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Potomac Chapter Membership Minutes 2024

Minutes of the 2024 Membership Meetings

Potomac Chapter, National Railway Historical Society, Inc.

November 19, 2024

The chapter met using Zoom video conferencing software.

Secretary Bill Holdsworth called the meeting to order about 8:10 p.m. Zoom participation peaked at 26 logins.

Bill reminded members that minutes of the meetings are available on the website. The December meeting will be the holiday social at the Rockville Library.

Jay Creswell gave a brief treasurer's report.

Members approved a change in the bylaws shrinking the Board of Directors from nine to seven. The changes were published in the September Potomac Rail News. The text is shown below.

President Gordy Bjoraker and Bill reported on the candidates for the chapter offices in 2025. Five of the six incumbents are willing to seek re-election. Rick Davidson is stepping down as National Representative. Doug Scott volunteered to take the position.

Participants shared rail news.

Tom Nemeth's program featured Wellsville, Addison & Galeton Railroad. The WAG was created in 1956 using a section of B&O trackage separated from the main line by a 1942 flood. The WAG operated until 1979. .

Discussion continued after the program ended. The meeting ended at 9:39 p.m.

Text of revisions to the bylaws


Section 1. There shall be a Board of Directors (hereinafter called the Board) consisting of the four elected Chapter officers, the National Representative, and the four two directors at large which shall conduct the corporate affairs of the organization. The Board shall meet at the call of the President or at the request of two-thirds of the members of the Board to conduct required Chapter business and shall have the authority and functions normally delegated to a Board of Directors with its actions subject to review of the membership. Authority to approve expenditures without membership review is limited to $1,000. Larger expenditures must be approved by the membership at a regular membership meeting. A quorum of the Board shall consist of six members, Under normal circumstances, a quorum of the Board shall consist of five members. If there are one or more vacancies on the board, a majority of the remaining members shall be sufficient for a quorum, but.  Members may cast their vote by phone or mail, without their physical presence. Simple majority vote of the quorum of Board of Directors in contact shall prevail. The Board may adopt procedures to conduct business via alternative communication methods, such as email.

Section 2. The directors at large shall be members in good standing elected for two-year terms to fill seats of directors with expiring terms. They shall take office on the 1st day of January following their election.

Section 3. …

Section 4. As provided in the bylaws of the National Railway Historical Society (NRHS), the Chapter may designate a National Representative to the national organization. The National Representative shall represent the Chapter on the Advisory Council of the National Railway Historical Society. The Chapter's representative may not hold office or directorship in the NRHS. The Chapter’s sitting National Director shall assume the office of National Representative upon completion of the transition by the NRHS to the organizational structure adopted in the new NRHS bylaws of June 24, 2011. The first election for National Representative will occur at the next annual Chapter election. Thereafter The National Representative shall be elected by the membership annually at the same time as the officers and other directors. The National Representative will take office the first day of January following his or her election and serve for the ensuing year or until a successor is installed.


At least 10 percent of the Chapter membership or 10 eight members, whichever is greater, shall constitute a quorum for conducting business at a Chapter meeting.

October 15, 2024

The chapter met using Zoom video conferencing software.

Secretary Bill Holdsworth called the meeting to order about 8:10 p.m. Zoom participation peaked at 19 logins.

Bill reminded members that minutes of the meetings are available on the website. The November meeting will be Zoom only. Members will vote on an amendment to the bylaws at that meeting. The December meeting will be the holiday social at the Rockville Library.

John Sery and Bill reported that Clay Moritz is stepping down as editor of Potomac Rail News. John has talked with Tim Moriarity about combining the PRN with High Green, the Chesapeake Railway Association's newsletter.

Participants shared rail news.

Doug Scott's program featured NRHS spring 2024 conference in Cedar Rapids. Highlights included the the Iowa Interstate's the offices, dispatch center and shops, plus a ride on the business train. They also visited the Railroad Heritage of Midwest America shops in Silvis, IL. Afterwards Doug concluded with a short Power Point multi-media presentation with music.

The program ended about 9:10 p.m. Discussion continued until about 9:35 p.m. when the meeting ended.

September 17, 2024

Lecture Hall, Montgomery County Council Office Building

Vice President John Sery called the meeting to order at 8:20 p.m. In-person attendance was 9. Zoom participation peaked at 15.

Secretary Bill Holdsworth reminded members that a proposed revision to the bylaws was published in the September newsletter and will be voted upon at the November meeting.

Bill said that the December 17 holiday social will be held at the Rockville Library.

Doug Scott reported on activities by the NRHS national organization.

Members shared rail news.

Jim Kleeman's program featured images from Florida, including Florida East Coast freights, Brightline passenger trains, commuter trains, and U.S. Sugar Corporation operations during the harvest season

The meeting ended about 9:40 p.m.

August 20, 2024

The chapter met using Zoom video conferencing software.

