Potomac Chapter National Railway Historical Society, Inc.
On November 10 directors approved a motion to designate March 18 as the date for the 2017 banquet and authorize up to $446 in transportation expenses and one night in lodging expenses for the banquet speaker, Mike Schafer.
Voting in favor were Gordy Bjoraker, John Sery, Carl Franz, Marc Laborde, Ira Silverman, Bill Holdsworth, Jay Creswell, Rick Davidson, and Gordon Piscacek.
Silver Spring B&O Station | |
Present: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President |
John Sery, Director at Large Carl Franz, Director at Large Gordon Piscacek, Director at Large Bob Dixon-Gumm Penny Dixon-Gumm |
President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m.
Bill Holdsworth distributed minutes of the August meeting and subsequent activity. Bill reported that he received a letter, asking whether the chapter had any B&O Steam Finale, Volume 1 books for sale. Directors agreed that if more than five copies are available in the storage locker, Bill can offer a copy for $125.
Jay Creswell distributed copies of the treasurer’s report. Directors passed a motion to authorize Jay to close out the one-year certificate of deposit as expeditiously as possible.
Gordy said he will recruit members for a finance committee to make recommendation on the reserve level and an investment policy. The committee may not be able to meet the original goal of having initial recommendations on the reserve level and investment policy at the February board meeting.
Bill reported on the status of compiling a membership roster. Bill needs to clarify a few members' preference on inclusion in the directory. John Sery offered to help. Directors agreed to distribute printed copies only. Jay said he could supply mailing labels.
Rick Davidson and Jay reported that preparations are going well for membership renewal. They plan to have renewal notices in the mail by Thanksgiving.
Rick reported on the national directors' conference in Portland, OR. Extensive work is being done with the film library. Newark, DE and Tacoma, WA will host RailCamp sessions in 2017. The spring directors' conference will be held at Wilmington, DE in Apri. Nashville will host the 2018 national convention and Utah will host the 2019 convention.
Directors agreed that the joint picnic with Baltimore Chapter was a success and should be repeated. They will seek confirmation by conducting a straw poll at a future membership meeting.
Bill said this year’s holiday social will be similar to last year’s.
Directors approved a motion to hold the chapter banquet at the Golden Bull and solicit a volunteer to act as overall coordinator at the next membership meeting. The banquet date will be determined. Carl Franz offered to handle negotiations with the restaurant. Board members liked Alex Mayes' suggested speaker, Mike Schafer, and agreed that the proposed travel expenses were reasonable.
Directors discussed the survey of chapter members prepared by Ira Silverman. Directors favored a newsletter insert as the means of distribution.
Board members discussed the small grants program. Gordy thought a chapter donation could have a big impact on the small project to install Color Position Lights at the Oakland (MD) B&O station. Bob Dixon-Gumm suggested support for restoration efforts at Thomas Viaduct. Jay suggested Fairfax Station as a candidate.
Directors approved a motion to schedule 2017 board meetings on February 7, May 9, August 8, and November 14.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Two eastbound trains and one westbound train passed during the meeting.
On October 10 directors approved a motion to authorize the Treasurer to apply $226 of the Designated Gifts for Chapter activities toward the $250 payment to the Baltimore Street Car Museum for hosting the joint Baltimore Chapter-Potomac Chapter picnic on August 13.
Voting in favor were Jay Creswell, Bill Holdsworth, John Sery, Ira Silverman, Gordy Bjoraker, Rick Davidson, and Gordon Piscacek.
On October 10 directors approved a motion to approve the Treasurer closing, the following SunTrust CD accounts upon their current expiration:
1. SunTrust 6-month CD: account number ending 7112, expiring Oct 18, 2016, approximate balance $1382.
2. SunTrust 3-month CD; account number ending 8034, expiring Oct 26, 2016, approximate balance $1140.
3. SunTrust 12-monh CD; account number ending 8632, expiring Apr 28, 2017, approximate balance $1811.
The funds are to be deposited in one of the Chapter's existing accounts.
