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Potomac Chapter 2002 Board Minutes

Minutes of the 2002 Directors' Meetings

Potomac Chapter National Railway Historical Society, Inc.

Decmber 11, 2002

Red Brick Court House, Rockville

Gordy Bjoraker, President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary (via phone)
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
John Sery, Director at Large
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Jerry Hott, National Director
Marc Laborde, Vice President Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large

Directors approved Georg Quinn of Darnestown as a new member.

November 13, 2002

Red Brick Court House, Rockville

Gordy Bjoraker, President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
John Sery, Director at Large
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Jerry Hott, National Director
Marc Laborde, Vice President Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large

Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m.

Bill Holdsworth read the minutes of the previous meeting.

Directors discussed potential banquet speakers. Bob will ask Bill Howes whether he would be willing to speak at the event.

Directors approved a motion to recommend to the membership that they authorize the expenditure of up to $800 for the purchase of audio-visual equipment for the Silver Spring B&O station. The equipment would include a TV/VCR/DVD unit, as well as TV stand and B&O-related DVDs. Jay pointed out that Fales memorial fund could be used to purchase the DVDs, if needed.

Jerry Hott reported on the recent national directors' meeting. They approved a budget with a deficit. They may have to make cuts later.

Directors discussed potential candidates for donations from the small grants program.

The meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m.

October 9, 2002

Red Brick Court House, Rockville

Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
John Sery, Director at Large
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Gordy Bjoraker, President Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large

Marc Laborde called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.

Jay Creswell gave the Treasurer's report, detailing recent expenses.

Jay reported that he and Bill Holdsworth had discovered that the membership's authorization for the storage locker expense expired over two years ago. They urged that the matter be brought to the membership soon.

Directors discussed the allocation of passes for the chapter table at the upcoming Gaithersburg Railroad Show. Marc suggested that Bob Cohen develop a sign-up sheet for members interested in working the table.

Bob gave a report on the status of arrangements for the banquet. John Sery urged that the program contain a strong visual component. Marc asked that Bob prepare a list of potential speakers for the banquet and bring it to the next board meeting.

Jerry Hott raised the issue of a new location for the membership meetings. Some members find the parking inconvenient, now that we can't park in the garage. Marc asked Bill Hopkins to check with Richard Edwards getting detailed information about using the Kensington Library.

Directors discussed the need for a nominating committee. Marc said that he would talk to potential committee members.

The meeting adjourned shortly after 9:00 p.m.

September 17, 2002 (Special)

County Executive Office Building

Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
John Sery, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large  

Gordy Bjoraker presided over a special directors' meeting prior to the membership meeting. The meeting started at 7:21 p.m.

Directors approved a motion to spend $400 to make a 16mm copy of the 1925 film, Phantom Express, for the chapter. The vote was 4 to 3. The chapter donated the film to the American Film Institute collection at the Library of Congress for preservation. The library found that the preservation work was more expensive than expected and could no longer provide a free copy in return for the donation.

Directors approved a motion to move a 10 foot by 7 foot storage locker and defeated a motion to move to a 5 foot by 10 foot locker. The vote in each case was 4 to 3. Bill Holdsworth presented a proposal on the 5x10 locker. Bob Cohen reported that the 10x7 locker had just become available.Wayne Sherwin had sent an email stating that he was in favor of a 5x10 locker, but the board determined that his vote couldn't be used, because it didn't addresss the issue of a 10x7 locker. Directors agreed to move on the weekend of September 21, in association with the clear out.  

Directors approved a new chapter-only member, Jim Musgrove of Centreville, VA.

August 21, 2002 (Special)

County Executive Office Building

Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
John Sery, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large
Gordy Bjoraker, President

Marc Laborde presided over a short directors' meeting during the recess of the membership meeting.

Directors approved a motion that authorizes September 21 as a day to clear surplus materials from the storage locker, in preparation for moving to a smaller space.  These surplus materials would include:
--Old calendars (except for the multi-year sets),
--Extra slide trays stacked atop the file cabinet containing the Flack collection. (We would retain two of the approximately 10 trays),
--Two old computer monitors,
--Any other items that the executive committee believes have little or no material value and are surplus to the Chapter's foreseeable needs.  

On the morning of September 21, members would be invited to visit the locker and take any of the above materials they wish.  Anything leftover would be disposed of. The vote was 7 to 1, with Jay Creswell and Wayne Sherwin casting "yes" votes via email.

Directors agreed that the time for the members to visit should be 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Bob Cohen said that he would be able to sell the slide trays in advance of the clear out. He proved the point by selling five that night for $30.

July 16, 2002 (Special)

County Executive Office Building

Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
John Sery, Director at Large
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Gordy Bjoraker, President Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large

Marc Laborde called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Directors approved two new members, Melvyn Sacks of Silver Spring and Ted Hatcher of Washington, D.C.

Directors discussed the storage locker. They agreed that Bob Cohen should put our name on a waiting list. It was suggested that the board meet at the storage locker at 7:30 p.m. on the night of the next board meeting.

Directors discussed a possible donation to the Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad Preservation Society.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

June 12, 2002

Red Brick Courthouse, Rockville

Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
John Sery, Director at Large
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Gordy Bjoraker, President  

Marc Laborde called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m.

Bill Holdsworth read the minutes of the May meeting. Directors approved the minutes as read.

Jay Creswell gave the Treasurer's report, summarizing May expenses.

