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RG7750 (10:02:01 PM): Talk at me.
CenturyC636 (10:02:06 PM): ill talk TO you
RG7750 (10:02:15 PM): That as well.
CenturyC636 (10:02:23 PM): went to the tug
CenturyC636 (10:02:26 PM): had a VERY good meeting
RG7750 (10:02:43 PM): In terms of what?
CenturyC636 (10:02:53 PM): know the annual NYC tugboat race/festival?
RG7750 (10:03:02 PM): No
CenturyC636 (10:03:06 PM): BIG event
CenturyC636 (10:03:09 PM): anyway
CenturyC636 (10:03:36 PM): riding in witht hem from greenport, staying over in the tug in manhatten, participating in the race and coming back
RG7750 (10:03:54 PM): Puking your guts up...
CenturyC636 (10:03:55 PM): and im getting deckhand training
RG7750 (10:04:17 PM): That's very cool. DId you talk money?
CenturyC636 (10:04:23 PM): zilcho.
RG7750 (10:04:44 PM): Then don't do it.
RG7750 (10:04:57 PM): You need to start earning some bread, or go to school.
CenturyC636 (10:05:06 PM): im essentially in the in there already, its jus tthe 2 owners, i might be in charge of volunteer base
CenturyC636 (10:05:23 PM): its only a weekend thing, and it comes with job placement
CenturyC636 (10:05:37 PM): the one owner is a tug capt in NYC now
RG7750 (10:05:56 PM): You could help drown gangsters.
CenturyC636 (10:06:00 PM): indeed
CenturyC636 (10:06:14 PM): you got mail.
RG7750 (10:06:18 PM): Okay
CenturyC636 (10:06:29 PM): mother and them hit it off VERY well
RG7750 (10:06:50 PM): Mother?
CenturyC636 (10:06:56 PM): mothern
CenturyC636 (10:07:00 PM): mother*
RG7750 (10:07:21 PM): "No make sure Paulie wears a scarf around his neck and his warm cap. I don't want him catching cold.
CenturyC636 (10:07:26 PM): LOL
RG7750 (10:07:32 PM): Oh yes, keep Paulie out of the whorehouses.
CenturyC636 (10:07:36 PM): rofl
CenturyC636 (10:07:51 PM): while we were discussing turkey, a grandpa and kid came
CenturyC636 (10:08:01 PM): the gangway wasent up, so you had to hop the bukhead to get on
RG7750 (10:08:04 PM): And no buggering him over the poop railing!
RG7750 (10:08:12 PM): But Mom! I want to be buggered!
CenturyC636 (10:08:17 PM): as there getting off, kid looses his shoe in the water
RG7750 (10:08:18 PM): Shut up Paulie.
CenturyC636 (10:10:08 PM): lord.
RG7750 (10:10:29 PM): Good dialog, huh?
CenturyC636 (10:10:39 PM): you scare me
CenturyC636 (10:11:30 PM): check your mail
RG7750 (10:13:25 PM): I am still male. I checked.
CenturyC636 (10:13:44 PM): hitting the booze again eh
RG7750 (10:13:57 PM): Actually, yes!
RG7750 (10:14:00 PM): You're good!
CenturyC636 (10:14:03 PM): LOL
RG7750 (10:14:15 PM): I am having a Margarita as we speak, and getting wasted.
CenturyC636 (10:14:37 PM): lord
RG7750 (10:15:17 PM): Tug looks nice.
RG7750 (10:15:53 PM): I would want to have some assurance of what your future role would be, and what it would pay, and what bennies you would get.
RG7750 (10:16:05 PM): You can't volunteer for a living.
CenturyC636 (10:16:43 PM): see message from: 10:05:23 PM
RG7750 (10:16:59 PM): I guess not
CenturyC636 (10:17:15 PM): tug is in GREAT shape
CenturyC636 (10:17:23 PM): engine room is cleaner then anything
RG7750 (10:17:44 PM): Show me the money!
CenturyC636 (10:17:56 PM): he said one thing i liked
CenturyC636 (10:18:06 PM): we dont worry about money here....we dont have any.
RG7750 (10:18:14 PM): LOL
CenturyC636 (10:18:33 PM): im gonna shy away from RMLI i think
CenturyC636 (10:18:38 PM): i cant put up with the BS anymore
RG7750 (10:18:47 PM): Nothing gets done.
CenturyC636 (10:18:52 PM): wentt past today
RG7750 (10:18:56 PM): Is the combine gone?
CenturyC636 (10:19:02 PM): not a THING was done since i was there left
CenturyC636 (10:19:05 PM): nothing touched
CenturyC636 (10:19:12 PM): car hasent been finished painted
CenturyC636 (10:19:56 PM): last newsletter i got
CenturyC636 (10:20:03 PM): entire thing is crying about money
CenturyC636 (10:40:05 PM): sad, to
RG7750 (10:40:37 PM): It's a spiral of loss
CenturyC636 (10:40:48 PM): i give up
CenturyC636 (10:40:52 PM): i put i alot of time there
CenturyC636 (10:40:56 PM): its getting nowhere fast
RG7750 (10:41:56 PM): I guess it's your decision to make. Just don't burn bridges., particularly with TF, assuming you want to reamin with them
CenturyC636 (10:42:10 PM): the way its going i dont even know about that
CenturyC636 (10:42:22 PM): trust me though, if i get static, bridges will burn.
RG7750 (10:43:20 PM): I don't see RMLI ever being a destiny for anyone, at anytime.
CenturyC636 (10:43:36 PM): we have a log book for people that visit
CenturyC636 (10:43:39 PM): one person signed it
RG7750 (10:43:39 PM): It's a collection of junk, or decent stuff being allowed to decay.
CenturyC636 (10:43:42 PM): in the comment section
CenturyC636 (10:43:45 PM): "this place sucked"
RG7750 (10:45:21 PM): That doesn't surprise me either
RG7750 (10:45:32 PM): It's not even a place for school tours
CenturyC636 (10:45:43 PM): nope
CenturyC636 (10:46:17 PM): its a fucking soccor field
CenturyC636 (10:46:26 PM): with a hung of scrap metal sinking into the ground
CenturyC636 (10:51:09 PM): do anything on the layout?
RG7750 (10:51:25 PM): No, not really.
RG7750 (10:52:44 PM): You?
CenturyC636 (10:52:48 PM): made good progress on mine
CenturyC636 (10:52:52 PM): got a new powerpack
CenturyC636 (10:53:05 PM): wired in alot to
RG7750 (10:53:05 PM): For as long as you live there.
CenturyC636 (10:53:13 PM): its portable this time.
RG7750 (10:53:13 PM): That's good
RG7750 (10:54:54 PM): I need to brush my teeth and hit the hay
RG7750 (10:55:01 PM): TTYL

RG7750 signed off at 10:55:10 PM.

Session concluded at 10:56:06 PM