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Potomac Chapter 2010 Board Minutes

Minutes of 2010 Directors' Meetings

Potomac Chapter National Railway Historical Society, Inc.

November 10, 2010

Silver Spring B&O Station
Gordy Bjoraker, President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Rick Davidson, National Director
John Sery, Director at Large
Jerry Hott, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Marc Laborde, Vice President Bob Cohen, Director at Large

President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.

Jay Creswell gave the treasurer’s report.

Directors discussed activities of the national board of directors. There is some concern that the national organization might be looking to reduce the role of the chapters. Rick Davidson said the national board is trying to streamline the organization, reducing the size of the national board. Jerry Hott reported that they have completed their draft of the new bylaws. One proposal would reduce the board to 25 members, elected to staggered four-year terms. Chapter representatives would form be an advisory group.

Directors reviewed potential small grant candidates. Good candidates include:

Directors approved a motion that, for 2011, the board plan to meet the second month of every quarter, February 16, May 18, August 10, and November 9.

Gordy reported that preparations for the banquet are in good shape. The date is March 26.

Bill Hopkins reported that Ara Mesrobian’s slides of the West Penn interurban line have been scanned and preserved in digital format. There were about 105 images. Bill Holdsworth said that he had received a signed release from Ara.

The meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m. One eastbound passed during the meeting.

Business conducted via email

On November 5, directors approved a motion to authorize spending an amount not to exceed $250 to pay the banquet speaker's travel expenses, provided that to the extent practicable the banquet price be adjusted to reflect the likely actual speaker's expense. Travel expenses would be paid according to the Chapter's bylaws.

Voting in favor of the motion: Jay Creswell, Jerry Hott, Rick Davidson, Bill Holdsworth, John Sery, Gordy Bjoraker, Marc Laborde, and Bob Cohen.


On October 23, directors approved a motion to accept Brian Obert of Vienna, VA as a member of the chapter.

Voting in favor of the motion: Bill Holdsworth, Jerry Hott, Marc Laborde, Jay Creswell, Gordy Bjoraker, John Sery, and Rick Davidson


On September 19, directors approved a motion to to authorize the treasurer to contribute $75 to the Washington Chapter for expenses for the joint picnic.

Voting in favor of the motion: Jay Creswell, Bill Holdsworth, Gordy Bjoraker, John Sery, Rick Davidson, Jerry Hott, and Marc Laborde.

Voting against the motion: Bob Cohen.

May 13, 2010

Silver Spring B&O Station
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Rick Davidson, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
John Sery, Director at Large
Jerry Hott, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Gordy Bjoraker, President  

Vice President Marc Laborde called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m.

Jay Creswell gave the treasurer’s report.

Directors approved a motion to hold a joint picnic with the Washington Chapter September 25 at Bowie date. The vote was 4-2.

Bob Cohen reported on his conversations with Norfolk & Western Historical Society concerning a book using Bob Flack’s slides of N&W steam. Bob said the society had decided not to pursue the venture. The society would have been responsible for writing, publishing and marketing the book. The Potomac Chapter would have received a small portion of the profits. Bob suggested that the chapter move more expeditiously in the future should another organization express interest in a similar project.

Directors approved a motion to recommend that the membership approve a $1250 campaign to match member contributions for the Ma&Pa Railway Preservation Society’s efforts to restore Locomotive 82 to operating condition. Chapter will match member contributions dollar for dollar up to $1,250 total. Donations until the end of August.

Directors approved a motion to recommend to the membership that we donate $1500 to the Ma & Pa for roadbed restoration.

Directors discussed Jay’s list of potential small grant candidates.

Directors authorized Bill Hopkins to spend up to $400 to preserve Ara Mesrobian’s slides on West Penn interurban line in digital format. Directors trust Bill’s judgment about which slides are worth preserving. This authorization is contingent upon Bill obtaining reproduction rights in writing. Bill Holdsworth said he would prepare a release for Ara's signature.

The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

January 13, 2010

Silver Spring B&O Station
Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Rick Davidson, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
John Sery, Director at Large
Jerry Hott, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large

President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m.

Bill Holdsworth distrbuted minutes of the September board meeting.

Jay Creswell reviewed the treasurer’s report. The deficit for 2009 was reduced, primarily because of the reduced storage locker cost. Jay raised the issue of the $5,000 commitment to the Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad Preservation Society. Do we need to go back to the membership to de-authorize the funds?

Banquet is scheduled for March 20. Speaker is the first president, Paul Dolkos.

Directors approved a motion to set the price of the banquet at $40 per person and waive the fee for any charter members who attends – whether or not they are a current member. Charter members are defined as those that joined before December 31, 1970.

John explained Stephen’s plan for the digital slide contest, scheduled for May. Directors concurred. There will be no slide contest this spring. John will contact Alex Mayes.

Rick described some of the changes occurring at the national level. They are revamping the national web site. One goal is to reduce the size of the national board of directors.

Directors asked Bill Holdsworth to followup on the issue of a getting a better price on the newsletter.

John Sery summarized recent expenditures for audio equipment. He replaced the sound system that works with the digital projector. For the program this fall, John bought a small amplifier, intended for microphones, for PA system for the chapter and he loaned his microphone for the program.

Bill Hopkins briefed directors on the issue of digitizing Ara Mesrobian's photos of the interurban RR's of western Pennsylvania from the 1950s. Bill said he has been unable to find a willing partner to digitize the material. Bob Cohen suggested that Bill call Ken Lehman about the topic. There are about 150 slides.

Directors discussed candidates for the small grants program:

Bill Duvall’s daughter contacted Bill Holdsworth about donate Bill Duvall's collection of Trains magazines to the chapter. Bill Holdsworth has offered to accept the magazines, with the idea of giving them to the membership.

Bob Cohen suggest that we hold a separate meeting on publishing a book using N&W Flack slides. Some directors suggested that the book will be primary topic of the February board meeting. Other dates were discussed, but no decision was reached. Several directors urged Bob to prepare written materials in advance of any such meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 10:20p.

Two eastbound trains and one westbound trains passed during the meeting.