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Potomac Chapter 2012 Board Minutes

Minutes of 2012 Directors' Meetings

Potomac Chapter National Railway Historical Society, Inc.

Business conducted via email

On December 21 directors approved a motion to accept Roger Patelski of Reston, VA as a member of the chapter.

Voting in favor: Bill Holdsworth, Rick Davidson, Jerry Hott, Jay Creswell, Marc Laborde, Gordy Bjoraker, and Bob Cohen

Business conducted via email

On December 2, directors approved Jay Creswell's motion to authorize Alex Mayes to spend up to $400 for air fare and $100 for the hotel for our banquet speaker and to be reimbursed for these expenses, and also authorize the Chapter to spend total expenses not to exceed $600 including airfare, hotel, meals, and local travel (mileage, airport parking etc.) and any reasonable incidental expenses for the speaker.

Voting in favor: Jay Creswell, Marc Laborde, Rick Davidson, Gordy Bjoraker, Bill Holdsworth, Jerry Hott, John Sery, and Bill Hopkins (via phone).

November 15, 2012

Silver Spring B&O Station
Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Rick Davidson, National Representative
John Sery, Director at Large
Jerry Hott, Director at Large
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large

President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:04 p.m.

Bill Holdsworth distributed copies of the minutes from the last meeting.

Jay Creswell distributed a treasurer's report summarizing year-to-date transactions.

Rick Davidson said he is handling the confusion created by the national organization's error on the renewal form. Rick said that a few people have overpaid, but offered to convert the overpayment into a donation to the chapter.

Jay reported that 28 people attended the joint picnic with the Washington Chapter. Jay said the total included 10 Potomac Chapter attendees. Net cost was about $135. Directors agreed to discuss the 2013 picnic at the February board meeting. September 28 might be a good date for 2013.

Bill reported that the nominating committee has finalized the slate for the two director at large positions.

Directors approved a motion to set the 2013 meeting dates as February 12, May 14, August 6, and November 12.
John Sery reported that he has been in contact with the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society (DHRS) concerning Bob Flack’s India films.  John said that made them aware of our conditions for use. We would agree to grant DRHS rights for limited use within a limited time period.  We would want Bob Flack and the chapter credited on the video.  John shared his price quote for digitizing the 16 mm film. The DHRS members will check the comparable digitization price in London. 

Marc Laborde asked Rick to re-send the membership files which can be used to create a new chapter directory.

Directors discussed the electronic delivery of the newsletter. Directors agreed with Jay's decision to allow members who pay $15 in dues to receive both print and email copies of the newsletter and dues.  Directors will revisit the dues amounts for 2014 after gaining experience with the electronic delivery.

Jay hasn’t had a chance to draft an investment policy.  He envisions a policy that would allow a mix of mutual funds, representing different sectors.
John has researched replacements for the chapter’s current projector, which doesn’t have an HDMI port. He has identified desirable specifications. He will attend an audio-visual convention later this month.  He hopes to have a recommendation by the end of the year. Some directors questioned whether the purchase is necessary.

Directors discussed candidates for the small grant program.

Directors approved a motion to recommend a matching donation program to support the Steam Railroading Institute's Capital Campaign to return Pere Marquette #1225 to steam. The Chapter would match dollar for dollar any member contributions up to a total of $1,000.

Bill Hopkins and Bill Holdsworth reported that they have discussed the DVDs of West Penn Railway photos. Bill Hopkins is updating the caption information. When he is finished, Bill Holdsworth will add the caption information to the JPG files.

Gordy reported that we have two volunteers, Jim Mixter and Clay Moritz, for the financial review committee.  

The meeting adjourned at 9:49 p.m. Two eastbound trains passed during the meeting.

August 14, 2012

Silver Spring B&O Station
Gordy Bjoraker, President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Rick Davidson, National Representative
John Sery, Director at Large
Jerry Hott, Director at Large
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large

Marc Laborde, Vice President

President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:02 p.m.

Bill Holdsworth distributed copies of the minutes from the last meeting.

