Potomac Chapter National Railway Historical Society, Inc.
On December 22 directors approved a motion to accept Ira Silverman of Rockville, MD as a member.
On December 22 directors approved a motion to accept Glenn Orletsky of Olney, MD as a Chapter Only member.
Voting in favor of both motions were: Rick Davidson, Bill Holdsworth, Gordy Bjoraker, Jay Creswell, Marc Laborde, and John Sery.
Silver Spring B&O Station | |
Present: | |
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary Jay Creswell, Treasurer John Sery, Director at Large Jerry Hott, Director at Large |
Bob Cohen, Director at Large Bill Hopkins, Director at Large Jim Mixter Clay Moritz |
Absent: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President |
Rick Davidson, National Representative |
Secretary Bill Holdsworth called the meeting to order at 8:11 p.m.
Bill distributed copies of the minutes from the October meeting. Directors approved a motion to accept the minutes as submitted.
Jay Creswell distributed a treasurer's report summarizing year-to-date transactions.
Jim Mixter and Clay Moritz distributed copies of the report from the financial review committee. They gave the secretary a signed copy of the checklist. Jim made a presentation summarizing their findings.
Directors approved a motion to thank Jim Mixter and Clay Moritz for their excellent work as the financial review committee and thank Jay Creswell for his cooperation with them.
Directors agree to postpone discussion of reactivating the finance committee until the next board meeting.
Jay reported that Alan Maples has agreed to speak at the banquet. Alan would not require reimbursement for travel expenses.
Directors approved a motion authorize chapter representatives to negotiate with the Amphora Diner on the banquet for one of the three dates under consideration – March 22, March 29, or April 12.
The meeting adjourned at 9:42 p.m. No westbound trains and one eastbound train passed during the meeting.On November 25 directors approved a motion to accept Russ Nevins as a Chapter Only member.
Voting in favor: Rick Davidson, Bill Holdsworth, Gordy Bjoraker, Jerry Hott, Jay Creswell, Marc Laborde, and John Sery.
Silver Spring B&O Station | |
Present: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President Bill Holdsworth, Secretary Jay Creswell, Treasurer |
John Sery, Director at Large Jerry Hott, Director at Large Bob Cohen, Director at Large Bill Hopkins, Director at Large |
Absent: | |
Marc Laborde, Vice President | Rick Davidson, National Representative |
President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m.
Bill Holdsworth distributed copies of the minutes from the August meeting.
Jay Creswell distributed a treasurer's report summarizing year-to-date transactions.
Gordy said he will recruit the usual members to serve on the nominating committee.
Directors agreed to schedule a board meeting for December 3. Directors approved a motion to hold Board meetings for 2014 on February 11, May 13, August 12, and November 11.
Jay reported that he has not received any donations for the N&W 611 fund raising program yet. Jay said we received about $275-300 in donations for Pere Marquette 1225.
Jay said there were no outstanding issues with the chapter picnic October 5. He has not received any RSVPs yet. Jay would welcome having someone else run the banquet this spring.
Jay attended the national Advisory Council meeting in Alaska. He said several chapters voiced concerns similar to the Potomac Chapter’s about the recent national dues increase.
John suggested deferring action on a new digital projector, because new models are coming out now. John said that one of his suggested requirements is a built-in 10-watt speaker, in addition to having a higher resolution image and an HDMI input.
Jay has received a draft report from the financial review committee. After the report is finalized, the committee would like to present its findings to the board.
The meeting adjourned at 9:39 p.m. One westbound train passed during the meeting.
Silver Spring B&O Station | |
Present: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President Bill Holdsworth, Secretary Jay Creswell, Treasurer Rick Davidson, National Representative |
John Sery, Director at Large Jerry Hott, Director at Large Bob Cohen, Director at Large Bill Hopkins, Director at Large |
Absent: | |
Marc Laborde, Vice President |
President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:08 p.m.
Bill Holdsworth distributed copies of the minutes from the June meeting.
Jay Creswell distributed a treasurer's report summarizing year-to-date transactions.
Directors decided to schedule a board meeting for October 1. The subsequent meeting will be November 12.
Jay didn’t have the final total PM 1225 fund raising program which ended July 31, but he estimated the chapter received about $300 in contributions.
Virginia Museum of Transportation announced the beginning of a $5 million capital campaign with the goal of restoring the 611 J-Class. The museum must reach its fundraising goal by October 31, 2013 for the locomotive to join the Norfolk Southern steam program in 2014.
Directors voted to recommend that the membership approve a matching grant program for the restoration of steam engine N&W 611. The chapter will match member contributions dollar-for-dollar up to $2,000. The deadline for member contributions will be October 15.
Chapter picnic is scheduled for October 5.
Directors discussed how to respond to the national NRHS organization's decision to raise the annual national dues from $39 to $50.
