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Fort Smith Trolley Museum Part 2 9/11/2010

by Chris Guenzler

Since yesterday's visit did not include the full trolley ride, when I returned to Fort Smith from the Arkansas and Missouri rare mileage trip, I detrained and walked over to the car barn to see if it would be convenient to ride the other part of the line. I walked over to where I had boarded yesterday to wait and Car 224 came to the station by the mural and had a full load of passengers so I set up for a picture.

Car 224 passed my location but did not stop.

A going-away shot.

The car stopped and I walked down for another picture then returned to the station where the people boarded. The crew came up with a great idea since time was not on our side. When the trolley returned, the operator was told to run non-stop to the end of the line to get back here in ten minutes. Then they would unload the first group and we would board for a non-stop except to change ends at each end of the line, so we would be back in plenty of time to reboard our trolley.

Car 224 returned to the station and our group all boarded for the quickest trip ever on the Fort Smith Trolley line.

Car 224 started our trip.

The train took the tight curve to turn east.

Car 224 has crossed the crossing.

The trolley ran past this switch.

Members of our train group took pictures of us while I shot a picture of them.

The train took the next slight curve.

You could see the MKT car and the nose of the steam engine.

The cemetery is on the other side of this wall.

The last curve on this part of the line.

The end of the line.

Car 224 switched ends and poles, at which time we departed that end of the line and would travel to the other end non-stop.

Views as we travelled to the other end of the trolley line, where we switched ends and poles again.

From here we returned to where we started. I thanked the Fort Smith Trolley staff for the excellent quick trip before we all returned to our excursion train.