Jay Creswell distributed a treasurer's report summarizing year-to-date transactions. Jay said that he intends to develop a proposal for an investment policy that would allow the chapter to diversify its investments.

Jay said that the September 22 picnic has been publicized to both Potomac and Washington Chapter members. Information has been posted on the Potomac Chapter website. Jay has been working with Scarlett Wirt of the Washington Chapter.

Gordy said that he will recruit nominating committee members at the next membership meeting.

John Sery said that he had been in contact with the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society (DHRS) concerning Bob Flack's films from India. Unfortunately, the email address he had been using has stopped working.

Bill Holdsworth said there was nothing new on production of a new chapter directory. Bill said he had been in contact with Marc Laborde who is taking the first step in the process.

Implementation of electronic delivery of the newsletter is progressing well. Bob Cohen said Clay Moritz will publish an item in the August newsletter asking interested members to send their email addresses to him. Rick Davidson reported that the national organization had accepted the new dues structure for the renewal process.

Directors discussed the formation of a financial review committee. Jay had provided sample documents, which the Espicopal Church provides to its lay audit committees. Directors discussed the documentation. Directors agreed the we should seek volunteers for the audit committee in October, by publishing an announcement in the newsletter and making an announcement at the membership meeting. Directors agreed on the following guidance for the committee:

John Sery recommended that the chapter purchase a new digital projector. The current model lacks an HDMI input port. A new model would have better resolution and allow the chapter to show high-definition video. (The current projector was purchased in 2005 for $1,450.) John will research new models.

Bill Hopkins mentioned that he still has the DVDs with Ara Mesrobian's photos of the West Penn Railway from the 1950s.

The meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m. Two eastbound trains passed during the meeting.

May 22, 2012

Silver Spring B&O Station
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Rick Davidson, National Director
John Sery, Director at Large
Jerry Hott, Director at Large
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Gordy Bjoraker, President

Secretary Bill Holdsworth called the meeting to order at 8:11 p.m. Vice President Marc Laborde assumed the chair a few minutes later.

Bill Holdsworth distributed copies of the minutes from the last meeting. Directors approved the minutes as distributed.

Jay Creswell distributed a treasurer's report summarizing year-to-date transactions. Directors approved a motion accepting the report.

Directors discussed Ara Mesrobian's photos of the West Penn Railway from the 1950s. The chapter paid to digitize the slides in 2010. Bill Hopkins has the DVDs and asked what he should dow with them. Directors suggested that one copy be put in the storage locker and another given to the program committee.  Bill has prepared a list of captions for the photos. John Sery was concerned about the original files produced in the scanning process

Some board members will miss the June membershp meeting, because of the national convention.

Directors discussed the September 22 picnic. Jerry Hott will check the starting time of the permit.  Directors discussed how to improve communications regarding details of the event.

John has emailed Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society (DHRS) concerning Bob Flack's films from India. John has asked for a phone number, so that he can discuss the matter with their representative.

Bob Cohen provided an update on the issue of distributing the newsletter via email. Clay Moritz is already sending newsletter electronically to one member and a few of the chapters with whom he exchanges newsletters.

Directors approved a motion to recommend that the membership approve a dues reduction from $15 to $7.50 for members that agree to receive the newsletter via email starting January 1.  This recommendation is conditional on Clay's approval.  Rick Davidson will check when the chapter must notify the national organization of dues changes. Directors would like to publish the dues proposal in the June newsletter and vote on the proposal at the July membership meeting -- provided that schedule would meet the national organization's deadline.

Directors would like to issue a new chapter directory. Rick Davidson, Marc Laborde and Bill Holdsworth will work towards that goal. Rick will obtain membership information from the national organization. This information will be used as a starting point. Rick will email the information to Marc and Bill.

Directors agreed that members should have the opportunity to exclude all or part of their information from the directory. The chapter should use several tools to accomplish this goal:

Bill Holdsworth feels that the final directory should be distributed only in printed form -- no electronic distribution.

