Potomac Chapter National Railway Historical Society, Inc.
On November 17, directors approved a motion to authorize the President to award an additional $1,000 in small grants in 2020 to assist small, independent rail road museums and preservation efforts in dealing with the effects of the covid-19 pandemic.
Voting in favor: Jay Creswell, Bill Holdsworth, Bob Dixon-Gumm, Gordy Bjoraker, Carl Franz, Rick Davidson, Penny Dixon-Gumm, John Sery, and Stephen Sery.
Zoom video conference with participation by: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President |
Bob Dixon-Gumm, Director at Large Penny Dixon-Gumm, Director at Large Stephen Sery, Director at Large Carl Franz, Director at Large |
Not participating: John Sery, Vice President, Rick Davidson, National Representative |
Secretary Bill Holdsworth called the meeting to order about 8:05 p.m.
Bill reviewed the minutes of the August meeting.
Jay reported reported there was very little activity. He sent out 77 renewal notices on Saturday and Monday. Maryland Tax forms were mailed today.
Directors agreed to hold the election of officers at the November membership meeting. The board will act as the nominating committee because of the problems created by the pandemic. Penny, Gordy, Jay, and Bill agreed to run for re-election. Carl also agreed to run for re-election because of the pandemic, but reserved the right to step down after a year. Bill said that he will contact John Sery and Rick Davidson to find out whether they will run for re-election.
Board members agreed to postpone scheduling a banquet until conditions improve.
Directors concurred on holding membership meetings via Zoom through February.
Bill reported that the 2021 NRHS convention is scheduled for August in Milwaukee.
Directors discussed the small grants program. Jay suggested that we make a series of donations to local rail prerservation organizations that have suffered in the pandemic. Among the organizations mentioned were the National Capital Trolley Museum, Fairfax Station Railroad Museum, and Westernport Heritage Society. Directors should email Jay and Gordy with any other suggestions.
The board set dates for next year’s meetings: February 9, May 11, August 10, November 9
The meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.
Zoom video conference with participation by: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President |
Rick Davidson, National Representative Bob Dixon-Gumm, Director at Large Penny Dixon-Gumm, Director at Large Stephen Sery, Director at Large Carl Franz, Director at Large |
President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order shortly after 8 p.m.
Directors voted to postpone the chapter banquet scheduled for September 26 until sometime in 2021 when pandemic-related conditions improve.
The vote followed a discussion. Some directors suggested setting up a special virtual program in lieu of the banquet. Most directors said they would not attend an in-person banquet in September. Carl Franz had polled many chapter members and found about 40% would be unwilling to attend.
Directors agreed to continue holding membership meetings via Zoom video conference software, rather than try to hold an in-person meeting.
John Sery said that he would contact Alex Mayes to see whether he wants to give his program about UP #4014 at the August meeting. Alex started to present the program at the July membership meeting before thunderstorms forced him to abort.
The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
Conference call with participation by: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President |
Rick Davidson, National Representative Bob Dixon-Gumm, Director at Large Stephen Sery, Director at Large Carl Franz, Director at Large |
President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:11 p.m., after some people had difficulty connecting.
Directors approved minutes of the February meeting with one correction.
Jay Creswell reviewed the Treasurer’s report that he had distributed via email. He explained that the apparent deficit was the result of a bond transaction in the Treasury Direct account. Future returns should compensate for the cost of that transaction.
Directors approved a motion to tentatively re-schedule the chapter banquet for 12:30-3:30 p.m. September 26 at the Gaithersburg Doubletree Inn.
In the discussion of the banquet, Carl Franz reported that Kevin Keefe was available on the suggested date. Directors thought that a September date was preferable to a November date. Jay will inform the Doubletree of the new date.
Jay reported that the county has not opened reservations for our meeting room for the July through December period.
Directors were open to the idea of a virtual membership meeting. John Sery thought Ira Silverman had expertise in this area. John said that he would talk to Ira.
Directors agreed to appoint Penny Dixon-Gumm to fill the director vacancy created by the resignation of Gordon Piscacek. We will need to ask members to ratify the appointment at the next membership meeting, whenever that is held.
Rick Davidson provided renewal statistics:
Regarding the NRHS convention, Rick said that the national organization had returned all funds paid except each person's $50 registration fee. The organization hopes to reschedule the convention later this summer.
Rick reminded everyone that the national organization is conducting its election of officers by mail. President Al Weber is term-limited and can't seek re-election, but no replacement candidate has been found.
Rick said that the national grants committee had reviewed 67 applications. They have forwarded their recommendations to the president and legal counsel for review.
Directors approved a motion to accept an invitation from the Baltimore Chapter to participate in a joint picnic, should such an invitation be forthcoming. Because of the current coronavirus crisis, the Baltimore Chapter's plans are uncertain.
If the August 11 board meeting is held via conference call, directors agreed to start it at 8:15 p.m. in hopes of avoiding congestion on the conference call system.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Carl reported that no trains passed on the CSX main line during the meeting.
On March 31, directors approved a motion to authorize the Treasurer to establish on-line banking with the chapter's SunTrust accounts.
Voting in favor: Bill Holdsworth, Bob Dixon-Gumm, Gordy Bjoraker, Carl Franz, Rick Davidson, Stephen Sery, and Jay Creswell.
Silver Spring B&O Station | |
Present: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President |
Rick Davidson, National Representative Bob Dixon-Gumm, Director at Large Stephen Sery, Director at Large |
Absent: Gordon Piscacek, Director at Large; Carl Franz, Director at Large |
President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:09 p.m.
Bill Holdsworth distributed minutes of the November meeting and subsequent activity.
Jay Creswell distributed the Treasurer’s report. Last year’s deficit was $7,725.85.
National organization: Rick Davidson said grant applications are up to 67 this year.
Jay said the logistical arrangements for the guest speaker are going well. Clay has reported 13 reservations so far. John Sery visited the banquet room earlier in the day. He reported that it is a rectangular space with no audio system. We will need to bring our own screen and audio system. We might need a new HDMI cable.
The chapter disbursed $2,475 in the Small Grant program during 2019. Bill reminded everyone that the president is empowered to award $1500, plus any funds available from designated gifts for the small grants program.
John Sery proposed that the chapter recommendation to the National organization that they lower the National dues. He suggested lowering the $50 dues by a few dollars. Rick said the National finances are in better shape these days. Rick suggested that John write a proposal. Rick can discuss it with Bob Bitzer while they carpool to Cincinnati.
Jay confirmed that our meeting space has been reserved through June. In April, we must meet in the cafeteria.
Next board meetings: May 12, August 11, November 10
The meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m. Two eastbound trains passed during the meeting.
On January 21, directors approved a motion to accept Valli Hoski and Harry Fasick as Chapter Only members.
Voting in favor: Bill Holdsworth, John Sery, Bob Dixon-Gumm, Gordy Bjoraker, Carl Franz, Rick Davidson, and Jay Creswell.
On January 5, directors approved a motion to go with the buffet option for the chapter banquet and set the ticket price at $47.00.
Voting in favor: John Sery, Bill Holdsworth, Bob Dixon-Gumm, Gordy Bjoraker, Carl Franz, Rick Davidson, and Jay Creswell.