • Make your reservations for train rides now. If insufficent numbers, train rides could be cancelled. Deadline for the Railrunner are May 1st.

    Reminder: The special convention hotel rate ends April 29th! Make your reservations soon!! The convention website says they still need more reservations to avoid paying a penalty! If you plan to go, get it done!!

    Treasury Notes
    Don noted that the Region receives 2 checks from National each year based on the Region membership. Between those checks and the Convention, usually all yearly expenses are covered.

    The Region's investment fund provides additional funds if needed, from the interest generated. Funds from this earned interest can be obtained by a vote from the Board, when required. The last significant expenditure made may have been the Division's trailer, (which failing memories present were only able to recall!)

    Dick noted that the latest changes to the Region's Constitution still need to be approved by the Region's members.

    Region Election

    Deadlines for RMR candidates for this year's elections are due to the Callboard (Dick) by Friday. Don is running for another term as Treasurer and Gary submitted his bio for candidacy for a Director at large bid. Bill is another possible Director candidate and is currently serving as 2008 Election Chairman.

    Upcoming Railroad Events
    Check our home page calendar and on-line at:

    Sunrise Division Notes

    Sunrise Module Group
    Last month's planning meeting for the designing, building, and developing a Division portable layout of modules was cancelled at the time of the meeting due to lack of attendees present. This month's committee meeting is scheduled for April 10th at Dick�s house, 7:00 PM. We may need to start meeting more often to make progress. Contact: Dick.

    Miscellaneous Notes

    Rocky Mountain Rails
    Rich brought in a flyer for the Rocky Mountain Rails club, which is a 7 1/2 inch gauge riding railroad down in Waterton Canyon near the Kassler Water treatment facility. Their next operation was scheduled for April 5th.

    Guests are welcome and there is no admission charge at any of their events. Contact their Webmaster through their website at if you would like to visit their club!

    Meeting Activities

    Show & Tell: Flat cars & Loads
    ( Photos by Gary)

    April Fool's Special!
    Car for the Wives
    Pool, Spa, Massage!
    Lady at right is
    saying: "Leave the
    credit card!
    Dick's Collection
    A Foreman & Sup't
    turn a flat into
    a depressed flat!
    Dick's Collection
    TT Depressed center
    flat to be converted
    to a very rare
    HOn3 depressed
    center flat
    Dick's Collection
    5 flats from a 20 car Lanny Lasso Desert Storm Train
    Dick's collection
    Athearn & Red Caboose flat cars with scratch, Athearn, Life-Like, Chooch, Jordan and Ertl loads in various stages of weathering
    Gary & Alex's Collection
      John's Hopper Coal Loads
    Al's banged up and bent to hell GN Gondola Rich's "Award Winning"
    Xmas Flat car!
    Rich's Chopper OFC Rich's GN TOFC

    Clinic: Turnout Building - Bill
    Bill had an emergency with a family illness and so his clinic was postponed. We send our best wishes and thoughts to Bill and his family.

    Gary brought his FASTTRACKS template for building HO Dual Gauge, Standard Gauge, and Narrow Gauge turnouts, and displayed the Frog and Point rail tool used to quickly manufacture No. 6 switches. The jig makes it possible to make left and right turnouts in any combination of standard, narrow and dual gauge turnout with the narrow gauge on the left side of the turnouts. Gary's club member Tom also has the opposite matching turnout jig with narrow gauge on the right enabling them to make any combination of No. 6 HO turnouts.

    Video: American Railroads - The History Channel
    We watched a recording of the History Channel's program on the history and current state of America's railroads, including an overview of UP's yards at Omaha.

    NEXT MONTH: May 1 Division Meeting Activities:

  • Clinic: Track CAD - Tom
  • Show & Tell Theme: Bring your rolling stock cars that you rebuilt into other purposes (Tenders/Passenger Cars/Etc.)

  • Return to Sunrise Division Home

    Last modified 10 April 2008