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Potomac Chapter 2006 Board Minutes

Minutes of 2006 Directors' Meetings

Potomac Chapter National Railway Historical Society, Inc.

Business conducted via email

On October 10, the board passed a motion via email to approve the contract for the banquet with the Amphora and reimburse Frances Mohr for the $100 deposit. Jay Creswell, Rick Davidson, Marc Laborde, Bill Holdsworth, Bob Cohen and John Sery voted in favor of the motion.

September 19, 2006 (Special session)

Executive Office Building Auditorium, Rockville, MD

Directors approved a motion to authorize the expenditure of $130.20 to cover additional costs associated with Stephen Sery’s attendance at RailCamp.

September 13, 2006

Silver Spring B&O Station
Gordy Bjoraker, President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
John Sery, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Rick Davidson, Director at Large
Marc Laborde, Vice President  

President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:09 p.m.

John Sery suggest having a photo display at an upcoming membership meeting.

Rick asked about membership renewals. Should he send out the membership cards with the renewal notices, or wait until people have paid before sending the cards? The board agreed that he could distribute them with the renewal notices.

Directors discussed the need for a nominating committee.

Jay Creswell described the arrangements for the picnic. Bob pointed out that the picnic occurs on Rosh Hashanah this year. He suggested the chapter try to avoid that conflict in future years. Directors discussed alternate dates and locations for future years. The board’s preference for picnic dates is: 1) the last Saturday in August, 2) the next-to-last Saturday in August and 3) the third Saturday in September. The first choice for location is Gaithersburg City Hall Park; the second choice is the trolley museum.

Directors discussed a possible new arrangement for the holiday party. They discussed eliminating the program upstairs and having a photo display and a speaker downstairs in the cafeteria.

Jay Creswell distributed the treasurer's report, detailing expenditures for the month of August.

Bill Holdsworth distributed copies of the previous meeting’s minutes.

On May 30, the board passed an email motion approving Nicholas Peters of Beltsville, MD as a Chapter Only member. His home chapter is Baltimore. He is an Economist.

Directors briefly discussed the annual banquet.

The meeting adjourned at 9:31 p.m.

One westbound train passed during the meeting.

April 12, 2006

Silver Spring B&O Station
Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
John Sery, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Rick Davidson, Director at Large

President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:35 p.m.

Marc Laborde reported on the sale of books via eBay.

Directors approved a motion to recommend the membership authorize the expenditure of up to $1200 for tuition and transportation to sponsor Stephen Sery’s attendance at RailCamp.

Rick Davidson reported that a few chapter members hadn’t renewed.

Jerry is still trying to nail down a date with Gaithersburg for the chapter picnic. He will try for Sept. 9 and Sept. 16.

Bill Holdsworth distributed copies of the previous meeting’s minutes.

Jay Creswell distributed the treasurer's report, detailing expenditures for the month of March.

Directors discussed the former SP china cabinet in the storage locker. Directors agreed that the chapter should offer it to the Chesapeake Railway Association for the former SP Pullman car it is acquiring.

On the issue of a donation to Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad Preservation Society for roadbed restoration, directors agreed to wait until the outcome of the discussions with PennDOT.

The meeting adjourned at 9:24 p.m.

February 21, 2006 (Special session)

Executive Office Building Auditorium, Rockville, MD
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
John Sery, Director at Large
Rick Davidson, Director at Large
Gordy Bjoraker, President Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large

Directors approved a motion to authorize the board to donate up to $5000 to the Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad Preservation Society for roadbed rehabilitation, provided the board can get more information about the project.

February 8, 2006

Silver Spring B&O Station
Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
John Sery, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Rick Davidson, Director at Large

President Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:02 p.m.

Bill Holdsworth distributed copies of the previous meeting’s minutes.

Jay Creswell distributed the treasurer's report, detailing expenditures for the month of January.

Directors approved Scott Schreiber from Silver Spring and Mrs. Elmer Sichert as chapter only members and Stephen Sery as a regular member.

Gordy reported that CRA is ready to move the Pullman car from Gettysburg to Walkersville. The chapter contributed $400 to the move.

Directors adopted Bill Holdsworth’s proposed procedures for email voting, with one dissenting vote.

Directors adopted a motion allowing the President to vote in board meetings, with one dissenting vote.

Directors discussed the banquet. They agreed that preparations need to start earlier. Preparations should begin in the fall of 2006 for the 2007 banquet.

Marc reported that he has sold 4 copies of B&O Steam Finale Volume 2 on e-Bay.

Directors discussed the Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad Preservation Society’s need for additional money for its project to restore track washouts and bridges. The board is sympathetic, but would like more information before committing funds.

West Virginia Railroad Museum thanked the chapter for its donation at year end.

John Sery will develop an agenda for a long-term session. Directors agreed that a such a session would be best held on the weekend, such as a Sunday afternoon.

Four westbound trains passed during the meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.

January 17, 2006 (Special session)

Executive Office Building Auditorium, Rockville, MD
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
John Sery, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Rick Davidson, Director at Large
Gordy Bjoraker, President  

Directors approved Gabe Gerber of Arlington, VA as a new member of the chapter.