The board recommended that the membership approve the following motion:
Persons who are not members of the National Railway Historical Society may become associates of the Potomac Chapter. Associates shall receive the newsletter. Associates shall have the right to participate in Chapter meetings and events. If associates choose to receive the newsletter electronically, they shall pay $20 a year. If associates choose to receive a printed copy of the newsletter, they shall pay $25 a year. Associates are not eligible to serve as a Chapter officer or become a member of the Board of Directors. Associates shall have no voting rights in Chapter elections or at membership meetings.
The recommendation was approved by a vote of 4 to 3, with one abstention.
The meeting adjourned at 9:52 p.m. Three eastbound trains passed during the meeting.
Silver Spring B&O Station | |
Present: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President Jay Creswell, Treasurer Rick Davidson, National Representative |
John Sery, Director at Large Jerry Hott, Director at Large Bob Cohen, Director at Large Bill Hopkins, Director at Large |
Absent: | |
Marc Laborde, Vice President | Bill Holdsworth, Secretary |
Others present: | |
Ralph Robert Bitzer, Chapter member, NRHS National Board member for Region 3, National Treasurer | Joe Maloney, Chapter Member, NRHS National Board member for Region 3, National Secretary |
The meeting was called to order by at 8:08 PM by President Gordy Bjoraker.
Joe Maloney and Bob Bitzer began the meeting with a power point presentation.
The power point presentation, narrated by Joe Maloney, covered two main areas: (1) the problems facing railfan organizations in general and the National NRHS in particular, (2) the current activities of the NRHS.
Bob Bitzer, the National Treasurer, then continued with a review of the National’s finances. At least three of the major programs, rail camp, the national convention, and the grants program, are largely supported by either user fees or designated donations, therefore are separate from the general funds of which dues are the largest component. The National has suffered deficits for several years brought on by a combination of slowly declining membership, and the growing need to rely on purchased services as the volunteer base has shrunk. It was stated that the management firm of Fernley & Fernley was one of only two such companies in the country that could provide the services we needed. Before engaging them in 2007, the National had conducted an extensive review of their credentials and references. The services they had provided have grown over the years, as it has been more and more difficult for the NRHS to find volunteers to do the work. Trying to replace them now would be costly. The 2012 deficit was the largest yet, possibly going over being over $200,000. The largest contributor to the deficit was the Cedar Rapids Convention. The unexpected combination of two factors caused the deficit. The factors were: (1) low ticket sales to current members, and (2) the discovery that the locally available rolling stock, which they planned to use, was unsuitable, so National had to bring in outside equipment at higher expense. The National's reserves have reached $200,000, which is about the minimum that it is prudent to have for continuing operations. The concluding message was that the dues increase was the only short-term solution to the National's financial problems and that the rigidities of the dues billing cycle made it impossible to reverse course. [The dues schedule was set in December 2012, when doubtlessly the scope of the looming deficit was fairly well known to those who had access to the books so this increase could have been in the works since then.] None of the detailed financial information requested by the Chapter's Treasurer was made available because of the National's policy of not releasing such information until it had been audited, where necessary, and reviewed and approved by the Board. The last such document was the 2011 annual report [which is not directly available through the National's web site for the public, but can be found at http://admin.nrhs.com/public/Fall2012/2012_Fall_Board_Minutes_Attachment_6.pdf].
Bob Cohen then produced a copy of the National's 2011 IRS Form 990, non-profit organization report. Bob Cohen and another Chapter member had obtained the 990 from public sources. Bitzer confirmed that figures quoted by Bob Cohen were generally accurate. The more salient figures were that National had run a deficit of $31,000 in 2010 and $50,500 in 2012. Total revenues were $545,700. Dues income was $389,136 [About 10,810 members at $36/yr.]. General administrative and fund raising expenses were $191,000 [35% of total revenues, which places the NRHS in the highest 8% of all organizations in the Combined Federal Campaign.] Publications expense was $161,300 and Fernley and Fernley (line item) was $161,100. [These two largest items of expense represent 83% of dues income.] Travel was $50,500. [Several of these items are divided between "General administrative," "Program Support," and "Fund Raising," without elaboration.] Many other items were discussed. Perhaps the most interesting was that National has lost 12 chapters since 2010. Secondly, when asked about projected membership losses, Bitzer thought that they would be minor and noted that in the most difficult year the organization had with maintaining operations, the loss was fewer than 7%. He did not feel that concerns of significantly greater losses, which would undermine the revenue targets, were likely.
The guests were thanked and parted amicably.
The Board then discussed our response. The consensus was to go ahead with sending a revised version of John Sery's draft letter to reflect information gained in tonight's meeting. Jay Creswell made a motion to that effect with the following provisions: (1) the letter would be sent as an official Potomac Chapter Board position signed by the secretary, (2) the letter would be sent to all National directors as well as to the National President, Greg Molloy, (3) copies would be sent to National representatives or other officers of Chapters, (4) the disagreement of dissenting directors, currently Rick Davidson and Jerry Hott would be noted. Bob Cohen seconded. The motion passed with five affirmative votes, one negative vote, and one abstention.The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
Prepared by
Jay Creswell
Chapter Treasurer as Secretary Pro-tem
On May 31 directors approved a motion to accept Paul Kelley of Falls Church, VA as a Chapter Only member.