Voting in favor were Jay Creswell, Bill Holdsworth, John Sery, Marc Laborde, Gordy Bjoraker, Rick Davidson, Carl Franz, and Gordon Piscacek.
On October 3 directors approved a motion to subsidize Rick Davidson's attendance at the Portland conference by authorizing an expenditure of $500.00 for travel expenses.
Voting in favor were Carl Franz, Gordy Bjoraker, Bill Holdsworth, Jay Creswell, Ira Silverman, John Sery, and Gordon Piscacek.
On September 16 directors approved a motion to accept Louis Cerny and his wife, Lana, as chapter associates.
Voting in favor were Rick Davidson, Carl Franz, Bill Holdsworth, Jay Creswell, Marc Laborde, Gordy Bjoraker, John Sery, and Gordon Piscacek.
Silver Spring B&O Station | |
Present: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President Marc Laborde, Vice President Bill Holdsworth, Secretary Jay Creswell, Treasurer |
Rick Davidson, National Representative John Sery, Director at Large Ira Silverman, Director at Large Carl Franz, Director at Large Gordon Piscacek, Director at Large |
President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Bill Holdsworth distributed minutes of the May meeting.
Jay Creswell distributed copies of the treasurer’s report and explained the revised format. He also distributed a draft five-year summary report.
Gordy made a motion to have the president appoint a finance committee to make recommendation on the reserve level and an investment policy. After it makes those recommendations, a subset of the committee would conduct the financial review. The President would report on the appointees at the November board meeting. The initial recommendations on the reserve level and investment policy should be made by the February board meeting.
Carl Franz proposed an amendment to the motion that would delete the reserve level from the finance committee’s scope. The amendment failed on a 3-6 vote.
Directors approved Gordy's motion by a 7-2 vote.
Directors approved a motion to allocate $327.99 from Special Events designated gifts to cover the speaker expenses from the chapter banquet in March.
Board members discussed the need for a nominating committee.
Carl Franz reported on the status of the joint picnic with Baltimore Chapter.
Directors approved a motion to donate $250 to the Baltimore Streetcar Museum.
Rick Davidson reported that he expects the national organization to issue renewal notices in September. He said the organization will be more aggressive in pushing members towrd online renewal. Rick expects the Potomac Chapter renewal process to mimic last year's.
Rick and Bill reported on the status of publishing a chapter directory. Rick sent Bill a preliminary list in early July. Rick will send a finalized list to Bill, who will format it for publication. Bill expects he could turnaround the list within two weeks of receipt.
Rick reported that the national organization is is solvent. Convention attendance was down a little bit. The next board meeting/advisory committee meeting will be held in Portland, OR.
Directors recommended approval of the bylaw amendment submitted by Carl. The amendment revises section 3 of Article XIX to read:
3. Reimbursement for transportation by public conveyance shall be limited to the lowest applicable round-trip rail or air fare. Reimbursement for travel by private automobile shall be no less than that currently allowed by the Internal Revenue Service for deductions of mileage for charitable purposes and no greater than that allowed by the IRS for business travel. A reimbursement rate greater than the charitable rate must be authorized by the chapter's board of directors on a case-by-case basis. Automobile reimbursement shall not exceed the applicable rail or air fare.
Directors discussed Ira Silverman's suggestion that the chapter participate in Railroad Society Days at the B&O museum October 1-2. Several said that they would be willing to spend time manning the table, but nobody volunteered to take the lead.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. One eastbound train passed during the meeting.
Silver Spring B&O Station | |
Present: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President Marc Laborde, Vice President Bill Holdsworth, Secretary Jay Creswell, Treasurer |
Rick Davidson, National Representative John Sery, Director at Large Ira Silverman, Director at Large Carl Franz, Director at Large |
Absent: | |
Gordon Piscacek, Director at Large |
President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m.
Bill distributed minutes of the February meeting.
Jay Creswell didn’t have an updated treasurer’s report. He discussed changes to the format of the report to better depict the actual financial position.
