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You have just entered room "fmspagettiblenders."
BEDT14 has entered the room.
RG7750 has entered the room.
BEDT14 (8:09:38 PM): whaaa?
CenturyC636 (8:09:42 PM): rofl.
RG7750 (8:09:43 PM): Hey
BEDT14 (8:09:45 PM): spaghetti
BEDT14 (8:09:55 PM): fairbanks morse?
RG7750 (8:09:58 PM): Photo link to BEDT 14 on RYPN
CenturyC636 (8:09:58 PM): yeah
RG7750 (8:10:12 PM): Apparently it is running on weekends or sometime.
CenturyC636 (8:10:14 PM): our friend is/was makign a fairbanks morse powered ice cream maker
BEDT14 (8:10:16 PM): anything exciting or the usual lack of work recently photo
BEDT14 (8:10:30 PM): 14 running? HAH!
CenturyC636 (8:10:33 PM): LOL
RG7750 (8:10:43 PM): Apparently when you are not around
BEDT14 (8:10:52 PM): not with the a-holes in this Society
CenturyC636 (8:10:53 PM): i dunno who hates there group or him..
BEDT14 (8:11:01 PM): jackoffs
CenturyC636 (8:11:01 PM): or the holes in the water tanks!
BEDT14 (8:11:16 PM): couldn't kake a beer fart in a whirlwind
BEDT14 (8:11:23 PM): *make
RG7750 (8:12:14 PM): Do I sense...hostility?
BEDT14 (8:12:35 PM): UDRRHS = Uninterested & Devoid of Repair Rehabilitation
RG7750 (8:13:13 PM): What do they run?
BEDT14 (8:13:14 PM): yes, you do
BEDT14 (8:13:18 PM): nothing
CenturyC636 (8:13:26 PM): Uncordinated & Discombobulated RR Historical Society
RG7750 (8:13:29 PM): You have track and you run nothing?
BEDT14 (8:13:41 PM): Everything is a clusterfart
BEDT14 (8:13:51 PM): Society has no track
CenturyC636 (8:13:55 PM): "somebody" blew up there spedder
BEDT14 (8:13:59 PM): static displays only
BEDT14 (8:14:02 PM): LOL
CenturyC636 (8:14:29 PM): :-D
BEDT14 (8:14:38 PM): yeah.... the Prez and the guy in charge of the Speeder
BEDT14 (8:14:42 PM): blew it up
BEDT14 (8:14:49 PM): but wipes
RG7750 (8:14:58 PM): I need a job that requires no effort or work, yet gets me large checks in the mail every day.
BEDT14 (8:15:16 PM): j/o has a NARCOA license less than one year, thinks he knew it all
CenturyC636 (8:15:17 PM): A goat keeper at the zoo?
CenturyC636 (8:15:22 PM): and POOF!
BEDT14 (8:15:26 PM): :-D
CenturyC636 (8:15:54 PM): a speeder in 300000 pieces on the floor of the garage in roxbury..
RG7750 (8:15:59 PM): Searching eBay for electric motors
CenturyC636 (8:16:06 PM): ( they put it back together yet? )
BEDT14 (8:16:10 PM): Pelican. you need to explain to goat WHY I'm so anti Society
CenturyC636 (8:16:19 PM): ROFL!
BEDT14 (8:16:43 PM): if I start, someone from Scoiety is going to turn up dead
CenturyC636 (8:16:47 PM): LOL
BEDT14 (8:16:49 PM): jackoffs
BEDT14 (8:17:08 PM): couldn;t get outta the way of their own shadow
CenturyC636 (8:17:32 PM): or, in Dicks case, the spatchula...cuz thats all i ever seen him do..
RG7750 (8:17:38 PM): Paul tells me you strongly resemble Ron Jeremy. Is that true?
BEDT14 (8:17:45 PM): Comatose quadrapeligics gotta better chance of getting something done
CenturyC636 (8:17:49 PM): where the hell did that come from?
BEDT14 (8:17:52 PM): LOL!!!
BEDT14 (8:17:55 PM): Ron Jeremy!
BEDT14 (8:18:12 PM): Paul wishes he had Ron Jeremys TOOL and MONEY
RG7750 (8:18:33 PM): Well, quadrapelegics come from accidents where the spinal cord is severed below the atlas and axis of the spinal column.
CenturyC636 (8:18:40 PM): fuck you!
CenturyC636 (8:18:43 PM): skunk, that is
BEDT14 (8:19:24 PM): we got 5 active members (other than I) and they haven't been able to produce:
BEDT14 (8:19:44 PM): Rack Cards, Brochures, Website Updates
BEDT14 (8:19:48 PM): Grant Requests
CenturyC636 (8:19:53 PM): or a speeder in more then 3 pieces
BEDT14 (8:19:57 PM): Painitng BEDT 14
BEDT14 (8:20:12 PM): repairing a speeder that we shouldn't be operating for rides
BEDT14 (8:20:25 PM): We do have lots of ideas that are stillborn!
CenturyC636 (8:20:38 PM): like castrating dick?
RG7750 (8:21:20 PM): Castration? Where did that come from????
BEDT14 (8:21:24 PM): I'm actually trying to convince Paul for asking for a refund of his membership dues
CenturyC636 (8:21:31 PM): LOL
RG7750 (8:21:49 PM): You know that won't happen.
BEDT14 (8:21:59 PM): of course
CenturyC636 (8:22:00 PM): With a call to NRHS it may...
RG7750 (8:22:03 PM): But seriously, folks, he gave it a shot and got shot down.