Voting in favor: Rick Davidson, Bill Holdsworth, Jerry Hott, Jay Creswell, Marc Laborde, Gordy Bjoraker, and John Sery.
Silver Spring B&O Station | |
Present: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President Bill Holdsworth, Secretary Jay Creswell, Treasurer Rick Davidson, National Representative |
John Sery, Director at Large Jerry Hott, Director at Large Bob Cohen, Director at Large Bill Hopkins, Director at Large |
Absent: | |
Marc Laborde, Vice President |
President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:08 p.m.
Directors discussed the national NRHS organization's decision to raise the annual national dues from $39 to $50. Several directors worry the large increase could cause many chapter members to not renew.
John Sery will draft a letter to the national organization expressing our concerns about the dues increase and asking them to consider alternatives. John will circulate the draft among the board for approval.
Directors agreed that it is important to ascertain the membership's reaction to the dues increase. Jay Creswell and Bill Holdsworth will draft a notice to the membership presenting issue and getting their reaction to the dues increase and their opinion on options being considered by the board. Those options include disaffiliating from the national NRHS, associating with a different national organization, and creating a mechanism that would allow members who drop their NRHS membership to retain some affiliation with the Potomac Chapter. Bill and Jay will circulate the draft among the board for approval before distribution.
Directors agreed to hold a Potomac Chapter picnic this fall. Jerry Hott will try to reserve the pavilion at Gaithersburg City Hall Park for October 5.
Directors decided to set July 31 as the deadline for the matching donation program for Pere Marquette 1225.
Directors agreed to schedule a special board meeting in mid-June. They suggested June 11 as a possible date. Quarterly meetings are scheduled for August 6 and November 12.
Jay distributed a financial report on the banquet.
Bill Holdsworth distributed copies of the minutes from the last meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 9:43 p.m. Three westbound trains passed during the meeting.
On April 14 directors approved a motion to accept Mark Garner of Crofton, MD as a Chapter Only member.
Voting in favor: Rick Davidson, Bill Holdsworth, Gordy Bjoraker, John Sery, Bob Cohen, Jerry Hott, and Jay Creswell
On February 14 directors approved a motion to accept John Zampino of Centreville, VA as a Chapter Only member.
Voting in favor: Bill Holdsworth, Rick Davidson, Jerry Hott, Jay Creswell, John Sery, Bob Cohen, Marc Laborde, and Gordy Bjoraker.
Silver Spring B&O Station | |
Present: | |
Gordy Bjoraker, President Marc Laborde, Vice President Bill Holdsworth, Secretary Jay Creswell, Treasurer Rick Davidson, National Representative |
John Sery, Director at Large Jerry Hott, Director at Large Bob Cohen, Director at Large Bill Hopkins, Director at Large |
President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:14 p.m.
Bill Holdsworth distributed copies of the minutes from the last meeting.
Jay Creswell distributed a treasurer's report summarizing year-to-date transactions.
Directors agreed to change the date of the next board meeting to April 30 from May 14.
Rick Davidson said he has received 89 renewals so far, including 17 chapter only members. Two members have dropped out, while 22 renewals are outstanding. Rick has communicated with the national about the problems with this year’s renewal.
Directors approved a motion to accept Danny Childers of Germantown and Theodore Xakellis of Silver Spring as members.
Regarding a new chapter directory. Bill will work on collecting phone numbers from the 2005 data. He will get the email addresses from Clay. Marc Laborde will prepare a printout for the membership meeting.
Director discussed the matching fund-raising program to support the effort to return Pere Marquette #1225 to steam. Bill will put an option on the chapter website to donate online.
Directors agreed to defer discussion an upgrade of the chapter’s digital projector to the next meeting.
Jay has not had a chance to draft an investment policy. He said he has been working with the financial review committee. Jay suggested that the board might want to reconstitute the finance committee.
The meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m. Two eastbound trains and one westbound train passed during the meeting.
Montgomery County Executive Office Building | |
Present: | |
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary Jay Creswell, Treasurer Rick Davidson, National Representative |
John Sery, Director at Large Jerry Hott, Director at Large Bob Cohen, Director at Large Bill Hopkins, Director at Large |
Directors held a brief meeting prior to the start of the membership meeting.
Directors approved a motion to set the price for the 2013 banquet at $42.50.
On January 11 directors approved a motion to accept Melvin Sacks of Silver Spring, MD as a member of the chapter.
Voting in favor: Bill Holdsworth, Rick Davidson, Jerry Hott, Jay Creswell, Marc Laborde, and Gordy Bjoraker.