Directors discussed how to present the recommended dues increase at the upcoming membership meeting.

Directors discussed the banquet, including gifts for the speaker. They agreed the event went well. However, Jay reported estimated the loss at $700.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

May 7, 2002

Red Brick Courthouse, Rockville

Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Gordy Bjoraker, President John Sery, Director at Large

Marc Laborde called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.

Bill Holdsworth read the minutes of the April meeting.

Jay Creswell gave the Treasurer's report, summarizing April expenses. Jay reported that the monthly rent for the storage is increasing to $185.

Directors discussed the upcoming banquet, including gifts for the speaker. Jerry Hott will speak to the caterer, in hopes of avoiding some of the problems the Washington Chapter had at its banquet.

Jerry Hott reported that Gaithersburg City Hall park is available for the chapter picnic September 28. He will pursue making a reservation, even though it may involve a reservation fee.

Directors discussed reducing chapter expenses and how to present the recommended dues increase to the membership in June.

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

April 10, 2002

Red Brick Courthouse, Rockville

Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
John Sery, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large

Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m.

Bill Holdsworth distributed the minutes of the March meeting.

Jay Creswell gave the Treasurer's report, summarizing March expenses.

Jay distibuted a financial report which gave an overview of 2000 and 2001. Overall the financial assets of the chapter declined over $11,500. The chapter's normal operating expenses exceed its income. For 2001, the recurring deficit is $1,443. Special grants and purchases, such as Miller Tower and the Flack film collection, further increase the deficit.

Directors approved a motion to recommend to the membership that the chapter's annual dues be raised from $10 to $15. The motion specified that the recommendation be presented to the membership within two months. Jerry Hott's original motion recommended annual dues of $20, but after discussion he amended it to $15.

Jerry reported that five chapter members are due 25-year pins. He hasn't finalized the date for the picnic.

John Sery reported that restoration of the Silver Spring station should be complete this fall. When it opens, it may be available for our board meetings. Montgomery County History Days are scheduled for June 22-23. Montgomery Preservation would allow us to have a table there.

Jay mentioned the idea of a bus trip to the Wilimington and Western as a chapter excursion.

The meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m.

March 13, 2002

Red Brick Courthouse, Rockville

Gordy Bjoraker, President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Marc Laborde, Vice President John Sery, Director at Large
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large

Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:12 p.m.

Bill Holdsworth read the minutes of the February meeting.

Directors discussed possible locations for the monthly board meetings. They will continue to meet in the Red Brick Courthouse, unless they can find a better location. Jay Creswell will investigate whether the Kensington station is still available, now that it is unstaffed.

Directors approved a motion to set the price for the June 9 banquet at $29.50. They defeated a motion to set the price at $32.50. The chapter faces a potential loss on the event. Directors agreed that special efforts should be made to publicize the banquet with all rail organizations in the area.

The board discussed potential dates for the annual picnic. They agreed that September 21 and September 28 were the best dates. Directors preferred to avoid the weekend of Olde Towne Day. Jerry will determine the date of that event and request the other weekend for our picnic.

Directors agreed that the chapter should make old calendars available to members before we dispose of them.

The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

February 13, 2002

Kensington B&O (MARC) Railway Station

Gordy Bjoraker, President
Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
John Sery, Director at Large
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Rick Davidson, Membership Agent
Jerry Hott, National Director  

Gordy Bjoraker called the meeting to order at 8:07 p.m.

Directors discussed the chapter storage locker. They set a goal to downsize from a 10' x 10' locker to a 5' x 10' locker within the next three months. Directors hope to save approximately $90 in monthly rental costs. Marc Laborde and Bob Cohen described the contents of the locker. Directors agreed that we should dispose of the old calendars to help make the downsizing feasible. Bob Cohen is concerned that materials will be difficult to access in the smaller space. Some of the other directors are willing to dispose of more materials, if necessary.

Jay Creswell gave the Treasurer's report. He reported that the deposit has been made for the banquet.

Directors approved a motion to authorize Alex Mayes to dispose of the chapter's old slide projector.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Three eastbound trains passed during the meeting.

January 15, 2002 (Special)

County Executive Office Building

Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Jerry Hott, National Director
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
Marc Laborde, Vice President
John Sery, Director at Large
Gordy Bjoraker, President

Bill Holdsworth presided over a short directors' meeting during the recess of the membership meeting.

Directors approved a motion to authorize the expenditure of up to $500 to make a deposit for a banquet at LaFontaine Bleu in Lanham on June 9. The catering facility requires a guarantee of 75 guests. Jerry Hott reported that he had arranged for Paul Reistrup as speaker.

January 9, 2002

Kensington B&O (MARC) Railway Station

Marc Laborde, Vice President
Bill Holdsworth, Secretary
Jay Creswell, Treasurer
Bob Cohen, Director at Large
Jerry Hott, National Director
Wayne Sherwin, Director at Large
Bill Hopkins, Director at Large
John Sery, Director at Large Gordy Bjoraker, President

Marc Laborde called the meeting to order at 8:04 p.m.

Jay Creswell gave the Treasurer's report. He reported that the Wilmington & Western Railroad, the Baltimore & Ohio museum, and the Ma & Pa Historical Society each received $250 as part of the small grant program.

Directors discussed the annual banquet. The directors agreed that LaFontaine Bleu in Lanham would be a good location and that May 5 would be a good date. Jerry Hott will followup on whether the date is available.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Two eastbound trains passed during the meeting.