BEDT14 (8:22:19 PM): like I said... they can't even turn off a light
CenturyC636 (8:22:30 PM): or in RMLIs case..the a/c
BEDT14 (8:22:43 PM): oh, the NRHS is going to get a call.
BEDT14 (8:22:48 PM): that I guarantee
BEDT14 (8:22:56 PM): tell him why, Paul...
RG7750 (8:23:10 PM): Yes, tell me why Paul?
CenturyC636 (8:23:12 PM): wow, my first name in stead of a body part and or farm animal..
RG7750 (8:23:25 PM): Ass nibbler
CenturyC636 (8:23:32 PM): te other dick, a bigger dick is holding 2 office positions
RG7750 (8:23:59 PM): No, that dick has a bush
BEDT14 (8:24:00 PM): Richard Makse is alcoholic lazy excuse making egotistical lump of shit
CenturyC636 (8:24:15 PM): shit! i hit off button..oops
BEDT14 (8:24:16 PM): nice going Pelican
RG7750 (8:24:20 PM): Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think.
BEDT14 (8:24:23 PM): I hung up
CenturyC636 (8:24:37 PM): what else is there? hes a dick!
BEDT14 (8:24:44 PM): Dick Makse lives up to his name
CenturyC636 (8:24:57 PM): or as put it...a "cocksucker"
RG7750 (8:25:05 PM): Who is this unfortunate?
CenturyC636 (8:25:08 PM): phil^
BEDT14 (8:25:11 PM): he probably can't even finish that job
CenturyC636 (8:25:14 PM): LOL
BEDT14 (8:25:25 PM): I'm not used to inaction.
CenturyC636 (8:25:39 PM): there treasury person/secritary
BEDT14 (8:25:40 PM): I know I'm impatient, but shit....
CenturyC636 (8:25:42 PM): or lack there of
BEDT14 (8:26:09 PM): this idiot, is Treasurer, Secretary, Webmaster, Membership Coordinator
BEDT14 (8:26:15 PM): Press Agent
BEDT14 (8:26:22 PM): Archivist
CenturyC636 (8:26:37 PM): or says he is atleast
RG7750 (8:26:38 PM): Okay
BEDT14 (8:26:51 PM): but the problem is, he doesn't do ANY of his responsibilities
BEDT14 (8:27:07 PM): Website not updated since I don't know when.
CenturyC636 (8:27:08 PM): he makes a good hamburger though!
RG7750 (8:27:13 PM): So he's not all bad.
BEDT14 (8:27:19 PM): I've been paying dues for three years....
BEDT14 (8:27:28 PM): As of this year... I'm a new member
CenturyC636 (8:27:34 PM): i've been paying dues for 3 months...and im nothing!
BEDT14 (8:27:46 PM): you gotta be kidding
CenturyC636 (8:27:54 PM): lol
BEDT14 (8:27:54 PM): he' cant cook
BEDT14 (8:28:00 PM): another legend in his own mind
CenturyC636 (8:28:07 PM): I can cook though..
CenturyC636 (8:28:18 PM): my tacos tonite would woop jose's ass around the block
RG7750 (8:28:19 PM): I'm out of my mind. Leave a message
BEDT14 (8:28:20 PM): he cooks on charcoal, so he thinks he's a chef
CenturyC636 (8:28:25 PM): LOL
CenturyC636 (8:29:24 PM): i got a date with jen...
RG7750 (8:29:25 PM): I am growing jalopenos in my garden
CenturyC636 (8:29:34 PM): Nice.
RG7750 (8:29:36 PM): Hope to kick some ass with those
CenturyC636 (8:29:41 PM): our garden looks like a forest
BEDT14 (8:29:43 PM): no shit?
RG7750 (8:29:50 PM): With Jenn?
CenturyC636 (8:29:57 PM): yeah were going to greenport
RG7750 (8:30:00 PM): Gonna go for the big switch over?
RG7750 (8:30:04 PM): Total makeover.
RG7750 (8:30:13 PM): Oh, crap
CenturyC636 (8:30:19 PM): hellll no..were going to look at all the faggs!
RG7750 (8:30:47 PM): Well, why not?
CenturyC636 (8:31:00 PM): stop drooling both of yous..
RG7750 (8:31:51 PM): I think you and the chick wshould attempt to get it on, and find out what you're both missing.
CenturyC636 (8:32:38 PM): she cant stand penis. trust me...
RG7750 (8:32:41 PM):
RG7750 (8:33:16 PM): Well, your friend Ron Jeremy...uh, I mean Phil could Phil her!
RG7750 (8:33:26 PM): After all, I'm just a Dick
CenturyC636 (8:33:33 PM): LOL!
CenturyC636 (8:33:48 PM): maybe Pauls boiler will fit on that pacific chassis?
CenturyC636 (8:34:08 PM): the K4 is pretty cool
RG7750 (8:34:10 PM): He doesn't yet have a boiler.
RG7750 (8:34:17 PM): Nor will it fit on that chassis
CenturyC636 (8:34:21 PM): oh...smokebox cover..
RG7750 (8:34:37 PM): This is a nice loco, but too expensive for me.
CenturyC636 (8:34:55 PM): you could buy a car for that much!
RG7750 (8:35:47 PM): Heck yes! THese guys are all independently wealthy
RG7750 (8:37:41 PM): Which is why I'd have to start from junk.
RG7750 (8:37:49 PM): I have to learn to weld first.
CenturyC636 (8:40:29 PM): you and me both
RG7750 (8:42:11 PM): I am going to need to drop here. The Space Station is approaching and I want to try to see it.
CenturyC636 (8:43:04 PM): Ok
RG7750 has left the room.
Session concluded at 8:43:18 PM