Directors discussed the banquet. There was general consensus that the evening went well. Directors also discussed the bylaws' restrictions on travel reimbursement.
Jay reported that Jerry Hott has reserved the City Hall Picnic Pavilion 12-5 p.m. August 27. Jay will draft an email polling members about the possibility of catering the picnic.
Directors discussed using the National Capital Trolley Museum as the site for a future picnic, and whether the expense would be an obstacle.
Rick Davidson reported on the renewals:
Directors agreed to pursue publication of chapter directory.
Rick reported that the national organization is still working on a new business model. It is considering reducing the size of the board from 26 to 7. One New Brunswick group has paid to be affiliated with the NRHS.
Board members discussed the designed donations received with membership renewal. They that the monthly treasurer's report should track amounts designated for Special Chapter Activities and Small Preservation Grants. They agreed that the chapter should do a better job of publicizing the grants.
Directors approved a motion to recommend the membership require board approval for allocation of designated donations for Special Chapter Activities and Small Preservation Grants. These allocations are limited to $1,000 maximum as specified in the bylaws. Allocations from donations designated for Small Preservation Grants should augment those made by the President under the existing small grants program.
Board members endorsed Ira Silverman's suggestion to poll members about what they want from the chapter. Marc Laborde will investigate the Survey Monkey tool. Ira will develop questions for the poll.
Ira will get information about the Railway & Locomotive Historical Society and the possibility of the chapter affiliating with it.
Directors briefly discussed Ira's suggestion for a youth program.
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. One eastbound train passed during the meeting.
Silver Spring B&O Station | |
Present: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President Bill Holdsworth, Secretary Jay Creswell, Treasurer Rick Davidson, National Representative |
John Sery, Director at Large Gordon Piscacek, Director at Large Ira Silverman, Director at Large Carl Franz, Director at Large |
Absent: | |
Marc Laborde, Vice President |
President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:30 p.m.
Bill distributed minutes of the November meeting and subsequent activity.
Jay Creswell distributed the treasurer’s report. The chapter's financial position declined by $2,232 in 2015. Board members discussed the chapter’s financial situation and the merits of a different investment strategy. Directors asked for a five-year summary of the chapter's finances for the next board meeting. Jay asked for a template for the information requested.
Jay reported that details are in place for the March 12 chapter banquet. Carl Franz evaluated the room for the audio-visual presentation. He recommended that Alex Mayes purchase 30-foot USB and HDMI cables. Gordy agreed. Carl asked Bill to measure the chapter’s screen.
Bill reported that the holiday social was successful. The selection of food was good.
Rick Davidson said some renewals are still outstanding. He gave counts from the renewal process:
Directors agreed to reserve 12-5 p.m. August 27 for the chapter picnic. Jay will contact Jerry Hott to reserve Gaithersburg City Hall Park.
Rick said the national organization will hold its April board meeting in Cumberland.
Directors agreed to schedule board meetings May 3, August 9, and November 1.
The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. One westbound train passed during the meeting.
Montgomery County Executive Office Building
Directors approved a motion to set the banquet prices at:
Chicken: $36.00
Salmon: $40.00
Prime Rib $45.00
Participating in the meeting were Gordy Bjoraker, Bill Holdsworth, Jay Creswell, Rick Davidson, Carl Franz, and John Sery.
On January 7 directors approved a motion to recommend to the membership at the January meeting that the membership make Jerry Hott a Potomac Chapter life member.
Voting in favor were Jay Creswell , Rick Davidson, Marc Laborde, Bill Holdsworth, Gordy Bjoraker, Carl Franz, Ira Silverman, and Gordon Piscacek.
On January 7 directors approved a motion to extend an invitation to Scott Lindsay to be our banquet speaker on March 12, 2016 at the Golden Bull Restaurant and that his transportation expenses be capped at $268.00.
Voting in favor were: Jay Creswell , Rick Davidson, Marc Laborde, Bill Holdsworth, Gordy Bjoraker, Carl Franz, Ira Silverman, Gordon Piscacek, and John Sery.