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ESPEE - Texas Industrial District

Texas Industrial District


I got my inspiration for the layout from Byron Henderson's website.  The article, San Jose Shelf Switcher: Small N scale switcher built from on-hand components is fun to run, gave the much needed push to get something to run in my apartment. The trackplan is basically the same, but adjusted to fit the track I had on-hand.  I figured that the layout will a general representation of a industrial branch that many railroads operate in most moderate sized towns or cities. Except mine will be operated by the SP. I also changed some of the industries to represent ones that I have seen. The links on the right will take to pics and comments of the differnt building phases.

The Plan: click for a larger view

The turnouts are Mirco Engineering code 55 #6s and the track is Atlas code 55 flex track.


I wanted my benchwork to be light as possible, but strong enough to be moved often. Being a civil engineer, I approached this like a bridge promblem. After some studing and testing I determined that I was going to use 1"x2" demisional lumber and 1/4" thick foam core board for the top. I would have used 1/2" plywood ripped into 2" strips because they be straighter but due the fact that I don't have a table saw and the nearest Home Depot is an hour away, I stuck with the 1"x2"s. It did take me awhile to go thourgh the pile of 1"x2"s to find the straightest, but in the end it was worth it.

Since being a poor college student I did not have the funds to buy power tools, so a used a miter box and saw to cut the lumber and nails & wood glue to assemble the frame.

After I built the frame I found a freind have a drill i could use and I drilled holes in the cross braces. This not only made the frame lighter, but it also allows me to run wires from end to end. 

I bought two shelf brackets and then screwed a piece of 1"x2" on top, so the bracket could support the layout.

After hanging the brackets and setting the frame on top, I then layed a a sheet of foam core board and traced the out line of the frame onto the board. Then I used a utility knife and cut the sheet to fit. I glued the cut sheet to the frame with Elmer's all purpose glue.

Final Pics Before Dismantling

Before I had to dismantle the layout for a move I took a few last pics. The layout was operational and had mockups of the structures.





Copyright � Marshall Peterson 2007