President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m. Zoom participation peaked at 24 logins.

Secretary Bill Holdsworth reminded members that minutes of the meetings are available on the website. He reported that the September meeting would be in person, with Zoom participation. The October and November meetings will be Zoom only.

Jay Creswell gave a Treasurer's report, sumarizing year-to-date expenses and income.

Bob and Penny Dixon-Gumm have resigned from the chapter’s board of directors after many years of service.

Participants shared rail news.

Mike Yuhas's program featured images of activity on CSX's Sand Patch grade during the late 1980s.

The meeting ended about 9:10 p.m.

July 16, 2024

Lecture Hall, Montgomery County Council Office Building

Vice President John Sery called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. In-person attendance was 14. Zoom participation peaked at 21.

Jay Creswell gave a brief Treasurer's report.

President Gordy Bjoraker reminded the chapter's small grants program. He asked them to suggest worthy organizations that could benefit from a grant.

Attendees shared memories of Bill Hopkins, a founding member of the chapter, who died recently.

Alex Koehler's program featured a variety of images from West Virginia and Virginia. The program included Amtrak, CSX, Norfolk Southern, Virginia Railway Express, and Buckingham Branch equipment.

The meeting ended about 9:25 p.m.

June 18, 2024

The chapter met using Zoom video conferencing software.

Jay Creswell gave a brief Treasurer's report that there had been only two sizeable expenses so far for the year, an insurance premium $650 and toom rental of $300.

Tom Nemeth, editor of Railpace Magazine, presented an in-depth look at the Newfoundland Railway from the early 1970s and the early 1980s. The program included all four of the Newfie branch passenger trains, plus the 547-mile freight line from Port aux Basque to St. John's. The Newfoundland Railway ran from 1898 to 1988. With a total track length of 906 miles, it was the longest narrow-gauge system in North America.

May 21, 2024

Lecture Hall, Montgomery County Council Office Building

Vice President John Sery called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. In-person attendance was 13. Zoom participation peaked at about 15 during the program.

Secretary Bill Holdsworth discussed potential sites for the December holiday social with those attending in person.

For the program Bill Kalkman showed images from trips to Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota, Minnesota, Nevada and Arizona, primarily in the 1980s. The meeting ended about 9:45 p.m.

April 16, 2024

The chapter met using Zoom video conferencing software. Participation peaked at 27 Zoom logins. Secretary Bill Holdsworth called the meeting to order about 8:05 p.m.

Bill reported on plans for upcoming meetings. May will be a hybrid meeting. June will be Zoom only.

President Gordy Bjoraker said that the chapter had not found a candidate to sponsor a 2024 RailCamp attendee. He urged members to keep an eye open for 2025 candidates.

Participants discussed rail news and compared experiences with the recent solar eclipse.

The business portion of the meeting ended about 8:20 p.m.

For the program George Hamlin's program featured images of colorful locomotives on the Norfolk Southern. The subjects included heritage units, specially painted units, and visiting power. The meeting ended about 9:20 p.m.

March 19, 2024

Lecture Hall, Montgomery County Council Office Building

Vice President John Sery called the meeting to order at 8:09 p.m. In-person attendance was 13. Zoom participation peaked at 21 during the program.

President Gordy Bjoraker reminded attendees that the chapter is looking to sponsor a 2024 RailCamp attendee. The deadline is April 1.

Treasurer Jay Creswell gave a brief report.

For the program Alex Mayes showed images of various short lines and regional railroads in the Eastern United States. The meeting ended about 9:20 p.m.

February 20, 2024

The chapter met using Zoom video conferencing software. Participation peaked at 32 Zoom logins. President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:11 p.m.

Members approved a motion to authorize up $1,750 to sponsor a 2024 RailCamp attendee, providing that the board can find a suitable local candidate before the April 1 deadline.

Secretary Bill Holdsworth reported that the Council Office Building Lecture Hall has been reserved for in-person meetings in March, May, July, and September. The site for the December in-person meeting has yet to be determined. Other meetings will be Zoom only. We plan to incorporate a Zoom component for in-person meetings.

The NRHS convention is scheduled for August 26-31 in Harrisburg.

The business portion of the meeting ended at 8:26.

For the program Bob Kaplan showed a pictures taken from both sides of the Columbia River Gorge during his travels from 1978 to 2012. The meeting ended about 9:50 p.m.

January 17, 2024

The chapter met using Zoom video conferencing software. Participation peaked at 24 Zoom logins. Secretary Bill Holdsworth called the meeting to order about 8:10 p.m.

Bill noted the recent passing of longtime Potomac Chapter member Phil Bush.

President Gordy Bjoraker gave an update on chapter business.

Bill reported that the February meeting would held via Zoom. The March meeting will be in-person at a site yet to be reserved.

For the program Jim Kleeman showed a series of images from his 40 years of railfanning in Canada. The meeting ended about 9:40 p.m.