Potomac Chapter, National Railway Historical Society, Inc.
Montgomery County Executive Office Building
The meeting was called to order at 9:07 p.m. by President Gordy Bjoraker. Attendance was 44.
By acclaimation, the membership re-elected the slate of Gordy Bjoraker for president, Marc Laborde for vice president, Jay Creswell for treasurer, Bill Holdsworth for secretary, Jerry Hott for national director, and Bob Cohen and Bill Hopkins for directors at large. No other candidates contacted the nominating committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 p.m.
The holiday social preceded the business meeting.
Bill Hopkins presented a slide program featuring short lines from the Washington D.C. area.
Montgomery County Executive Office Building
The meeting was called to order at 8:08 p.m. by President Gordy Bjoraker. Attendance was 39.
Bill Holdsworth read the minutes of the October meeting. Jay Creswell gave the treasurer's report.
Jerry Hott reported on the national directors' meeting.
Members approved a motion to authorize the expenditure of up to $800 for the purchase of audio-visual equipment for donation to the Silver Spring B&O station. The equipment would include a TV/VCR/DVD unit, as well as TV stand and B&O-related DVDs. Gordy pointed out that Fales memorial fund could be used to purchase the DVDs.
Bob Cohen reminded members that the December meeting will be the holiday social.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
For the program, Lou Cierny presented a slide program featuring mainline steam in action on a provincial railroad in China.
(corrected Oct. 17, 2002)
Montgomery County Executive Office Building
The meeting was called to order at 8:06 p.m. by President Gordy Bjoraker. 28 Members were present.
Secretary Bill Holdsworth was absent due to a late work commitment. Treasurer Jay Creswell took minutes in Bill's absence.
The reading of the previous month's minutes and the Treasurer's report were dispensed with.
Treasurer Creswell reported that the membership authorization to rent the Chapter's storage locker had expired two years ago, and he asked for a motion to approve continuing the rent the locker, at an annual rental of $1860, for another three years through 2005. One member asked if that would include retroactive approval for the past two years, to which the answer was yes. President Bjoraker asked if the size of the locker needed to be specified in the motion, and Treasurer Creswell said that it did not since the Board was still trying to decide how to manage the Chapter's archives. Jerry Hott made the requested motion, which was seconded by Clay Moritz. The motion passed unanimously.
Vice President Marc Laborde asked how members were adjusting to the new parking situation. The consensus was that while some were still trying to work out the best alternative for themselves, the available parking was sufficiently adequate that moving the meeting location was unnecessary. Some also noted that the ready access to Metro was an advantage for those who used public transit.
President Bjoraker appointed John Morris and Ray Saunders to serve as the nominating committee. They will report in November. All the officers and the directors positions held by Bill Hopkins and Bob Cohen will be open for election.
It was announced that long-time member, John Snyder had died. Also the passing of noted rail photographer Bill Price and former Baltimore Chapter National Director Warren Olt were announced.
Rail news followed.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
Following a short social period, member Alex Mayes presented a slide program based on Teresa Renner's and his trip to the Pacific Northwest in Spring, 2002.
Respectfully submitted,
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Montgomery County Executive Office Building
The meeting was called to order shortly after 8 p.m. by President Gordy Bjoraker. Attendance was 38.
Bill Holdsworth read the minutes of the previous meeting.
Members approved a motion to spend $400 to make a 16mm copy of the 1925 film, Phantom Express, for the chapter. The chapter donated the film to the American Film Institute collection at the Library of Congress for preservation.
Jerry Hott reminded the members about the chapter picnic at Gaithersburg City Hall Park on September 28.
The business portion of the meeting adjourned at 8:29.
For the program, Lee Rogers showed historical slides from the Washington, D.C. area.
Directors reminded the membership that September 21 was day to clear out the storage locker of surplus materials. They also announced that the chapter would be moving to a smaller locker.
Montgomery County Executive Office Building
The meeting was called to order at 8:02 p.m. by Vice President Marc Laborde. Attendance was 41.
Bill Holdsworth read the minutes of the previous meeting.
Members approved a motion to donate the 1925 film, Phantom Express, from the chapter library to the American Film Institute collection at the Library of Congress for preservation. The library doesn't have a copy of the film. They will restore the film and have agreed to provide the chapter a 16mm copy in return.
Jerry Hott announced that the chapter picnic will be held at Gaithersburg City Hall Park on September 28.
Bob Cohen reported that the chapter has made a March 29 reservation at Sir Walter Raleigh in Montgomery Village for the chapter banquet.
The business portion of the meeting adjourned at 8:16.