Directors discussed the formation of a financial review committee. They agreed with the general guidance suggested by Bill Holdsworth:

Directors agreed that the committee should start work at the end of the year. Directors will discuss the duties in more detail at the August board meeting. Jay will share the Episcopal church’s procedures for its lay audit committees.

Jay raised the issue of the chapter's investment policy. He has seen some material lately that suggests fixed interest investments are returning such a poor rate right now that a responsible fiduciary may want to consider diversifying. He said the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act provides guidance on this topic. Directors agreed to discuss the policy at the August board meeting.

The meeting adjourned about 10 p.m. Two westbound trains and one eastbound train passed during the meeting.

Business conducted via email

On April 13, directors approved Bill Holdsworth's motion that the Board recommend that the membership authorize the expenditure of up to $950 for RailCamp tuition for Matt Flanagan, with the condition that he join the Potomac Chapter. The camper would be responsible for his travel and incidental expenses.

Voting in favor: Bill Holdsworth, Gordy Bjoraker, Marc Laborde, Rick Davidson, John Sery, Jerry Hott, and Jay Creswell.

On March 4, directors approved Jay Creswell's motion that the Board approve paying an amount not to exceed $160.00 for the travel expenses of Dale Diacont, our March meeting speaker. This amount represents $124 for his hotel expense and a $36 meal allowance, which is covered by the chapter's travel policy.

Voting in favor were: Jay Creswell, Bill Holdsworth, Gordy Bjoraker, Marc Laborde, John Sery, Jerry Hott and Rick Davidson.

February 7, 2012

Silver Spring B&O Station
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Rick Davidson, National Director
John Sery, Director at Large
Jerry Hott, Director at Large
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Gordy Bjoraker, President

Bill Hopkins, Director at Large

Vice President Marc Laborde called the meeting to order at 8:16 p.m.

Bill Holdsworth distributed copies of the minutes from the last meeting. Directors approved the minutes as distributed.

Jay Creswell gave the treasurer's report. He said that arrangements are in place for the banquet March 31.

Directors approved a motion to donate $50 in memory of Bob Davis to Montgomery Preservation to be designated for the restoration of the original Silver Spring neon station sign that once stood at the Southeast corner of the Silver Spring station parking lot.

Directors discussed the joint picnic with the Washington chapter.

Bill Holdsworth presented the recommendations of the bylaws review committee. He distributed a document highlighting the proposed changes. Directors discussed and voted on the changes by topic:

Bill will document the changes for inclusion in the newsletter and presentation to the membership for approval.

Directors discussed the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society's (DHRS) interest in three reels of Bob Flack's 16mm films. Jay and Marc reported on that they have documentation that we own the copyright for the film. John Sery and Bob Cohen reported on their research into the cost of the digitizing the film. John estimated the cost at $500-700. He thinks the quality of the film is such that a one-light technique will be sufficient. Directors agreed that we should work out an agreement that includes a means of assuring payment of agreed amounts prior to delivery of the master DVD  to the DHRS.  Directors agreed that we should limit the rights granted to DHRS: non-theatrical use, for use in their productions only, and for a limited period of time. Directors would like to see Bob Flack and the chapter credited on any DVDs which use this footage. John will discuss the details with DHRS.

Bob Cohen raised the issue of distributing the newsletter via email to reduce costs. He offered to head a committee. Marc also volunteered for the committee. Directors thought that the committee should work in conjunction with the newsletter editor. Directors recommended that the president appoint such a committee.

Jay reported that he and Bill have investigated establishing a PayPal account for the chapter.

Directors approved a motion to authorize Jay and Bill to setup a chapter PayPal account and develop procedures to administer it.

The meeting adjourned at 10:27 p.m. Two westbound trains passed during the meeting.

Business conducted via email

On January 26, directors approved Jay Creswell's motion to authorize the President, in consultation with the other officers, to set the price for the 2012 banquet, not to exceed $45 per guest, once the final cost figures are worked out with the restaurant.

Voting in favor of the motion: Jay Creswell, Bill Holdsworth, Marc Laborde, Rick Davidson, Jerry Hott, Gordy Bjoraker, and John Sery.