For the program, John Sery showed three films from the Flack collection, including scenes of Pittsburgh trolleys, Philadelphia trolleys, Colorado narrow gauge steam, and Chessie Steam Specials.
Montgomery County Executive Office Building
The meeting was called to order at 8:04 p.m. by Vice President Marc Laborde. Attendance was 42.
Bill Holdsworth gave a synopsis of the previous meeting. Jay Creswell summarized the Treasurer's report.
Members approved a motion to donate $1,000 to the Maryland and Pensylvania Railroad Preservation Society.
The business portion of the meeting adjourned at 8:17.
Paul Woodring, Jim Mixter, Sidney Earle, Rudy Volin, Bob Kaplan, and Alex Mayes showed slides as part of the members' night program.
Montgomery County Executive Office Building
The meeting was called to order shortly after 8:00 p.m. by Vice President Marc Laborde. Attendance was 44.
Jay Creswell gave the Treasurer's report.
Members approved a motion to increase the annual dues for the chapter from $10 to $15. Approval followed a lengthy discussion of chapter expenses and debate about the necessity of the dues increase. The vote was 21 to 17 in favor of the motion.
The business portion of the meeting adjourned at 8:49.
Walt Minnick presented a slide program featuring photos of N&W and Canadian steam locomotives taken during the 1950s.
Montgomery County Executive Office Building
The meeting was called to order at 8:03 p.m. by President Gordy Bjoraker. Attendance was 42.
Bill Holdsworth read the minutes of the previous meeting. Jay Creswell gave the Treasurer's report.
Members approved a motion to authorize expenditure of up to $2,000 for banquet expenses.
The business portion of the meeting adjourned at 8:26.
John Sery announced that the July program would be a members' night show.
Jerry Hott reported that the restored Silver Spring station might be available as a possible meeting location.
Craig Sansonetti presented a slide program on the Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad.
Montgomery County Executive Office Building
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by President Gordy Bjoraker. Attendance was 47.
To allow time for the program, the club dispensed with the Treasurer's report and the reading of the minutes.
The business portion of the meeting adjourned at 8:04.
Members voted on the grand prize winner for the slide contest. The initial round of voting resulted a two-way tie. In the runoff voting, Mike Schaller emerged as the winner, with his shot of a freight train with Mt. Hood in the background.
Mark Perri presented a multimedia program, The Sounds and Sights of Eastern Railroads.
Montgomery County Executive Office Building
The meeting was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by President Gordy Bjoraker. Attendance was 38.
Bill Holdsworth read the minutes of the February meeting.
Jay Creswell gave the Treasurer's report summarizing February activity.
The meeting adjourned at about 8:20 p.m.
Rick Davidson announced that the Manassas Festival would be June 1. Potential volunteers should contact him.
After the business meeting, the chapter held its annual slide contest.
Montgomery County Executive Office Building
The meeting was called to order shortly after 8:08 p.m. by President Gordy Bjoraker. Attendance was 47.
Jay Creswell gave the Treasurer's report summarizing January activity.
Gordy presented a certificate of appreciation to Rick Davidson, in recognition of his service to the chapter.
Alex Mayes announced that only seven people had entered the slide contest and he would accept entries for the next week.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Rick Davidson announced that the Manassas Festival would be June 1. Potential volunteers should contact him.
Bill Hopkins presented a slide program featuring shots of the Southern Railway from the 1960s and 70s.
Montgomery County Executive Office Building
The meeting was called to order at 8:08 p.m. by Secretary Bill Holdsworth who was presiding in the absence of the President and Vice-President.
Jay Creswell gave the Treasurers Report for December, 2001 and reported the Chapter had made donations of $250 each to the Wilmington and Western Ry, the Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad Preservation Society, and the B&O Railroad Muserum. He also read the minutes of the December, 2001 membership meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
Rick Davidson announced that all but 30 renewals had been received and that renewals needed to be submitted by February 28, 2002 for a member to continue in good standing.
Jerry Hott announced that entries for the slide contest should be brought to the February membership meeting. Contest rules and an entry form were printed in this month's PRN.
There was no old or new business conducted.
The meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m. 42 persons were present.
A brief session of member contributions to rail news followed;
significant items included:
Paul Woodring announced that the Sand Patch Tower on the former
B&O had been demolished. Paul also announced that member Ray
Saunders, who is a CSX conductor, is now beginning training as a
locomotive engineer in Cumberland, MD.
John Morris announced the availability of new Amtrak and MARC timetables.
Jim Cummings told of a forthcoming "doodlebug" trip on the Wilmington and Western Ry on 1/28.
The evening concluded with a slide presentation by member Wayne Sherwin on his travels on the Union Pacific in the late 1950's and early 1960's.